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'He just left, said he quit and took off, I don't know where to but he's gone, and I think he's gone for good' Mikey explained over the phone. I was using my aunties phone seeing as mine was still in England.

'Mikey I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, ever since me and Andy got together I just caused arguments between you and the boys' I replied, holding back the tears

'Gabby why did you leave, you knew Andy was going to find out sooner or later, you should have told him in person, not let him find out by a fan who was threatening you' I sighed, I knew he was right, but it was too late. I worried for Andy, what he was going to do, where he went, he has never gone so far as to quit the band. I heard the other boys walk in on the other end

'Oh erm hey guys' he greeted them awkwardly but I didn't hear their reply 'I have to tell you something' my heart broke for Mikey, he had to tell them that Andy had left, when that wasn't his problem, it was mine.

'What is it?' I heard Jack say, hearing their voices made me feel even guiltier, Mikey sighed and told them the story

'What do you mean he's quit, gone for good' Rye said, sounding quite angry

'I asked him when he was coming back and he said to tell you he was sorry, but he can't do it anymore and that he quits, and then he ran off' the line cut off, he must've realised I could hear their conversation.

'Knock knock' I spun my head to the door, which my auntie was walking through, she had the brightest smile on her face and I smiled back

'Hey' I replied happily, trying to cover my sadness

'Are you doing okay, settled in well?' I nodded and looked around, it was weird being here, I didn't really know my auntie that well, we would text but that's the majority of our relationship, I could see my mum in her, they looked so alike it was scary.

'So my friends are coming over for a meal soon if you want to join us, they have children your age, they'll be here in about an hour' I nodded

'Yeah sounds fun, I'll get ready now' she smiled once more, beaming as she walked out the room. I dragged my suitcase up and pulled some clothes out, although it was hot I got my blue ripped jeans and a grey crop top. I didn't have any makeup on so I quickly did my face and straightened my hair, just in time as once I was ready, there was a knock at the door. I didn't like meeting new people, it scared me that they judge me as soon as they see me.

I came downstairs and saw a man and a women stood in the hall, behind them was a tallish dark haired boy, he was tanned and quite attractive, there was a younger girl, about 5 I would say, clinging onto his arm, she looked completely different, she had long blonde hair and was quite pale, they were talking and he was making her laugh which was cute.

'Oh, this is Gabby, my niece, she flew over from England to stay with me for a few months' I smiled and said hi, they were nice which calmed my nerves a little.

'Hey, I'm Lisa, this is John, and that's my son Charlie and my daughter Lottie' they both looked up at me when their names were mentioned, his eyes were a dark green, with hints of blue, he smiled towards me

'Hi...' he said, having his arm pulled by his sister, he didn't look away from me, his parents had followed my auntie into the kitchen, and his sister had ran after them

'Hey' I said and walked down the last few steps, shrinking down, he was much taller than me, I laughed at the height difference, I'm normally taller or the same height as people back home

'What's funny?' He smiled down to me, his accent was so nice, it was soft.

'You're just very tall, makes me feel tiny' I replied making him laugh

'You are tiny' he joked. It was weird, we had just met but I felt comfortable around him, like I knew him

'Well that's rude, with everyone else I'm pretty tall actually' he raised his eyebrows

'Lottie, come here for a second' he shouted through to his sister, she ran back in standing next to me, she was only a few cm smaller than me

'Now that's funny' he laughed throwing his head back

'Have I shrunk or something, or is everyone in New Zealand just tall' they both walked back into the kitchen, leaving me stood facing the door, confused as to why I was so small, I laughed and joined them in the kitchen

We all laughed and got to know each other over dinner, they all asked me questions about England and would laughat words I'd say, and they told me all the nice places to visit in New Zealand

'There's this one place, a little beach with really cute shops on the walk, it's only a few minutes away' Charlie said, his eyes shone, he was speaking so passionately and it made me want to see where he was talking about

'Well can we go?' I said, instantly feeling awkward, I had just met them and I already asked him to come out, he smiled

'Of course, when do you want to go?' I shrugged, still feeling slightly awkward

'Well we're going to clean up and chat so why don't you go now, you can show Gabby around, and if you're out long enough you can catch the sunset, it's always prettiest then' my auntie said, picking up a few plates

'She's right, it is the prettiest then' A big smile crossed my face, I loved things like this, little beaches, cute shops. I was really hot so I quickly ran upstairs to change, I got some shorts, and kept the same top on.

'Ready?' I said looking into the kitchen, he nodded and stood up, following me outside.

It wasn't what I had imagined, it was better. The beach was empty and all you could see was the crystal water rolling into the shore. It was breathtaking, the little shops were adorable, there were lights stung from the shops to the trees, I wanted to stay until dark to see them lit.

We got an ice cream from a little hut, and sat on the beach, we were in silence but it was nice, just watching the waves, it was peacefully, took my mind off of everything that was happening back home, which made me feel bad, that I was happy, living in paradise, and they were at home, stressing, because of me, it didn't seem fair.

'What's on your mind?' I clicked back into reality and looked at Charlie

'Oh nothing, just enjoying the view, it's beautiful' he nodded and looked back towards me

'It is, now what's actually on your mind?' I laughed

'Nothing, why'd you think there's something on my mind?' He shrugged

'I can just tell, it's fine if you don't want to say' I shook my head

'No it's alright, just things happening at home' he nodded

'I'm sure it's not your fault, and whatever is happening will be sorted soon' he said smiling at me

'Well, if sleeping with your boyfriends best friend and being pregnant with one of their baby's and now my boyfriend has left the band that they are all in, is classed as not my fault then I guess it's not' I said quite fast, closing my eyes straight after feeling awkward for spilling all my problems to him, he didn't reply just looked at me 'I'm sorry' I said trying to soften the awkwardness

'Don't be, listen, that sounds quite bad but is that why you came here? To get away from all the stress?' I shook my head

'I left before he found out, which makes it worse, also please don't tell anyone, my auntie doesn't know yet' he nodded

'I won't, but have you spoken to him, your boyfriend?' I shook my head and looked down, playing with my ice cream in the tub

'No' I quietly replied

'Maybe that's where you should start'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now