Chapter 32

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Phoenix PoV
During the car journey to Patrick's I couldn't help but think about what the hell we where about to do?

I remember the day I first met her,we where talking online quite a lot, I guess you could say we where Internet friends. We bonded over our love of music and band members... I remember when I met her in real life for the first time, it taught me that not everyone in the world hates you and you actually have stuff in common with people. I remember when I first hugged her, I remember her perfume the most, it was the best perfume I had ever smelt. It smelt like flowers and sweetness, and her hugs where the best, we almost fell over when we collided! Tyler had to come with me because he was protective and wanted to make sure the girl on the screen was real, I guess when I think about it I was nervous too... Not because I had never met her, because I felt like I had known her for years, but I was nervous because I was scared we wouldn't be able to talk like we did on a screen when we where face to face. Luckily I was wrong! I also remember her hair, it was soft and brown but she had dip-dyed the ends red, it looked cool, I wanted to do the same but I knew I could never pull it off. And then the last thing I remember, our outfits. They where matching, not because we purposely bought the same outfits, no, we had the same clothes already we just didn't know! Tyler said we looked like the same morphed person when we waved goodbye, that was the worst part, saying good bye. Because I knew I wouldn't be able to see her again... Then she moved to Chicago and it was amazing and...and now...

"Phee!" I snap out of my trance and see Pete staring at me holding my hand,
"We've arrived" he jumps out the car and helps me out, I stare at Patrick and lizzies old house.
What the hell have I done?
They all start walking in as Patrick unlocks the door, when we walk into the main room I see boxes piled high around the hallways, I already feel tears in my eyes.
"What the hell are all of you doing here?!?" Practically everyone jumps, I look up to see Lizzie standing in the middle of the main room.
"Looking for you." Petes voice was stern and serious,
"Whys that?" She laughs.
"Because of what you said to Phee and to me!" Patrick chimes in standing next to Pete kind of cutting me out.
"Oh yeah? What did I say?" She coaxes them, I don't blame her.
"You know what you said bitch" Pete begins to edge forward, input my hand on his shoulder and try to pull him back.
"Pete calm down-" I try to calm the situation, he swings round.
"Don't you remember what she said Phee. She deserves every name she gets" he swings his head back to her, I stand there shaken because he's never used that tone on me before... He was talking to me like I was some idiot they dragged along.

Suddenly two other people pop up from the sofa, one of them I recognise, Tilly. One of lizzies best friends, the other I'd never seen before.he was extremely tall and had dark hair, he was good looking I'll give him that.
"What are you doing in my house." Patrick's fist clenches as he sees the guy.
"Protecting Liz from some crook who lies." His voice had an interesting tone...very intelligent sounding.
"This isn't your fight Dallon" Pete puts his arm In front of Patrick to stop him lurching at Dallon, I'm guessing they know eachother.
The entire time this happens I watch Lizzie, I don't know why but I feel like we could connect through this.
"Ah is the little bitch in the middle feeling sad?" Tilly says in a very moody tone, yeah Im not sure that connection is close.
"Sorry, what did you call me?!?" I stare at her,
"I called you what you have been to lizzie" she smirks and I feel a fire burning inside my brain hoping for an explosion.
I suddenly remember what she said to me.
I wish Tyler never found you in the park... No one cares about you.
The words swirl in my head as I feel my anger burning inside of me.
"What I'm the bitch? I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure I never wished Lizzie dead?!" I say back, she looks at Lizzie and they both look confused for a moment until Lizzie fires back.
"I never wished you dead!" She says half shouting across the hall, they where pushing us back. Once we where out the house me, Tilly and Lizzie all went to a different side to the guys.
"Oh really! So wants this supposed to mean!?!" I shove my phone in their faces and I watch them struggle to read the angry text. Lizzie looks as if she wants to say something but Tilly forces her argument out first.
"That's not a BAD thing!"
"Well, I joke about this to all my friends all the time, like, I always say 'oh go drink bleach aha' but I only mean it as a joke! God can't you get a joke!" What kind of fucking psycho jokes about suicide with their friends?!?
"Suicide is not a fucking joke! What the fuck?!?" Before she spits anything else out we hear a scream, it's Lizzie. I swing my head over to her and she's staring at the guys who are within an inch of eachother, then the explosion.

Pete lurches towards Dallon and knocks him to the ground, Patrick jumps out the way hands over his mouth and looks equally surprised as the rest of us. Dallon jumps up and swings at Pete sending him flying, I scream and start to go over but someone grabs me and pulls me back, I spin round and see Lizzie in tears holding my jacket to stop me moving, Tilly is nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Tilly?" I whisper,
"I don't know" she whispers back, still holding my jacket.
I swing my head back to the fight and see Dallon walking over to Pete, he lifts his fist but suddenly he's blown back by a kick from Pete. He smashes to the ground and we all hear the sound of Dallons head smashing the pavement. I completely forgot about Petes fighting skills, in their recent music video you can see what I mean.

Pete strides over to Dallon and I feel terror for its way through me as I see the blood pouring out of Dallons head. I spin round and see the emotionless expression on lizzies face.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper, as I say this she lets go of my jacket and I smile at her before bounding over to Pete and running into the middle of him and currently half dead Dallon.
"Pete SSSTOP!" I scream as I see his fist raise again, I squeeze my eyes shut and brace for impact.....but it never comes.
Eventually I open my eyes and I see him frozen in place tears streaming down his face. I look and see Patrick both hands outstretched and mouth wide open as if he was going to shout, Lizzie is on her knees crying her eyes out.

What the fuck just happened?  

I look back to Pete and he loosens up and he reaches for me but I step back and shake my head. I run over to Lizzie and hold her arm and bring her to Dallon. She rests her hand on his chest and bursts out in tears... And so do I. If she cries so do I, our brains are like they are psychologically attached.
"Patrick...can you please call an ambulance." I say in a stern voice so he doesn't question me, he speeds into the house. I look back at Pete who is on his knees staring at his bloody hands, tears still streaming down his face. He looks terrified, he then looks back at me. We say nothing but stare at each other. We have a full conversation trough our stares. He looks at me as if to say
What have I done?
I stare back as of to say.
He looks down at the ground and I look back to Lizzie, she looks up at me and she's covered in her black eyeliner with her arms dropped by her side, the second I see her like this I real side how much I've hurt her and how much she means to me. I cry harder and hug her, she's still wearing the same perfume.
"I'm so sorry.." I say, she cries harder.
"I never wish anyone dead...I regretted saying that the second I sent it" She breaks off and looks at me straight in the eyes,
"I'm so sorr-" she puts her hand up to stop me.
"Tilly was out of order, I told her to leave while she could.... I'm sorry" I smile at her,
"The things I said I'm so sorry!" She smiles am back.
"We all say and do  stupid thing that hurt others"

Just then the ambulance arrived and Lizzie gets in with Dallon, Patrick chatting with the medic while the other tends to Pete, he keeps his eyes on me. Once they finish the medics talk with Lizzie and then they slam the doors shut and drive off, I can see Lizzie crying in the window. Her last words in my head,
We all say and do things that' hurt others.

I look up to see Pete standing over me, I stand up and look him in the eyes,
"Phoenix I'm-" I jump into his bandaged arms,
"No ones ever fought someone for me" is day into his chest. I feel him relax as I say it, I then look up to see him smiling down on me. He kisses my forehead and I grab Patrick who's sitting on his front porch, I stop in front of him and smile. He stands up and immediately pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry Phoenix! I didn't think it was going to go that far!"
"I don't think any of us did..." I say breaking off and waving as I got in the car. He waves back and sits back down, puts his hands in his hair so his hat falls to the floor dramatically.
"He will be fine, he just needs some thinking time" I turn to see Pete staring at him too.

As he shifts in gear and backs out of the house lizzies smile stays put in my head along with her words.

We all say stupid things that hurt others.
And only 3 words where stuck in my head.

I'm so sorry.

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