Chapter 26

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Phoenix PoV
I'm bipolar. The words are trapped inside my head, as if they where taken to a different part of my brain. A part that locks up the words and swallows the key. It hurt, to know that there was something wrong with my brain.

Pete was getting annoyed at the nurse, demanding she re send the tests because they couldn't be right. She's too strong to have this, he would say over and over so it would burn into the nurses head. When she leaves he buries his head into my neck,
"It's gunna be fine" he says,
"But my brain is messed up" I say, voice still wobbly from crying.
"I know how to deal with it" he says,
"Pete this isn't like anything else, this is fucking real"
"I know it is Phee"
"What is wrong with me"
"Hey! There is nothing wrong with you" he says  cupping his hands around my face.
"We can be weird together" he says pressing his forehead against mine, his fringe tickling my nose.
"How?" I say confused
"Because I have it too" he says, now that makes a whole lot of sense.

Just then the doctors smash through the doors and ask for us, I hear them whispering.
"Phoenix, Pete. Could you follow me please?"
He says in a trying to be as calm as I can way. We follow him and he tells us that Tyler is lucky to be alive,
"However he has lost a lot of blood so we will need to keep him in the hospital for a little while to regain strength"
"Can he have visitors?" I instantly think back to when Tyler would visit me everyday when I was here.
"Yes of course."

It felt good leaving the hospital knowing that Tyler was in safe hands, I call his mother on the car journey home and tell her what he had done and how he is now. I could hear her crying through the phone as I told her every detail, I asked first before telling her everything of course. Pete held my hand all the way.

When we got to the studio, the phone rang, it was the nurse telling us Tyler was out of surgery successfully! I felt a huge weight being lifted from my shoulders.
"What? Why are you smiling so much Phee?"
"Tyler's surgery was successful" I beam at him, he comes over and hugs me tight we end up kneeling on the floor in each other's arms crying happy tears.
"Everything's going to get better now, I can feel it" he says tightening his grip.
"I hope so, before it gets better the darkness gets bigger" I say, he breaks off and looks at me confused.
"Where did you get that from?" He asks.
"My mother used to say it to me when I was little if I was sad." I say, he suddenly smiles.
"That's a great quote!" He kisses me.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"I will get it" I say picking myself up.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" I laugh as I walk to the door, just from the shape through the window I know who it is.
"Hey guys!" Brendon walks through the door with so much confidence I'm blinded by it,
"Hey Brendon!" I say,
"Phee who is- oh hey Brendon! What brings you here!" Pete walks into the room and practically jumps when he sees him.
"I have a couple of demos I want you to hear for the album!" He says taking a CD out of his pocket.
"Ok cool! Come in!" Pete gestures towards the sofa.
Just then a girl comes out from behind Brendon,
"Hey B I've got the- PHOENIX!" The second I see her face I jump into her arms!
"Oh my god Sarah! I haven't seen you since-"
"Since you left?" She says with a smirk, her jet black hair flowing over her face,
"Yeah.." We laugh and hug again.
"Ok what the fuck just happened? Phee?" I turn around to see Pete and Brendon with the same confused faces.
"Ok, well me and Sarah used to be roomies before my know..and then I had to move in with my mum."
"AAAHHH" they both say in unison, we all laugh and The guys go sit on the sofa while me and Sarah chat in the kitchen.
"So! Tell me how the fuck you landed the famous Pete wentz?!?" She says with her eyes wide and her big smile across her face.
"Ooh well at first I didn't know he was the famous Pete wentz!" I say blushing slightly.
"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" She says laughing,
So I tell her, everything. Well I skipped the whole depressing hospital part...oh and the whole bipolar thing.
"THATS SO CUTE! You have matching necklaces AWWW!"
"Heh...yeah" I blush more.
"So what's up?" She says,
"What do you mean?"
"Well I know you, and I know when somethings bothering you! So spill" wow she's good.
" you remember Tyler?"
"How could I forget him! You guys where inseparable!" She laughs,
"Erm well he's currently in hospital.." Her face darkens and her expressions fade.
"What! What happened!" She folds her arms and stares at me. So I tell her everything, including the whole blood show.
"Oh. My. God."
"Hey! His surgery was successful! That means he just needs to recover! Everything is going to be fine!" She says pulling me into a hug.
"Yeah! Yeah your right!"
"I always am!" She laughs again.
"Hey so how did you and Brendon meet?"
"Oh well! That is a funny story!" We laugh together and as we do I feel my life is clicking back into place again, finally.

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