Chapter 57

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Pete POV
Today is the day they finally release me from this hell hole, since they moved me back to Chicago the quality of the hospital fell dramatically. Colder rooms, stronger smells.
They ask multiple times if I want to contact the person at home. I always reject, not because I don't want to see her but because I want it to be a surprise!

Patrick helps me out the front doors with my crutches, he's the only one who's been here.
Truth is he's the only one allowed to be here,
See I thought if Phoenix spent all her time with me she'd waste a month of her life waiting. I want her to have fun and live for god sake, not just watching her Injured boyfriend stuck in bed all day.
So I told the hospital to only allow Patrick in.

"Ooh smell that! It's not medicine infested walls!"
He says as we emerge into the outside, he must be as happy as me to get out.
"I forgot how fucking cold it is here"
I say as we make our way to the car,
Patrick simply nods and adjusts his hat.
Inside the car Patrick starts everything up then looks to me,
"So.. where am I taking you?"
"What? Why?"
"Phoenix is staying there because she needs someone to look after her"
He turns the key and heads for the house.

When we arrive I can't help but imagine the cute look on her face when she sees me for the first time in month... her eyes will light up like they always do.
"Okay here we-"
I already had my legs out the car as he parked,
He runs round to help me out and into my crutches.
We make our way to the door and my excitement builds further, like a child awaiting their birthday cake when the lights go out.
"Should we knock?"
I laugh at his politeness,
"Nah Tyler said he left his key under the mat when he left last night, funny thing is they all got drunk because dallon returned and was upset"
Patrick rolls his eyes but proceeds to look under the mat, to his surprise they're there.
He says as I wink.
He fumbles with them until he finds the correct one, the second the door swings open I stumble in quickly,

Phoenix POV
I wake up suddenly,
It sounds like Pete shouting from downstairs. It can't be.
Must be the guilt.
My mind aches with the guilt, I look to my side to see josh happily asleep with his arms around me tightly.
I can't help but worry... however the guilt doesn't help.
I must admit of I was fully sober that would've never happened... damn.
He won't find out, I think to myself as I look around the room.
"Oh my god"
I clasp my hands to my face and laugh as quietly as I can, turns out we didn't actually make it to Josh's room.. in fact we where In mine. Well, the one I'm staying in.

As I continue to think over last nights flaws the door swings open, I sit straight up and cover myself with the blanket.
Standing right there, balanced by crutches. Was Pete. Oh fuck, shit, balls.
I say in both confusion and surprise.
He stands there for a second then proceeds to walk, well stumble, towards me. A he gets closer, his face gets whiter with shock.
"Pete.. um..shit.. I can explain!"
I struggle for the words, but before I can say anything he's out the door.
I shout, Josh awakens but I ignore him.
I hop out of bed and attempt to chase Pete, somehow my legs get caught in the sheets and I crash to the ground... by then I could already hear the front door close.
"Phoenix what's going on?!"
I cry hard into the carpet, as I hear josh practically leap from the bed. He lands beside me and runs my back questioning why I'm like this, I move further from him and proceed to get dressed and bolt for the door.
What the fuck have I done?

Pete POV
I practically slide down the stairs, I didn't see who she was with but I can make an educated guess. Josh.
I could always see a sparkle in his eye when ever she was near him, should've realised he'd take me being in hospital and my drunk girlfriend for granted.

I smash past Patrick almost tipping him over,
"Woah what's going on?!"
"Exactly what I should've been afraid of"
Just then I hear a shout from upstairs calling my name,
I don't want to hear her excuse, she probably doesn't even remember what happened... in fact I'm not even angry at her, I'm angry at him. He knew I was with her, he knew she was broken because I was in critical condition and he fucking knew that if she was drunk she'd do something stupid. He fucking knew but instead of stopping anything he just let it all happen.
He took advantage of her.

We drive away quickly from the house, I don't want to comeback here for a while.
I don't want to speak to him again,
As for her... we need a break.

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