Chapter 2

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Phoenix PoV
Before he gave me a new coffee he quickly scribbles something on the cup and passes it to me with a nervous look in his face.
"Hey, I...err..didn't get your name?" He said it so quickly I had to repeat it in my head. Damn he's pretty nervous...why? It's kinda cute.
" name is Phoenix and I er have to get back to work and er you know... Change my shirt" He looked almost upset that I had to leave I couldn't really believe that some hot guy was actually giving me attention. He did spill coffee over you Phoenix.

Pete PoV
She looked as if she was in a hurry,
" name is Phoenix and I er have to get back to work and you know change my shirt.." She gave an awkward laugh after and it made my stomach flip.goddamn if only she knew who I was I would have easily kissed her by now. As she walked off I watched her, when she walks her bum kind of wiggles, it's hot. I feel the need to chase her, I feel the need to hold her, I feel the need to even kiss her...shit Pete get your act together you've only just met her! That was the problem I had only just met her, but I was falling for her... I never believed in love at first sight but now it's biting my ass.

Phoenix PoV
As I walk away from him I can feel him watching me, as if he wanted to say something else....nah it's probably just me. I walk back into the shop and place the coffee down onto the self next to the boxes of CDs, I start stacking them in alphabet order, in genre order even in artist order! When I go to grab my coffee again a remember that the guy had written on it...

I quickly spin the cup around to find written in scruffy writing  is a number... His number... Above it is the name Pete Wentz. I could have sworn I've heard that name before...

After an hour of sorting CDs my phone buzzes, it's him! Wait it can't be he didn't get my number?. It wasn't him... It was Tyler, he's been my best friend since as long as I can remember! It says
Hey Phee! I hope CD sorting is going well I'm in town with nothing to do, need a coffee? - Ty

Damn he knows my weakness... I always want coffee.

I meet up with him in our little cafe on the corner of a street, we call it or corner cafe, original I know. He's already there looking around like a lost puppy, when he sees me his face lights up and he runs over and picks me up and spins me round!
"Phee I've missed you!" he says with the biggest grin I've ever seen!
"I've missed you too Ty! I have a story to tell you!"
I tell him all about meeting this guy and how he looked at me with his big brown eyes that you could melt into ...god if you could see them in real life you would know what I mean. We talk for hours until the staff kick us out and then we go and sit on a bench and talk for longer. Tyler was a great friend and he was always loyal and he always listened, he told me about the guy named josh that he met and that he was a drummer and he wants to replace the former members of his band Twenty One Pilots. This suddenly reminds me that I haven't talked to my band in over a week, oops!

After we say goodbye and so our official handshake I quickly text Charlie telling her when our next rehearsal is and where. When I get back tot the shop I notice the coffee cup, I pick it up and add the number to my contacts and that night I text him... I don't know why I just did, and it felt good.

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