Chapter 63

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Pete POV
I know she knows I have no intention for coffee right now.
As I stomp my way back to the old apartment I realise why I couldn't face her any longer.
The way I acted was completely out of order, I know she would never cheat.. again, and I know she only loves me... she made that clear.
I'm just... terrified of Josh, not in a violent way but in a mental way.
It doesn't take a genius to see how much Josh cares for her, with enough time and space Josh could easily make another move. That's what I'm scared of.
I snap back to realise I'm standing at the old apartment front door, Patrick stares at me with confused eyes.
"Can we talk?"
I mumble as I brush past him into the main room.
We walk in and I'm greeted by the rest of the band... who haven't actually seen me since the accident.
Joe, Andy and Dirty bulldoze me in a warm embrace before showering me with questions.
"Whoa guys calm..."
"Dude you haven't been here in months and you show up now!?"
"Yeah what's up with that?"
"Is everything alright?"
I sit them down on the sofas and begin to tell them my troubles with Josh,
"Well... at least ya kicked his face in eh?"
Dirty snorts as I finish the story,
The others don't look as chipper.. instead they all have faces of worry.
"So you're telling me that Phee cheated.."
Joe says as he searches for the answers,
"Well... technically, although I don't think she meant to"
"So you're saying this Josh is the problem?"
Andy rubs his beard, I nod.
"So you gotta show her that you're the one... ya know like.. like... I dunno a romantic gesture"
Dirty adds as pretends to make out with an invisible person.
"Maybe you could do something cute on tour!.. since Josh is coming on tour too.."
Patrick flops his hat over his head as the words escape his mouth,
"You what?"
"Well.. Phoenix wants Tyler to come on tour with us.. and Josh.. she thinks it'll be good for her health and their band"
I stand up immediately as Patrick finishes the explanation,
"She said she wants you and Josh to stay away from each other though... she wants everything to go back the way it was"
I grunt and sit back down,
"I suppose that would be nice... then I could do the romantic thing in front of Josh."
"Would that be the best idea?"
Joe hands us each a beer, still worry plastered on his face.
"Would you rather me kicking his ass again?"
I snap, Joe retreats to his seat.
I scream making everyone jump out of their skin, when they recover I begin to blurt out my idea.. mixes of excitement and nerves fill the room as I say it.
Apart from Patrick... Patrick's face has only one emotion plastered on... disbelief.

Phoenix POV
I woke up in Tyler's spare room, again.
I got up instantly and headed to the stairs, before I got there I heard Josh and Tyler arguing in Tyler's room.
I creep up next to the door to listen, before I even started listening I knew it was about me.
"Why did you come here?"
Tyler's voice was sharp, angry, not what you would expect from him. He's known to have a little sass every once in a while.
"I didn't know she was with you"
"Yes but you didn't need to run off with her! You promised"
"Yes I know! But it was a good idea for us to talk... you know that"
"You promised."
With that I quickly left the doors side, I scribbled a note and stuck it on the door.
It read,
I don't want to be the reason for you two to break promises and your bonds... I want everything to go back the way it was which involves us ALL being friends not enemies, I will work on Pete... because we are going on tour together and if he can't let go of the fact that we're friends then... he can't be in my life.
I then walked back through the cold Chicago air to the apartment.

As the lift doors slide open I'm greeted by a very small, friendly animal jumping up with excitement... a dog.
"What the-"
I look down to see the roaring excitement in the tiny boxers eyes, it was beautiful. White with chocolate brown patches.
"Hey there! What are you doing here eh?"
I say in my animal voice, you know the high pitched squeaky voice that seems to excite them more.
The dog spins round and jumps up onto my legs until I pick it up,
I walk into the main room, my eyes searching for an answer to this mystery dog.
"Pete? Are you here?...Pete!"
I call but no answer, the puppy enjoys being in my arms because it's already half asleep.
After checking the whole house I finally open the bedroom door to see it decorated in balloons and confetti... what?
I place the puppy back onto the floor and it excitedly sprints round the room, then I see it.
A note on the bed side table,
To my Tiffany Blew,
I've probably been the worst boyfriend known to man these past few days. The truth behind my anger is fear, fear that I may loose you.
What I said to you before is no lie.. I love you and I trust you, if you really want to go on tour with Josh then I'm okay with it. I need to move on and realise that you care for him as you care for Tyler. I have forgiven you for what happened and I need to remember that... I can't promise I'll be best friends with him but I will try,
I love you. P x
Ps. His name is Hemmingway and he's my way of showing my love.

After reading the note I look down to the puppy,
"Hemmingway huh?"
I laugh as the dog tilts its head in confusion, I guess it's a working progress...
"He really does love me"
I smile as I cuddle the puppy, it's soft fur is a perfect comforter... I then realise I'm crying, happy tears.
"Wait.. how did you survive here alone all that time? How long have you been here pup?"
"He's been with me."
I look up swiftly to see Pete standing in the doorway, his face is filled with confusion and guilt.
Before I could even ask myself how he got there I placed the puppy down and bounced into his arms.
"I'm sorry.."
He says over and over.
"It's okay.. honestly! I just want everything to go back to the way it was"
"I can do that"
As we break off he calls for the puppy,
"It won't work.. he doesn't know his name!"
He winks, as the dog comes running into his arms.
A wide grin spreads across his face,
For the first time in a while I think everything is going back to the way it should.

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