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Andy grabbed my hand 'If that's what you want' I nodded 'Now lets go speak with the others' I took a deep breath in as I knew Rye was annoyed at me. We went in, hand in hand, Rye looked at us and then our hands

'You've made up then?' Andy nodded and we sat down

'So boys, I just want to say sorry, for leaving, and making you worry, I should've just stayed and spoke about it, but I got scared, I guess I wasn't ready to hear what I thought I was going to' Everyone was quiet for a minute

'Bro you know I would never do that, don't you?' Brook asked and Andy nodded

'Course, I just, everything was a blur, I should never have guessed, I should've spoke to one of you, I'm also sorry for telling Rye not to tell you, that was wrong of me, you are all my best friends' they spoke for a while, everything seemed okay

'Listen, me and Gabby have spoke and she's gonna go home early, its just the best thing for her right now' Everyone looked at me, I thought they were annoyed at first but Mikey got up and hugged me

'If it makes you happy then we'll support you, always' I smiled and hugged him back, followed by Brook and then Jack, Rye was still on his bed

'I've only known you for a month, but I see you as family, I'll miss you' Jack said, I smiled and gave him a big hug

'I'll miss you too! Thank you for everything you've done, I'm glad you're here'

'She's not going yet, save your soppy goodbyes till then' Brook said making us all laugh 'When are you gonna go?' he asked

'I guess I'll have to check train times, its getting quite late, so probably tomorrow afternoon at the earliest' I got my phone out, looking at the times 'There's one tomorrow at 1:47' I looked up at them all, my family, and I was so grateful to have them, we may not be perfect but I wouldn't change them for the world.

'I'll book it for you now' Andy said, I handed him my phone and he walked out

'Anyway let's do something, I may be leaving but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our last night together and celebrate your ep' I said trying to bring up the mood in the room, I looked at Rye as he hadn't said anything for a while, he was looking at his laptop

'We could go into Windsor, see what to do from there?' Brook suggested

'Sounds good, everyone on board?' they all agreed and started getting ready, leaving me and Rye alone, the silence could have cut. I looked at him

'Rye?' he turned to face me, raising his eyebrows 'I know your mad that I'm leaving, leaving Andy, be mad, but know I'm not doing it to hurt Andy, I'm doing it because I need to be at home right now' a lump was forming in my throat 'I just need to be there, that doesn't mean I don't love Andy it just I...' I couldn't talk, my throat was closed, he looked at me

'Gabby? what's wrong?' I was breathing heavily, trying to keep the tears in, I shook my head but he jumped down from his bed and held my hand 'what's wrong?' he asked again

'It's my, erm, my mum, she's ill, very ill' tears were building in my eyes, I was trying so hard to keep them in, but I couldn't, Rye pulled me into his arms

'Is that why your going home?' I nodded

'Well that's one reason, I just hate not being there, she's alone, but not just her, for everyone back there' he sighed

'I'm so sorry, and I know you love Andy, I shouldn't have said that, I just hate seeing him hurt, and I'm sure your mum will be fine, she's a strong women'

'I know, I do too, I wish there could be a way where I could be in both places at once, but there's not' he hugged me again

'I'll miss you, you're like a sister to me and whatever happens I will always love and support you, you know that?' I nodded into his chest

'Trains booked, are we going out or what?' I turned around, Andy was walking in, he gave me my phone back, I nodded

'I need a shower, I wont be long' he rolled his eyes

'Won't be long, guys we may aswell just watch a movie, we'd be finished before her' he laughed, making me smile

'Oh how I've missed your sarcastic comments' I ran out and had a quick shower, got dressed and did my makeup. Half an hour later we were all ready to go.

We got a taxi into Windsor and walked around abit until we got hungry. Jack suggested we get a takeaway and sit outside the castle to eat it. We all got our food and headed to the castle, it was already fully dark by the time we made it, only the street lights lighting up the street.

We all sat and chatted about random stuff for hours, laughing and messing around, this is how I like it, all my favourite guys, my family, having fun. Rye was teaching all the boys how to flip, they were all failing, no one was around, it was nice. I was sat at the top of the hill watching them

'Hey you not coming to join in?' Andy said running up to me, breathing heavy, I laughed

'No thanks, I'd rather not break my neck' he sat down and I lay down, resting my head on his knees, I looked at him, laughing at something Brook had done

'What?' he said looking down at me, I shook my head

'Nothing, just looking at you' he smiled and kissed me

'I love you' he whispered, I smiled and looked over at the others.

This trip didn't go to plan, I may be leaving three months earlier than planned, but I was going to miss these crazy boys, my four brothers, who were rolling around on the floor, jumping on each other, I smiled to myself as I snuggled into Andy.

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz