Chapter 41

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Phoenix POV
We chatted on the sofa for about 2 hours, laughing and crying, but mostly laughing... in the end of it I was holding hands with both of them sat in the middle. Just laughing.
"I feel like singing a nursery rhyme..." Pete says obviously because I'm holding hands with both of them, I swing our hands up and down mocking his comment. Tyler begins to hum wheels on the bus!
"Ok ok! Very funny!" We all let go and he messes around with his hair, as per usual. It's still cute though. Suddenly all this happiness and laughter was taking over me and I had an instant thought of going somewhere...
"I want to go to the studio" I say, both of them freeze.
"Well I'm not getting up! I'm sure you can walk to the other room!" Tyler jokes, knowing what I really meant. They both do.
"I'm serious... I wanna go"
"What did you leave there" Tyler knows why I want to go, of course he does. He also knows that I want to go alone and there really isn't anything I've left there.
"Okay well I'll dive you of you wanna grab something" Tyler says now standing up and heading over to the lift and grabbing his keys from the hook.
"Well I've still got to pack..." Pete was now stood up with a sad look on his face,
"That place means a lot to me too..." he says now waking over.
"It's where I met you...well got to know you but you get what I mean" I do. I really do, I wish he packed!
"Pete... OH I KNOW! I'll get you a Starbucks! But you have to promise me one thing..."
a smile wipes across his face as I mention coffee,
"ANYTHING!" He mockingly falls to his knees and pretends to worship me. Good god. I kiss his hand and walk over to Tyler in the lift,
"You can't spill it on me. This is my new Metallica shirt that you bought me of course" the doors close. I see him grinning and hear his laugh as they shut.

"Why would he spill it on you?" Tyler says as we drive.
"Ty, don't you remember how I met him?" His face stretches into a grin and he jokingly punches my arm. It actually really hurt!
"I was joking Phee!" I roll my eyes and stare out the window.When we arrive Tyler goes to Starbucks to pick up the reason me and Pete are still awake and I head for the studio.

When I reach the doors my mind goes back to when it was just me and my parents. I imagine my dad unpacking his first box of CDs and playing the first vinyl he got. Dookie by Green Day. We danced in the hallways and up the stairs to where they led me to a black case.
"What's this?" I ask as my parents stood in the doorway,
"This is our thank you for being patient with us" my father says as he holds my mothers waist, just like Pete.
I spin round and open the case as fast as I could, you could hear the faint noise of Basket Case in the background. As I open the case I'm blinded by happiness, there a brand new real Fender Strat in black and white lay in front of me.
"" I stroke the fingerboard and listen to the noise of the strings as they play under my fingers... It was the most beautiful noise I'd ever heard.
"So... do you like it?" My mother asks, I spin round and race for them, I bring them into the biggest heartfelt hug I could. We stayed like that for what felt like forever, I never wanted to let go. I still have that guitar, I played it till it fell apart, then I took it to be fixed and I played it all over. It's still in the apartment sitting by the lift waiting to be packed, I will never leave it. It's all I have left of them.

"Phee..? PHEE!" I snap back into reality, I didn't notice but I am standing on the second floor of the studio, staring at the windowsill, In the exact place my parents showed me the case

"Phee are you alright?"I hear a different voice, it's not Tyler. I spin round and see josh standing there.
"Tyler forgot his money so he had to go back his.. he told me you where here... I um didn't mean to... are you okay?"
I cry harder, I rest my head on his shoulder.
"They're gone" the only words I could say.
"Who's gone? Phee who are you talking about?!" I sit him down on the window seat and I tell him the story of my parents.

About thirty minutes later I finish and he's hugging me again.
"Phee I think it's best if you leave" he says after a long silence.
"For tour... you have too many memories here and I think of you leave then you can have a good time and not be anywhere near a place that will make you feel like this. My lips stretch into a smile,
"Where's Pete?" I ask, he frowns.
"His manager called him and his band into a meeting... he um... he's pissed because he can't be there with you and Tyler when he drops you off, but he'll meet you there"
"Oh" I hate managers.
"Let's get out of this room, it obviously makes you sad and that is not what we want!" He smiles as he stands up, he holds out his hand for mine.
"I know where we can go" I say, I turn to the window, unlock and open it and start to step outside.
"What are you doing! Phee be careful!" I pretend to fall and I hear him gasp, I rest my feet on the platform and pop up.
"God you scared me Phee!" We laugh and I help him on,
"So... why are we here?" He says staring at the floor.
"Look up" I smile. Above us was a stair case to the roof, we climbed it quickly... ok we where racing. I won, duh...

Out of breath, I waked over to the side and watched the city go about its day. Josh joined me, still panting.
"You're... Crazy...HOW!" I laugh, as he struggles to breathe.
"I used to sneak up here when my parents where too much or of I was having a bad day... I first discovered it when my dad died.."
"I'm so sorry.."
"No it's fine! I'm happy I found it! It's a great view"
"It is.."
I turn to face him.
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For being here"
He smiles,
"I'm sorry for unloading all that stuff on you.."
"No no you needed to, I understand"
We stand there smiling at each other, until I hug him, hard.
"Thank you" I say into his shoulder,
"Always" even though we met last night I feel like I can trust him with anything...

When we break apart we stand there in each other's arms. Then it happens. I don't know what was going through my mind, I think it was also going through his, but we both leaned in. The sparks here flying, we got closer, our hearts beating faster. Faster, faster...
Then we stop, his lips inches away from mine, we snap back into reality and pull our faces away.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" he says starting the apology, I cut him off.
"No really it was me I'm sorry I shouldn't"
"No it's okay... we where caught up in whatever we where in..."
we where still linked, his arms round my waist and my hands round his neck. We slowly take our hands away...
"Maybe this tour is a good idea" I say leaning on the edge of the building again.
Silence takes over, I guess we where both caught up in our thoughts. Suddenly the silence is broken by something we both hoped would never happen.
"Hey... guys"
Tyler. What the fuck do I do now.

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