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Andys POV~

I had been travelling for so long, things were delayed but I finally made it, it was weird, like I didn't know the place.

I walked down the road and saw the house, walked up the drive and knocked, she opened the door

'Andy? This is a surprise, what're you doing here?' I smiled to her, as she moved letting me come in

'I don't know what to do mum, everything's messed up' I said as she hugged me

'What do you mean darling?' I sighed and began to speak

'It's Gabby, she's pregnant and I was so happy and then I found out it might be Brooks and now she's all the way in New Zealand, she left her mess here and I can't go back to the flat, not right now and I' I spilled, all of my feelings rushing out, tears were rolling down my cheeks, I hated showing emotion but I had to, I couldn't keep it in any longer, my mum wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight, it was weird always being away from her, the one person who could keep me grounded, other than the boys and Gabby but I couldn't see them right now.

'Slow down, start from the beginning' my mum said once I had calmed down, we sat at the kitchen table and I explained everything that had happened in the past few days

'And now she's just in New Zealand, why did she leave if she knew she was having a baby?' I shrugged

'She was getting a lot of hate from fans, it was my idea for her to leave, but she didn't stop me' I rested my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands, letting out a loud sigh

'Well you can stay here as long as you need, it is still your house' I smiled and a thought popped into my mind

'The London show' my mum frowned 'it's the London show in 5 days' I closed my eyes

'What're you going to do, if you're not up to it just tell them you can't go, I'm sure they can sort something out' I shook my head

'No, mum I've quit, I'm not a part of roadtrip anymore, how am I supposed to tell the fans' I said and she shook her head

'You quit? Andy this is your dream?' She put her hand on my arm. I shrugged

'I can't be in the same room with him, I feel like I quit the fans, I don't know what to do' my mum didn't answer, just gave a sympathetic look, I stood up and went to put my things in my old room.

It looked exactly the same as I remember, my bed sheets, untouched, my wardrobe that was empty apart from a old t-shirt. I sat at the end of my bed and looked around, I remember being sat in here with Gabby, before my career started, messing about, we were only friends but I knew she was the one I wanted to be with, to hold, to be mine, the way she smiled, laughed, I just lay watching her, admiring her, even though she hated it

'Forever and always' I muttered and lay back, looking at the ceiling, my heart full of hurt. My phone rang, Blair. I sighed, I knew I had to answer

'Hello?' I said, trying to sound enthusiastic

'Andy where are you?' He sounded quite angry

'Blair I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know ruined things, tour, your career, my career, everything, I just can't be in the same room as him' I had to stop speaking, it was hurting me

'Andy I've known you how many years? You've never ever thought about stopping, this is your dream, you're living it, are you really gonna let a stupid mistake push you back?' I sighed

'It's more than a stupid mistake, Blair how would you feel if your best mate got Sophie pregnant?' He didn't reply, the line was quiet for a minute

'Andy we don't care about tour right now, we need to know you're okay, know you're safe, please just come back and talk to us' Rye said, I took a deep breath, I know it wasn't their fault and I left them, possibly ruining their career to

'I can't, just know I'm okay, well safe at least' I replied

'I've never seen you like this, and if you came down Brook wouldn't be here' his name being mentioned made me feel physically sick, I didn't want to do this but I don't think I could ever get over this, I dropped the phone and hung up. I had to think, if I could get on with it, living with him, being around him, being in the same band, I closed my eyes and after a while I drifted off to sleep.


My phone buzzing woke me up, I looked outside and it was beginning to get dark. I picked my phone up and it was full of notifications from twitter, i scrolled through and looked at a few tweets

'Roadtrips live talent show'

I clicked on the app and it popped up, Mikey was sat on his bed, I could see Rye lay on the bed above him, I could hear Brook in the background. I was looking through the comments, a lot of them were asking where I was, and if I could come on screen, Mikey obviously saw that someone had arrived from the band

'Oh roadtriptv is watching, boys who's watching me?' He asked Rye and Brook and they said no, he shouted through to Jack who also said no, his face dropped slightly, the comments were saying 'it's Andy' 'where's Andy' Brook was now in shot and Mikey whispered something to him, his face dropped and he left

So guys what's everyone been doing today?' Mikey asked awkwardly, I left the stream and logged out of the account, logging out of twitter and all the other social medias, I had made up my mind

I text Blair

'I'm sorry but I can't do this, I'll pay, whatever but I want out of my contract, I need out, let me know if I need to sign anything, again I'm sorry for this'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now