Chapter 14

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Pete PoV
I had to actually get out of bed today because we had another show...I didn't want to go, to be honest I'd rather spend an entire day in bed.
"PETE WE ARE LEAVING!" Patrick shouts up the stairs, he really does act like my mum sometimes...

When we arrive the others go straight to the stage and start plugging in but I hang back for a bit,
"Hey Pete you comin'?" Joe asks with a pick in his mouth.
"I will, just give me a sec."
He walks off to stage and starts playing the intro to A little less sixteen candles, Great. Out of every song on that record they choose her favourite...

I walk into the changing rooms and switch my shoes, not because I needed to, but because I really didn't want to play this song, or any song right now...
"PETE" it's Patrick again.

The lights finally dim and the show begins, we run on stage and mess around, break a few speakers, and ankles. I make it through most of the show but when they start to play sixteen candles I force myself to stay on stage. But then I see the only thing that could make me happy, there in the crowd is my girlfriend.

Phoenix PoV
"This is a great idea" Tyler repeats as we drive to the venue,
"Are you sure? What if it makes things worse?"
He gives me a look as if to say, really?

We park and make our way to the entrance, when the tickets are checked and they let us in my nerves start. What if this really does backfire?
"Hey, this is gunna be awesome! Don't worry!!" It's like he can read my mind! I hear sixteen candles begin to play, our cue from Patrick. We're right on time.

We push the doors open and I'm blinded for about 3 seconds as my eyes focus on the strobing lights and darkened walls. Tyler seems to be having the same problem... The second my eyes adjust I see him, hair flopping over his face, bouncing to the beat. But then he sees me, our eyes meet, it feels like time stops and it's just us when we first kissed.

He stops playing, grabs his mic,
"Hey! Can you guys make a pathway for me?" Oh shit, what's happening?!? What do I do?!?
He jumps off stage and chucks hiss bass at his IT guy. He walks over to me, what do I do?!?

Pete PoV
I didn't care about the show anymore, I needed to feel Her in my arms again. I jump off stage throwing my bass to the side, I think the IT guy got it...I hope.

For some reason Patrick and the others have stopped playing the song, as if they planned this? Nah. When I get to her I put my hands around her waist again, just like I used to,
"I love you, and I never meant to hurt you-"
"Pete, just kiss me already" God I've missed her.
When we break apart I hear the crowd asking who she is... So I decide to tell them. I grab her hand and pull her onstage, Patrick's already ahead of me.
"May I introduce to you the girl who has stolen Petes heart, Phoenix!"
The crowd go wild, some cheering, others filming. I put my arm around her and bring her closer, she's smiling and waving and being all cute and shy!
"This song I wrote for her, and you guys can be the first to hear it! It's called I'm like a lawyer!"
The guys instantly know what song I mean and start playing the first chords, Patrick's voice with more emotion because he's a softy.

Phoenix PoV
I stand on the side where Tyler and Lizzie already are, he wrote a song about me.
It was so different to all their other stuff, it was much slower and Patrick put on his softer voice, it was beautiful. Every now and then Pete would turn to me and do his cute lil grin! When the song finished I was in tears.
"Thank you and goodnight!" Pete says already running towards me, crowd cheering behind him.

When he gets to me he picks me up and spins me round,
"So..what do you think about the song"
"'s so beautiful" I was still in tears...
Be laughs and wipes them off my cheek, I kiss him, and it feels so good.

A/N I'm ending this chapter here! There's much more drama heading in Phoenix direction!

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