Chapter 20

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Phoenix PoV
I wake up in the hospital. What did I do?! My stomach is in agony but there's a wam hand on it. I practically jump up, slowly because I have no strength whatsoever but you can imagine it, as I jump up I see him. Pete, asleep half on my bed and half on his chair, both his hands are on me. One on my stomach and the other, which I didn't realise till now, holding my hand. His eyes looked so tired and his hair was so messy, to me he looked adorable. I squeeze his hand and he instantly pops up.

Pete PoV
She's alive, SHES ALIVE OMG YES!
I lurch forward and hug her so hard, I bury my face into her neck and I cry into it.

Phoenix PoV
It felt so good to hold him again, I could feel him crying on my shoulder so I cry into his. How very romantic. We sit there crying for what feels like forever until he breaks off and stares into my eyes.
"I love you, please don't ever do that to me again!" He says, still crying.
"I love you too! I was never meant to hurt you! I don't know what I was thinking. I mean I was thinking that you would be with some other girl with no care in the world" I look down. His face becomes serious and he puts his hands on my face.
"I would never do that to you! The reason I left is so that I could get money for OUR future" he smiles and kisses me. I close my eyes and relax into him, he puts his hand on my stomach and rubs it.
"OUCH!" I feel a wave of pain.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" I start to cry,
"Why does it hurt so much?!?" I sob,
"Because they had to cut you open to help your lungs.." I instantly lift my hospital gown and see a huge scar on my stomach, I cry harder.
"What did I do?!"
"Hey! Woah it's over now! Your fine and I'm going to take you home!"

Pete PoV
"I'm afraid that won't be possible Mr Wentz" the doctor swings open the door with a stupid clip board.
"What why?" She says,
"Because Miss Wolfe you can't lift yourself up!" He says scowling at her.
"Hey! Don't look at her like that!" I say standing up,
"Pete don't-"
"No did you see the way he looked at you!"
"I'm sorry Mr Wentz I know she has just woken up and I'm sure you want to skip into the sunset but I'm afraid she has to stay here until she can lift her own weight and her stomach is fully healed." Even though this guy saved her life I really hate him.

Since it was 4am and Phoenix insisted that I get some proper sleep I left.

Phoenix PoV
After Pete left the room the doctor walked in.
"Hello Phoenix, this is Sally" behind him was a short lady with short blonde hair, she smiled at me and I knew exactly why she was there.
"Hello Phoenix I'm your counsellor!" Fuck. I don't want another councellor...I stare at my scars on my arms, then I see my wrist. It has more stitches on it, that's gunna be a fucking scar.
"Phoenix, pay attention." When I look up I see the doctor staring at me, like my mum used to.
"Sorry." I give him a fake smile. He leaves and it's just me and council-bitch.
"Phoenix do you know why I'm here?"
"Hmm was it that I tried to..I dunno end my life?" I've decided to be a sarcastic bitch because if you haven't noticed, I hate counsellors.
"Now now Phee" she did not just call me that.
"I'm sorry I'm not comfortable with people I don't know calling me that." I stare at my blanket,
"Oh I'm sorry, may I ask why"
"Oh sorry I guess I'm really tired know being cut open? I would love to chat but I think you will have to come back later." I fake a yawn.
"Phoenix, I can't help you if you don't let me in."
"What if I don't want to let you in?" She sighs really loudly and leaves the room, slamming the door after her. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.

Pete PoV
As I walk into the apartment Patrick is pacing in the front room,
"How long you been up dude?" I ask,
"OH MY GOD! how is she I've been waiting all night for a call or something!"
"Sorry..I er- dirty!" Dirty comes out from the kitchen with a beer in his hands.
"SSSUP DUDE!" I hug him,
"Why are you here?"
"I heard about your girl? She alright?"
I sit on the sofa and they follow, both on edges of their seats.
"She's fine, she woke up and...and I've never been happier" the smile on my face felt huge.
"DUDE THATS AWESOME!" Dirty practically jumps out of his chair,
"When can I see her??!!" Patrick still has his concerned face on.
"Well me and Tyler are seeing her tomorrow, you guys wanna join?" I say grinning, they grin back. I think that's a yes.

A/N Phoenix is back!! Let's see what the story brings for this couple next...:)

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