Chapter 49

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Phoenix POV
"PHOENIX!" Katia pretty much jumps on me, she's followed by Megan and of course Cameron.
"Guys.... can't...breathe.." they all jump up in embarrassment.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! We've only just seen you and now we're practically killing you" says Cameron reaching his hand out.
"Sorry I'm just not so used to living on a... you know.. bus" he says 'bus' with such disgust we all end up laughing and sliding our fingers across the side of the bus and chase him, he screams at the 'germs'.

Cameron is our drummer, he's obsessed with germs and often carries hand gel where ever he goes. Basically imagine a stereotypical gay guy with blonde fluffy hair.... that's Cameron.

"For fucks sake Cameron it's just a fucking bus it's not going to kill you!" Megan shouts at him leaning on the bus. She's one of those girls that don't give a shit but are unbelievably nice once you get to know them... that's why we became friends so fast.
She has extremely long brown hair with hazel eyes, she's often wearing purple and has more band bracelets on her arm than imaginably possible.
"Calm it Megan!" I say running back to her and shoving my fist into her arm,
"AGH!" She shoots me a rough look.
"Rough day?" I say, Kat and Cam join us.
"Yeah, it's a lot to take in you know"
"Yes I do!" When they finally understand what I meant they responded with a hollow laugh,
"Ok ok show me this bus then!" I say as they all wipe their happy tears from their eyes.

Cam sprints to the front of the bus and carefully dials the number into the lock, he swings the door open in such a fluent motion he almost swings over with it. Instead he just grips the door tightly while hanging from it.
Megan rolls her eyes as she lifts him to his feet while me and Kat are behind practically crying.
The bus was pretty much the same as the main one except one step down, like in the sims they have different qualities of rooms. The main bus was the top rank and I'd say this bus would be one rank down... if you don't get what I mean stop reading and go play the damn game it's good.
They each show me their bunks and all the different chargers, pillows and food they have. The one thing that isn't exactly the same apart from the quality is that this bus doesn't have the back room alike the other.
"Wow guys this is crazy!" I say as we all finish the tour and slump on the sofas.
"SO Phoenix" Megan says, I notice as she does the others begin to lean in.
"Tell us what it's like to date a rockstar!" Cam jumps out of his seat crashing to the ground, he others are too focused on me to notice him.
"Oh... well I wouldn't put it that way... I'd say it's just a normal relationship with a little extra"
"Yeah and that Little extra just SO happens to be the fact he buys you the odd apartment.." Megan mutters.
"Hey, Megan don't be like that!" Katia fights back,
"Woah OKAY guys... anyway have you thought of a set list yet? We have soundcheck in a couple minutes."
The mood quickly changes to excitement,
"Oh my god our first soundcheck!" Cams practically rolling on the floor at this stage.
"Well we have a couple ideas but we've only thought of..." he spins to his front, stands up instantly as if he's a soldier and his general has payed a surprise visit. The others are silent and staring at the doorway.
"What the-" I turn to face the way everyone else is and see Pete smirking as he leans on the door frame, I roll my eyes and walk over to him.
"Hey" he says, he's trying to act as cool as he can. He wraps his arm around my waist.
"What are you doing Pete?" I laugh,
"What? I can't pay surprise visits?"
He pretends to look shocked... my third eye roll.
"Well I think the others may be a little shocked.."
They all snap out of their trance and pretend to have a conversation of their own.
"So what are you really doing here?" I turn to him,
"Oh right your up for soundcheck!" He winks and walks off, fourth eye roll.
"Oh I forgot" he spins round and lands his lips on mine... alike all the other times we kiss it feels like time stops around us. Then he leaves.
"Oh damn guys calm"
"He came to give you a surprise visit! Awhhhh" Megan and Kat giggle as they begin to lift up their instrument cases.
"Guys where are your instruments?" All their cases are empty.
"Oh they've been taken and put into a larger case for the group... I think you're sharing a case with Pete, Phee" Kat says calmly as we make our way to the golf buggies.
I knock on the main bus door to grab dirty and Charlie so they can 'escort' us to the stage.

"We have arrived!" After a long walk through many adjoining hallways we make it onto the main stage.
I forget the others and run to the front mike, I hold onto it and stare it into the open arena... soon it will be filled with screaming kids.
"This is surreal" I say,
"I know right... can you believe we're actually signed and actually performing in front of an actual crowd filled with ACTUAL people!"
Megan laughs as she hands me my guitar... the
Brand new strat from Pete.
"Yeah it's ACTUALLY unbelievable" I mock her as I plug into the huge amps, dirty begins to flip all kinds of switches along with Charlie. I've never actually seen them at work, they're completely different personalities.
"We'll go on... let's go!" Cam smashes his drum sticks together to let the rest of us know it's time for business.

We've never played so well.

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