Chapter 62

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Phoenix POV
I stay the night, the Josephs converted their old office into a spare bedroom for guests, when really we all knew it was for me.
I stayed in that room for weeks on end at one point, no one seemed to mind, it was wonderful.
I wake up to see my door open letting in the light from the hall, I spin my head round to see Tyler with his ukulele sitting on the chair opposite.
"Tyler what the hell!"
I say as I throw a pillow in his face at full pelt,
"Morning to you too"
He says recovering from the blow,
"What are you doing in here? How long have you been in here!?"
"Well firstly I brought you some coffee"
He gestures to the table,
"Secondly I thought I'd wake you up when I did but I saw you looked really happy so I just kinda sat here..."
"Oh my god"
I chuckle as I get up and begin to get dressed,
We have a routine, Tyler always does this, he would always wait till I woke up and if it got passed 11 am he could wake me up. Then I would change while he's still in the room, while we would still talk, but he would look the other way. Like best friends do.

We race down the stairs towards the welcoming smell of Mrs Josephs pancakes,
"Morning you two! I left out your favourite sauce! Must dash!"
She must've cooked the pancakes knowing I was here then rushed to work,
"She still thinks we're little kids"
Tyler shakes his head as he pours an unhealthy amount of the sauce onto his breakfast.
"Yes but we still love that damn sauce"
I say grabbing the bottle and pouring just a little more than Tyler, to annoy him just that little bit more.
He rolls his eyes and proceeds to sit with his siblings.
There in the dining room was Zack, Jay and Madison. I sit next to Madison but the second I do she rolls her eyes and leaves the room, Madison has never taken a liking to me, probably because I'm closer to her other siblings then her.
"Maddie! What the-"
"Leave it Tyler... the world knows she hates Phee."
Zack stops his brother from starting a fight,
"Besides she's just jealous"
He winks towards me for reassurance, I smile warmly and resume to eat... and regret, my sauce covered breakfast.

After breakfast I clean up with Jay whilst Tyler and Zack argue about the most recent basketball game, these often occur.
"Hey Phee!"
Tyler calls, I know what he wants, he wants my opinion on the matter. Just then the doorbell rings,
"It's okay, I'll get it. You go help his royal ass"
He gestures to the living room, I roll my eyes and walk over.
I hear faint voices by the door as Jay talks to whoever there but I ignore it, instead I create an opinion to whatever Tyler's asking in my head.
"Okay so Phee, you know you'll always take my side"
Tyler begins,
"Hey you can't just presume she'll take your side!"
Zack punches him hard, I'm not sure how to react.
"She's my best friend I'm pretty sure she has my back, Zack"
"Ha that rhymed"
They both start singing Eminem, I choose to leave the room and investigate the mysterious visitor at the front door.

When I reach the front door I regret ever investigating, and those pancakes... 
He freezes, mid conversation with Jay, his eyes dart to the ground then slowly lift to mine.
"Phoenix... I.. I'm sorry I didn't know you where here"
"The fuck happened with you two?"
Jays words pierce through the pure shock of the moment and snap us both back into reality,
"Phee do you mind if we go for a walk.."
Josh asks, I spin to Jay and stutter for him to tell Tyler where I'm going... let's hope he doesn't forget.

As we walk in silence down the street it feels as if it's only me and him, it's not, there's many others walking too.
Some look towards us, they probably think were some couple with problems... really you can't have a good relationship without problems.
"Phee I'm so sorry"
I practically jump out of my skin when he speaks,
He laughs, his laugh is infectious.
"What are you sorry for Josh? You did nothing wrong, it was me. Your head was in the right place... mine.. wasn't"
"I think we were both in the wrong"
I look up to him and see his vest has shifted in the wind, one side of his chest shows and on his chest is an abnormally large bruise.
"Holy shit Josh what is that!"
"W..what? Oh right that"
He quickly rearranges his vest so it covers it once again, then smiles as if nothing happened.
It hits me.
"You didn't... see him did you?"
He knows who.
I stop walking and stare at him harshly,
"Yeah... I went to his apartment to apologise and ask if I could help him to get you back.."
My heart sinks,
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I care about you and he means a lot to you."
I let out a large sigh,
"So what happened?"
"Things got out of hand.."
"And he.. he did that?"
Another sigh.
"I'm so sorry.."
"No I asked for it.."
I hug him, not too hard.. I don't want to hurt him. I may not have feelings for him but I do still care for him as a friend.
He wraps his arms around me, I feel safe and warm.
"Can we still be friends... I don't think I could live a full life without you in it"
He laughs,
"That's good, because I don't think I could live without you"

When we get back I see the front door is still slightly open, I'm too happy to care, everything's falling back into place. Then I look up.
Tyler's shooting concerned looks over to me, he then mouths protect her to Josh. I'm confused until I see why.
"What are you doing with him?"
Pete, standing in the hall, giving the worst look towards Josh,
"Pete I'm just taking a walk with a friend.. everything's sorted now!"
I say trying to keep the mood bright, I walk over to him and hold his hand, he tightens his grip.
He walks me out the door, as we pass Josh he doesn't loose eye contact with him,
"Stay away from her."
He hisses, then he slams the door.

"Pete what the fuck!?"
"What where you doing with him!?"
"I was trying to fix our friendship!"
He laughs,
"Nothing... just that's what people say when they still have feelings for someone"
"PETE! You know you're the only person in my heart!"
He mumbles angrily,
"What did you say?"
I'm angry now, I don't know fully why. Both my heart and my head are in a full blown argument over what's going on.
"I'm going to get you back home"
He spins round, let's go of my hand and speed walks in the opposite direction to the nearest Starbucks.
"I know what you did."
He freezes,
"I know what you did to Josh."
He opens his mouth but the words escape his brain, instead he just carries on walking.
Tears begin to burn down my cheeks as I stand watching him walk off, I know he's not angry at me, he can't be. He's just worried.

As I keep staring my vision goes blurry, things begin to spin, I feel my legs start to shake.
Not now.
Tears proceed to fall, but my legs don't move, I try to Call for Pete but nothing comes out.
I see a faded figure running towards me, before I could make out who it was I fall,
Luckily they catch me.
I know who it is when he begins to carry me back to the Josephs, he kicks the door open and alerts Tyler who already looks terrified. As he begins to speak Tyler's voice sounds as if it's under water, my vision gets worse as Josh sits on the sofa while I'm still in his arms gently so my head is resting in his legs and my legs are resting on Tyler's legs.
They're calling my name but I can barely hear, they start to frantically talk but it fades away with my conscience.

I black out in their arms.

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