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We rushed through the hospital, finally making it to the room, I looked in and saw him lay there, he had wires connected to him trailing all over to all types of machines and drips.

'How did it go?' I asked walking in

'We don't know yet, we have to see if he can breathe without the support' Brook replied, after a few minutes a nurse walked in, looking serious, we all turned to her and waited for what she was about to say

'Your friend has shown good signs of improvement, it's time to turn the machine off' She said, looking at us all, for indication we were okay with it

'What no! he's improving, you can't stop him breathing, not yet, you've not give him time to do it alone' Brook shouted, Harvey touched his shoulder

'Mate, this is to see if he can breathe, not giving up' He explained and Brook nodded, understanding what was going to happen, we all agreed and she disconnected a few wires and pressed a few buttons, she nodded

'It's done, he will last without it for a few minutes, if nothing happens, you'll have to decide what you want to do' she smiled sympathetically and stood outside the door, letting us be alone. We all stood in silence, watching Mikey, hoping he could do it, hoping he was strong enough

'If this doesn't work, what are we going to do, shouldn't his family be here, they should decide not us' Jack said

'We're putting it back on, but that won't happen, he's strong, I know Mikey, he will do it' Rye said harshly. He had known Mikey the longest, out of all the boys, they were friends before all of this.

'Yeah, we can't give up on him, he's family, we don't give up, ever' I said, they all smiled and Rye held my hand, we all joined hands, we were all together, the whole family. The door re-opened

'Listen we need to do something now, am I turning it back on' The nurse said, I took a deep breath in

'No, he needs more time, he can do it' Rye snapped, almost immediately apologizing

'If you leave it any longer his heart will stop completely...' I saw Brook had tears in his eye, trying to hold them in, I walked around and grabbed his hand firmly

'Hey he will be okay, it's Mikey' I smiled trying to make him feel better 'Turn it back on' I said turning to the nurse, she nodded and started re connecting the wires, the silence was unbearable, silent enough to make me jump when we heard a loud beeping, the heart monitor lit up, the green line was straight, Rye dropped to the floor, Andy was wide eyed, shocked, the whole room was still

'What's that?' I asked the nurse, looking at the board, there was random lines popping up, she looked stuck, as if she didn't know what was happening, she pressed a few buttons, the beeping got louder, and more constant, everyone was looking around, and at Mikey

The lines starting shooting up and down, Rye started crying even more, Andy had also dropped to the floor, Jack and Brook were shocked about what just went on

he was breathing.

he was alive.

he was okay.

Andy went over to him, he put his hand on his heart, he smiled, resting his head against the corner of the bed

'He's okay, he's okay' he said over and over, the nurse walked to the door

'He won't wake up straight away, he'll wake up when he's ready, I'll leave you alone with him' She left, we all looked at each other, now we all knew he was okay, he was going to be fine, Rye pulled Harvey into a hug

'Bro, I've missed you, how was Australia?' he asked

'It was amazing, such an incredible experience' he replied after hugging Jack

'Andy, are you okay?' I heard Brook say, I turned around and saw Andy still crying into the bed, we all went to him, all the boys helped him up and brought him outside to sit down

'Andy you can't blame yourself for what happened, it was an accident, and he's fine, he's stable' Harvey said, trying to get him to calm down

'He's still in the hospital, I put my best mate in the hospital because of me, what if he had died, what then?' No one knew what to say, we all looked around, clueless

'Yeah but mate, it wasn't on purpose, you didn't want to hurt him, and nothing happened, he's fine, he will be fine' Jack said, sitting next to him 'You can't keep blaming yourself, all that's gonna do is put more stress on you, we all know it wasn't your fault, Mikey knows that' he nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath in

'Thanks guys, for understanding' they smiled and Rye put his arm around his shoulder

'So what's gonna happen now?' Rye said looking around

'Well me and you can stay here, and everyone else can go get some rest back at the flat, and then we can change, so someone's always here, incase he wakes up' Brook said, everyone agreed and started getting all their things, I looked over at Harvey

'Erm guys, I think me and Gab are going to get a hotel, just so you have more room' Andy turned to us

'But there's loads of room, they'll only be two of us' he stated

'Yeah but we don't wanna get comfortable and then everyone come back when he wakes up and leave, its just easier, we'll still be here' I said and Andy smiled

'Does that mean you're planning on staying for a while?' I shrugged

'I guess, as long as I need to be here' he smiled and picked up his jumper

'Okay, well I guess I'll see you both soon' Him and Rye left a few minutes later, back to the flat. Harvey booked the hotel closest to the hospital, we said goodbye to the others and got a taxi to the hotel.

The hotel was nice, there was only one double bed but we didn't mind, it was better than a single bed, which we've shared before, it didn't go very well. I ended up sleeping on the floor with a jumper as a blanket.

'You know what Andy said before, about you staying' I nodded and faced Harvey, listening to him 'How long are you actually planning on staying?' I sighed, and thought for a minute

'I don't know, I guess as soon as Mikey is up and stable and I know he's okay' He nodded and sat on the bed

'But your house is empty, you can't live alone, and how are you going to afford all the bills and everything?' He asked

'Well my auntie said I could stay with her for as long as I need, and I have friends who I could stay at' I explained and he raised his eyebrows

'Auntie? I didn't know you had family close, I thought they lived..' I looked down, this face dropped 'Gabby, you can't be serious' he was now stood up

'Where else am I meant to go, they're the only family I have left' I felt awkward

'Gabby you could move here, we're your family' I shook my head

'I know that, but I can't live here, it'd be too awkward with Andy, its just not right, I can't be constantly around him' He walked over and held my hands

'That doesn't mean you have to pack up and move to New Zealand'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now