Chapter 1

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Phoenix PoV
Great another box.
I lifted the box of CDs from the coffee table and set out for the family music store, Wolfe Music, as I lifted the box my hair flipped over my eyes. For fuck sake just STAY PUT FOR ONCE! I shove the box back on the coffee table and vigorously tie my hair up in a messy pony tail.

If you haven't already noticed I'm not the type of girl who cares about what she looks like, I'm actually the opposite.

"This is the last box mum, I will be back in an hour or so!" I shout as I unlock the door with my spare hand, she says nothing, as always.

As I get out the door I'm hit with the the usual cold in-your-face air if Chicago. Maybe just wearing my t-shirt and leather jacket wasn't such a good idea. I slowly make my way down to the shop, as I approach the shop in hit with the refreshing smell of coffee. The shop is right next to a Starbucks so it's not exactly easy for a girl who goes there everyday to get to work and not buy a coffee!
I fumble for my keys and unlock the shop and slump the box of CDs next to all of the others I have to sort out and speed walk out the door, locking it as fast as I can and darting for Starbucks. The line is huge, as always. After about what felt like a year of waiting I finally had my coffee and headed towards where they kept the lids for the take away cups, I hurriedly head towards the shop but some guy smashes into me and pours my coffee all over me!

"Hey! What the hell! OUCH!" I say as the coffee burns through my t-shirt. I look up to see an emo-looking guy staring at me with an equally shocked face as me. He was wearing all black, which matched his jet black fringe hair cut, apart from his purple hoodie, fuck he looked good. But I was still pissed at him.
"I'm so sorry!! Really!! I didn't mean to!" He suddenly bounced up and grabbed some napkins for me after he helped clean my now ruined shirt, which may I add was white, he looked up at me and gave me one of those cute smiles guys do if they want you to recognise them. I didn't know who he was but he really wanted me to.
"No,no it's fine really!"no it wasn't. I just wanted to leave this awkward situation...If you couldn't tell already I'm not the social type.

Pete PoV
Rehearsals went overtime today, again, and all I wanted was my coffee so I left as soon as the guys let me. I practically chucked my bass at Patrick to put back into my case and I left, just like that. I'm so sick of rehearsals now... All we do is play around with songs we've already written for the track. No one has any ideas for new songs so we just play with old ones.

I grab my keys from the key box and slam the door shut after me to let everyone know I'm pissed, when I get to my car I unlock it and violently fight with the door till it opens, it's pretty old. I slam the acceleration pedal to the floor and speed to the nearest Starbucks from the apartment. It's the same one I always go to, the one on the corner three doors away from that old music store.

I park in the only spot left and slam the car door till it locks, I look like an idiot but right now I'm not in the mood to care. Once I get in the line isn't as big as usual, finally some good news. Once I get my coffee and spin around to leave but as I do I accidentally bump into a girl.

"Hey!what the hell! OUCH!" She says I grab some napkins and as I turn around I see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... She's wearing black ripped jeans with a white, now covered in coffee t-shirt, perfectly tucked in with a leather jacket and boots. Her hair falls just the right way in her messy ponytail and her eyes... Oh her eyes, you could get lost in them! They are so blue! She's dressed like one of those rocker girls that don't give a shit, I love it.
I snap back into the real world "I'm so sorry!! Really!! I didn't mean to!!" I blurt out so fast I'm scared she dosent hear me. I race with the napkins over to her and help her clean the floor and then get some more for her t-shirt.
"No,no it's fine really!" She says, her voice is that perfect tone that you could listen to all day and not get bored...

She grabs her stuff and I stop her from leaving, I take her to the counter and tell the clerk what happened, I then give her the I'm famous give me more coffee look. She rushes to get the coffee and gives it to me, I quickly write my number on the cup and hand it to the girl. She takes it quickly and rushes out the door, I run after her and grab her arm.
"Hey, I...err..never got your name?" Smooth Pete now you've terrified her.

The Girl Who Worked In A Music ShopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora