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I looked at Brook, he still had his hands over his face, the room was still a mess, Andy was staring at the floor

'I erm, I can't be here right now, I'm gonna go for a walk or something' he stood up and looked at me, harshly

'Oh well don't go missing for three days' I said sarcastically as he had annoyed me, he laughed

'Here we go, bringing this back, how about when you left me and didn't talk to me for a month? you don't think I worried then?' he raised his voice

'Guys stop' Brook said trying to stand in between us

'And you, you went to her, you went to her when it should've been me!' Andy shouted pushing him away

'Don't shout at him, he was there for support, I didn't want to worry you, make you even worse' I grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeve up, revealing the marks, he pushed my hand away and sorted his sleeve out

'At least I'm still alive' his face dropped, my whole body went into shock

'ANDY!' Brook shouted, I stood just looking at him, not believing what he just said

'I..I'm sorry, it just...' I didn't stay to listen to what he said, I shot out the room, not looking back, the whole world was blurry, I got as far as the front garden when I fell, leaning against the wall.

'Gabby?' I looked up, still disorientated, I could make out Brook, he sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around me, I held onto his arm

'How could he say that?' I cried 'How can the one person I love more than anything say the one thing that he knows would hurt me the most?' I cried more and more, into his chest

'He was angry, people don't think straight when they're mad' I looked up at him

'Are you sticking up for him?' I was confused

'No, no, I'm just trying to think of an explanation' I rested my head against the wall, looking up into the sky

'If he loved me, why would he say that, he wouldn't want me to be hurt' Brook sighed

'I think he thinks if you loved him you wouldn't want to leave him' I looked at him

'Well then maybe this isn't love, it was never meant to be, I have to go, go home, please give Mikey my love, tell him I hope he's better soon, and I'm sorry I can't be there, I have to go' before he could stop me I was walking away, I looked up into the window and saw Andy, he was hitting things, throwing things 'It wasn't meant to be. this isn't love, was it ever love?' I whispered and walked off.


I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, I didn't have to worry about him, I could focus on my own life, but he was still there, what he said, him, them 2 years, they'd always be with me. I felt less stress but I missed him already.

'Hello?' I answered my phone to Jack

'Hey Gabs, have you got home okay?' he asked

'Yeah thanks, how's Mikey doing?' I heard him sigh

'He's still unconscious, but things are looking better, he's showing some signs of stability' he replied quietly

'And Andy?'

'I've not seen him since we left, listen you can be upset about what happened, Brook told me what went down after we left, and I know he didn't mean it, he was sad, he loves you, so much'

'If he loved me that much he would never have said what he said, he wouldn't want to purposely hurt me' I explained, trying not to cry, Jack obviously heard it in my voice

'You know you don't have to be strong, you can be upset, you were together for more than two years, it's okay to not be okay' I smiled

'Thanks Jack, I'll let you get back to Mikey, give him my best when he wakes up' he agreed and left. As soon as I was back in silence, tears fell from my eyes, what jack said, that it was okay for me to be upset, it made me realise everything that had happened today. I lost the two most important people in my life, and even though it hurt me to be with one of them, I knew I still had him, and now I didn't, he was gone.

The house was silent, nothing to do, I didn't know what to do, I was alone

'Gabby? what are you saying, speak slower' Brook said once I called him, I had spurted out everything I felt

'Can you come back? I really need some company, I'm driving myself insane' I asked

'Of course, I'll get the next train, be there asap' I thanked him and put the phone down, I was so glad I had him, someone I could count on.

As the hours past waiting for Brook to arrive, I started packing away some old things that were in my room, pictures of me from school, pictures of me and Andy, I put them in a small box and slid it under my wardrobe. I sat around, in silence, it drained me, no one around, no one talking. I woke up to a loud band on the door

I went downstairs, my eyes adjusting to the hall light, when I opened the door, it was pitch black, only the lamp posts giving light, he took one look at me and wrapped me in his warm embrace

'Brook, thankyou so much for coming, I couldn't deal with it, everything, I needed a friendly face' he smiled

'How about two?' I looked confused, he looked to his right and my eyes followed, another guy walked around the corner

'SURPRISE!' he shouted, my stomach dropped with excitement

'AHHH' I ran and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist 'When did you get back?!' I asked, as he had been on tour all over Europe and Australia

'This morning, Brook told me what's been going on and I couldn't not come and see you, I'm so sorry for everything' I didn't want to let go, finally we were reunited, he was like my older brother, he was so protective of me

'Harv, I can't believe you're actually here, thankyou so much for coming' I gave him one last tight hug

'You need us right now' he smiled 'now can we come inside, its freezing out here' Harvey said shivering.

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora