Chapter 6 - Might as Well Call it Torture (2)

Start from the beginning

"Alright, do you think that you'll be okay to run these errands with me today?" Itachi asks Naruto. Naruto nods tiredly. "Okay then. Let's go get something to eat. Ichiraku's?" Naruto nods again. Naruto didn't honestly care where they went. The errands were probably relating to him, anyway.

Itachi offers to help Naruto walk, but Naruto refuses. He wants to do things for himself and prove that he can be useful to the village. The two walk in silence to Ichiraku's and Itachi orders for them.

"So, Naruto-kun, did Itachi work you a bit too hard today?" Ayame asks. Itachi scoffs.

"Of course not, he can still stand!" He replied indignantly.

"Shut the fuck up, ass clown." Naruto signs to him. 'If there's a word that means 'way more than utterly exhausted', that's what I am.' Naruto thinks. 'It's unreal. I'm completely drained and ridiculously sore. Not to mention starving.'

They quickly finish their meal and head off again. Naruto doesn't know where they're going, but he sincerely hopes that it's the last stop.

Naruto's P.O.V.

We walk quietly, and even though I'm blind now, I can feel the villagers' hateful glares. I can hear their whispers, full of spite and malice. I ignore them. I will protect them, and this village, whether they like it or not.

Kurama taught me things about history today, and the biggest thing that I learned was that a jinchuuriki protects the village, no matter what. I want to help these people, even if they don't deserve it. I want to care about people more than myself, because maybe being selfless will make me happier. Then again, maybe that's hypocritical.

"Kit, you're overthinking things again," Kurama chides.

'Yeah, yeah. I just hope that Ita-sensei can't hear them. I wouldn't want that idiot to start a fight.'

Kurama had mostly given me accounts about the ninja world wars and the other jinchuuriki, but I actually found it pretty interesting.

Itachi stops in front of a store, and holds the door open for someone to walk through. This must be where we're heading.

"Itachi, what are you doing here?" a man's voice asks. "I asked you if you needed anything and you said no, right?"

"Ah, tou-san," Itachi replies. "Yes, I'm not here for myself. Naru, he knows sign language, so introduce yourself."

"Hello, sir. My name is Uzumaki Naruto." I sign to the man.

"Uzumaki Naruto?" The man asks. "My kami, you look so much like your father!" I feel him kneel in front of me. "My name is Uchiha Fugaku. Can I ask why you are with my eldest son, Naruto-kun?"

"I'm with Itachi-san because Hokage-sama asked him to look after me and train me to become a ninja and protect this village," I sign concisely in reply.

"I see. I knew your parents pretty well, and I've kept tabs on your growth over the years. My wife, Mikoto, was telling me just this morning that I should try and approach you. I'm sorry that I haven't done so before. I thought it would be a bit awkward if some guy you didn't know walked up to you and called himself your godfather," Fugaku explained apologetically.

'He knew my parents, both of them. Maybe he can tell me about them.'

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I sign. I give him a small smile.

'Kurama! How do I call him? San? Sama? Would tou-san be presumptuous of me?'

"Kit, calm down. Stop overthinking things. It's going to be okay. Just ask him how he wants you to call him. I'm sure that he won't mind," Kurama suggests.

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