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I heard him, stood at the doorway, watching me, I didn't move. I slightly opened one eye, enough so he couldn't see, he was smiling, which quickly disappeared, his eyes filled up. Before I could do anything else he turned around and left, shutting the door after him. Everything was different, everything had changed.

I stayed still, for hours, just looking at the ceiling, just lay still, thinking about everything, and nothing. I saw the time, 7am, it had been 3 hours, 3 hours since she left this world, 3 hours without her, I knew Brook would be sleeping, but I had to be with someone, someone I cared about. I saw him, sleeping, snuggled into the sheets, I got in next to him, rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes. I didn't sleep, just rested, feeling Brook here with me, someone who made me feel grounded, although he wasn't Andy, I was glad he was here.

His phone lit up and vibrated against the table

'Hey bro, just an update on Andy, he's feeling much better, he's up and moving about, hope everything's okay with you, call us asap' Mikey wrote, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, knowing Andy was okay. It made me think, I worried so much about Andy, and with everything going on, I didn't want to put pressure and stress on myself, worrying about other people, there was one thing that would help.

'Brook' I whispered loudly, nudging him slightly, he jumped

'Wh.. are you okay?' he shot up and looked at me, worried

'Yeah, I need you to do something for me' I explained everything to him and a few hours later we were dressed, getting ready to leave

'Are you sure about this? you just went through something so horrible, you don't want to wait abit longer?' I shook my head

'I have to do this now' I caught a glance of us in the mirror, we looked a mess, my hair was thrown up into a messy pony, I was wearing one of Brooks jumpers which was massively too big, I had no makeup on, and you could still see tear stains, Brooks hair was messier than mine, he looked like he hadn't slept for days.

'The train leaves soon, we better go going' he took a deep breath in, I felt his hand join mine, he squeezed it 'It'll be okay' we left the house and made our way to the station We didn't have to wait long, by the time we got our tickets the train was pulling up.

We found two seats together, the journey felt quicker than usual, my heart was beating double the speed, Brook was making me laugh, it was weird laughing, when I didn't have the one person I loved the most with me anymore, knowing when I went home she wouldn't be there, she wouldn't be there to give me a huge hug when I got off the train.

'We are now approaching Slough' the speaker said and the train started slowing down, coming to a stop. I hasn't seen or spoken to the boys properly for about a month. I had been here so many times, coming and going, it felt weird, different, like most things did now, the same staff, the same little shops, but at the same time I had never seen them before. We got a taxi from the station as no one knew we were coming, all the way there my heart was beating faster and faster, nervous to see what they did when they saw me. The journey wasn't long and as I looked out the window we were already pulling up. Brook could obviously tell I was nervous, he put his hand on mine and smiled at me

'It'll be okay, whatever happens in there, we'll all support you, now are you ready?' I nodded and was about to open the car door 'Are you sure?' I took a deep breath in and stood onto the pavement, Brook followed, we walked up the stairs in silence, you could hear the beat of my heart thudding

We reached the door and I took a moment, just looking at it, a lump was forming in my throat, I went to turn round but Brook had already noticed, he came next to me and knocked at the door, holding my hand and smiling

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now