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He broke down, dropping to the floor, he put his face in his hands, and hit the wall, making his knuckles bleed

'Jack, come here' I said sitting next to him and hugging him again 'do you want to talk about it' he didn't reply for a minute

'It was august, when he died, in his sleep, it was my night to have him, I went in in the morning and he was lay in his bed, but he never woke up' my heart broke at the words coming out of his mouth 'he was only two months old, and his mum blamed me for it, said it was my fault, maybe it was, I still don't know, it's still all a blur, I can't remember any of what happened because of the shock' a tear fell from my eye

'Jack, it's not your fault, never think that ever, you are such an incredible guy, you can't put yourself down like that' he cried into my shoulder. Seeing him this upset made me realise, I can't loose my baby, I had to speak to Gabby, get her to come back, even if it wasn't mine, she had to be near me or Brook. He sat up, wiping his tears and composing himself

'I'm sorry' I shook my head

'Never apologise for being upset, I'm always here and so are the other boys, why did you hold it in all this time, you know we'd never judge you' he nodded and we stood up, going back to the flat

'Thankyou for being here, it feels better to get it off my chest' he said before we went inside, I gave him one last hug

'Always bro' we went in and got back into bed, he was asleep after a while but I couldn't get her off my mind, knowing her and the baby were on the other side of the world, living a new life, wondering if she missed me. I text her

'I know we haven't spoke in a while but I hope things are okay, I'll give you a call tomorrow, I think we need to speak about everything and what we're going to do, I still care about you Gabs, forever and always x'

I put my phone down and tried to sleep, I couldn't get it off my mind, Jacks story, Gabby, the baby.


The phone rang, and rang, but there was no answer. I had tried four times, I began to think maybe she didn't want to speak to me, after we last spoke it didn't end on the best terms.

'Bro maybe she's out, just leave it abit and call her later' Mikey reassured me, I nodded and tried to distract myself. I looked at Jack, facing the wall, the boys thought he was ill but I knew, he was more than ill, I hated seeing him upset, but there was nothing I could do.

'Someone come Asda, we need tea' I heard Rye shout from the kitchen, I jumped up

'I'll come' I needed something to distract me from Gabby, I threw my jacket on and we left. The walk wasn't too long and by the time we arrived back only an hour had past. I tried Gabby again but there was no answer

'Is she answering?' I saw Jacks head pop up at the side of my bed, I sighed and shook my head, he stared at me for a minute then sat back down, getting his computer out. I turned on the football and sat back, trying to clear my mind.

Did she not want to talk to me? Was she okay? Will I ever talk to her again? All head questions were spinning around my head. It was getting darker outside and the boys were at the gym, apart from me and Jack

'How are you feeling?' I asked, being able to ask him as it was just us two since he told me the story, he sighed

'I'm alright, but listen can we not talk about it, if I ever want to I'll come to you, but right now is not the time' I nodded, understanding, it must be so hard for him

'Sure, you know you don't have to go through this alone right, I'm here, all the boys aswell' he smiled but something was on his mind, he was searching the floor throwing a few clothes on his bed 'what're you doing?' I asked looking down at him

'I'm gonna go home for a few days, I need to go sort something out, I'll be home before the Bristol show' he grabbed a bag and folded some clothes in it

'Have you booked flights?' He nodded, still stressing out

'Yeah, they leave early tomorrow morning' he looked up at me, his face looked full of hurt, like he was ready to burst all his emotions, I jumped down and hugged him

'It'll be okay, honestly you can get through this, I know you can' he took a deep breath in, wiping a few tears and composing himself, he zipped his bag and put it under his bed

'What will I tell the boys?' He looked worried

'Well if you're not ready to tell them the story, just say you're going to see your family for a few days, they won't think anything of it' he nodded, laying down, rubbing his face. I patted his shoulder and went into the kitchen, about to make a cup of tea.

'Boys who wants some food' I heard Mikey shout, walking into the room, followed by Brook and Rye, they were being rowdy until they noticed Jack was trying to sleep

'What's up with Jack? Do you think it's just the flu?' Rye asked popping his head around the corner, I shrugged

'I'm sure he'll be fine soon, but who mentioned food, I could eat' he smiled

'Nando's?' I nodded and quickly put some clothes on


We were all stuffed from the Nando's, as always, we trudged up the stairs into the flat, it was quiet so we all stopped talking, trying not to wake up Jack, I went into the kitchen, putting the kettle on

'Jack?' Mikey said looking into the kitchen looking confused 'where's Jack?' I frowned and shrugged

'I don't know, I was with you' I went into the room and saw his bed was empty, the bathroom was empty and so was Blairs room, I lifted his mattress and saw his bag had gone.

His flight home was tomorrow morning so I didn't know where he went and why he took his bag

'What're you looking for?' Brook asked

'He booked a flight home earlier but it doesn't leave till tomorrow but his bag is gone' the boys looked confused

'Whys he going home?' I sighed, it wasn't my place to tell them the story

'He just wanted to see him family before the Bristol show' they nodded

'So where is he now if his flight doesn't leave till tomorrow?'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now