Chapter 43

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Phoenix POV
The demo had me in tears by the time the chorus came in
Don't forget about me, even when I doubt you, I'm no good without you...
It felt as if Tyler was directly talking to me. I instantly text him,
The demo has me in tears! I will never forget you Ty! xx
I took my earphones out after the 50th time of listening to the song, everyone was asleep. Mostly.
"Hey! I thought you where asleep!" I still couldn't face him, my brain was Ina debate over what i should do.
tell him. No don't tell him he'll never forgive you.
"Oh.. what yes... are we nearly there?"
He smiles and looks out the window,
"Well I cant see much land"
"PETE!" I hit his arm playfully as a smirk crawls across his face.
"OKAY OKAY! We have about two hours left" I roll my eyes and lean on his shoulder,
"You okay?" I hate that question.
"I'm fine" I close my eyes as he puts his arms around my waist and we fall asleep together. I remember why I fell in love with him,

Im being stupid. Pete is amazing, I couldn't ask for a better person to love. What the hell was I thinking? Pete loves me, I love Pete. I wouldn't be alive without him! For god sake I WOULDNT BE HERE! I'm about to go on tour!! Okay okay... I'm just going to forget that we ever went on that roof... what the fuck am I saying go to sleep girl.

About 4 hours later Pete wakes me up, the second my eyes open I knew that the rest of the day would be a blur. We leave the plane and head for the bus, I can't even remember what it looked like, it takes us to the first hotel. All I can remember is that we're in my favourite city, New York, and the hotel is extremely large.
"Woah this place is awesome!" Patrick says as he spins around with his head up admiring the huge chandelier that hung above.
"Yeah I COULD get used to this!" Dirty had already helped himself to the free food on the side and had slumped himself on one of the unrealistically large sofas along with joe. Pete, Andy and the tour manager where at the front desk getting the keys to the rooms. It's around 12:30 pm and we all have plans to go and explore, however much I want to explore the city I so love and long to live in, there is no way I'm going on this state... I can barely see forward.

"You alright Phee?" Patrick places one hand on my shoulder looking sympathetically into my eyes, I nod my head. Which doesn't help my mind at all, the room begins to spin.
"Yeah... just a lot to take in you know..." I say foucusing on keeping balance,
"Haha yeah! It's so awesome! I can't wait to explore!"
before he could add anymore the others emerge from the front desk, Pete shaking the new keys enthusiastically, the ringing spins in my head creating an endless spiral throughout my nervous system. It must've taken all my focus from keeping balance because I end up falling, thank god Joe was behind me...
"Woah Phee! Going for a trip are we!" He says dropping his bags and catching me before I embarrass myself in this extremely over priced hotel lobby. He lifts me back up to my feet, the others are already asking if I'm okay, of I need water, dirty offers some food... their voices are like echoes in my cave of a mind... I need to get out. Now.
"You know what... I think I'm going to just head to the room... I'm not up for exploring"
"I'll come with you" Pete pushes through the others and picks up all my things, I have no energy to argue so I just slightly nod my head and begin to walk, well.. stumble.

Once we make it to the room he places his and my bags down by the door and picks me up, he takes me to the sofa and carefully places me down so I'm lying across it. He sits on the floor so his head is level with mine.
"Phee what's going on?"
"Oh... nothing  just not up for exploring right now" I smile to assure him, his facial expressions do not show me reassurance.
"Phoenix this is your favourite city..."
He rests his forehead on mine,
"Phoenix Wolfe, I love you and I will never leave your side and there is nothing you can do about it, so therefore what is wrong?"
I needed that.
"My head is spinning my thoughts into whatever web it may choose, the voices in my head are coming back and I don't think I can handle them... Pete...I-" before I could finish he jumped up and ran over to his bag, he fumbled around until he found what he was looking for and when he did he returned with a white bag,
"What is that? I ask nervously.
"Something I should've given you a while back" he reaches in and brings out a bottle, a bottle of my pills...
"No" I immediately sit up and push myself into the corner of the sofa,
"I don't need them" I say over and over,
"Phee... please just take one for me"
"I don't need it."
"Phee... the doctor said you need two every day.. when was the last time you had one?" He was right. I haven't had one in about a month.
I reach over and take the bottle, I take one then walk into the bedroom, I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. He joins me.

We lay in silence for a while, I listen to my pulse on the pillow, as I fall asleep I reach for his hand so I can feel his pulse too... just to know he's real, and my shadows aren't playing tricks on me again.

A/N sorry this chapter is long over due... I know it's not my best but I will up my game for the next one :)

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