Chapter 52

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Phoenix POV
I wake up instantly.
The smell of antibiotics, the white furniture, the machines that don't stop continuously beeping. It's all the same. I'm in the hospital.
I sit up and if I have the same pain in my stomach as I did last time, great.
I remember the crash... slightly... well all I really remember is Pete and the driver sprawled across the road. Pete.
I ignore the pain and spin myself round the bed to get a proper look of the room, there on the other bed next to mine, is Pete.
He's silent. Breathing, but silent. His body moves so slowly you couldn't tell of he was alive or not. Every now and then there's a pause where he doesn't breathe, my heart stops for a few seconds and then... he breathes.
I watch him for about 20 minutes. However the 5th time this happens he doesn't breathe again and his machines go crazy. I can feel my heart in my throat as I hear two nurses walking quickly behind some important doctor walking towards the room. I pretend to sleep.
"His machines, Paul" says one do the nurses.
"We need to get him to the critical surgery room now." Paul, the important doctor replies with urgency.
"What's happened?!"
"Internal bleeding, one of his broken rips punctured a lung... the bleedings worse"
As Paul and his assistants rush out I begin to sob violently, his machines beeps where overpoweringly loud.
Suddenly a group of men in yellow and green come barging in, they unplug all of his machines and attach him to a smaller one on wheels, they begin to push him away from me.
"NOOO LEAVE HIM ALONE" I scream as loud as I can.
The last thing I saw was Pete being rolled into a bright light. Then darkness.

Josh POV
I pretty much screamed my name at the receptionist, she saw my sense of urgency... maybe from the scream. She pointed at a long corridor, I speed round the corridor shooting a look into every room. Nothing.
Then I see a door right at the end, Tyler finally catches up and opens it for me. I was just staring at it.
We walk in.

She's there, breathing slowly.
In and out, in and out, in, out, in ...
Tyler rushes over, kneels by her bed and cries whilst his hand tightly grips hers.
I begin to tear up too.
"Why is it always her!" He cries,
"PHEE listen to me! You're going to be fine! We're going to get you out of here and we're gunna see you at Christmas and... and"
He cries again, louder, as if he thinks she can hear him. Maybe she can.
I slowly walk over and inspect her machines, beeping away. Pete was still in surgery.
I join Tyler in kneeling by her bed and then bring up two chairs for us both, he then proceeds to unload his backpack in order to carefully lift his ukulele.
He begins to play soft chords, using the machine noises as a beat, it works perfectly.
He then sings as soft as he can as if sending her to sleep, I feel slightly drowsy come to think of it. It's beautiful.

"Tyler what song is that?" I ask as he strums the final chord.
"It'd called 'Oh Ms Believer' and I think I want to put it on our next record.." he says shyly, hiding behind his uke.
"I think you might have to!"
He laughs nervously,
he says after a while.
"Is she going to be okay?"
".. let's hope"

Phoenix POV
I wake up.
This time it's different, I can only hear one set of beeping machines... and a ukulele.
I lift my head abruptly and see no pete, no bed. Nothing.
My heart beats faster and faster, then the ukulele gets louder and louder.
I spin round to see Tyler, he's sat in the corner strumming his uke, he looks as if he hasn't moved for hours.
My voice as a whisper,
he lifts his eyes but not his head, as of he thinks his brain is playing tricks.. he soon realises it isn't.
He jumps up, dropping his uke on the nearest chair and wrapping his arms around me.
"I thought you... I thought.."
"You thought wrong"
I smirk, I hear a faint laugh through his tears of joy.
"Tyler.... that hurts"
He spoke so fast I couldn't catch up!
"Tyler! English!"
He blushes and takes a seat and begins to strum again.
"How long has it been"
I say hesitantly,
"Oh we arrived at 7am and its...4pm now SO around... 9 hours I think"
He counts on his fingers to check.
"...we?"  I say.
Just then someone else walks in with two coffees looking more depressed than Tyler did.
Josh drops both cups spilling brown liquid everywhere, he bolts over and gives me a tighter hug than Tyler, hurts more too.
"Josh... cant...breathe"
"JOSH! You need to clean up what have you done! Also your hurting Phee"
Tyler playfully punches josh before heading out of the room to get a towel.
"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you... or make a mess... I um.. didn't think I'd get to talk to you.."
He says carefully letting go,
"It's fine" 
We laugh.
I can't help myself from thinking about the airport, how guilty I felt... that's why the second we broke apart I grabbed my bags and mumbled 'bye' quickly.
"How are you feeling?"
He asks with a concerned look,
"I feel okay now.. I just can't feel my legs and my stomach hurts so bad..."
I lift my shirt slightly to see that my scar on my stomach had grown dramatically and had huge stitches across it.
I quickly put my shirt back to place and cover my stomach with my arms...
"I'm hideous..." 
tears begin to burn down my cheeks,
I'm hideous.... Petes never going to love me now...
"You're not hide-"
"Oh... hes..."
Josh looks down he hall,
"Hes... hes STILL in surgery"
"Oh my god..."
"He's going to be fine! He's got all the professionals with him!"
"Oh my god.."
"What the fuck happened here"
Tyler's standing at the door with a huge roll of tissue.
"Phee why are you crying!"
He shoots a look at Josh.
"What! I didn't say anything!"
"GUYS! it wasn't josh! I just saw my scar that's all!"
They both give me a sympathetic look.
"I'm so sorry Phee..."
"It's okay Tyler"
I smile warmly at him before clutching my stomach and disconnecting the wires from it.
"Phee..." josh reaches his hand out to stop me but I ignore him.
"No I'm seeing him"
I place my feet on the floor in one swivel and push myself off the bed,
"Phee I don't think that's a good idea-"
The second my weight goes to my legs i feel nothing. They're still numb.
I crash to the ground face first, I hear the other two shouting at each other, calling doctors but I ignore it.
Instead I begin to pull myself along the floor,
I am going to see him. Suddenly I'm lifted off the ground and back onto the bed.
It's josh.
"Phoenix we were going to tell you..."
"What that I can't walk? Yeah just a little thing to leave out."
He blushes and scratches his head.
"Yeah... we... sorry.."
Tyler bursts back into the room.
A smile stretched across his  face,
Josh high-fives him with a jump of excitement.
"I'm sorry what have I missed?"
"PHEE! They're going to let us teach you to walk!"
"They where going to get you a counsellor and I know how much you hate them so I said that me and Josh can teach you to walk AND be your counsellor!"
"Oh... THANK YOU!"
I reach out to hug them both,  I end up in tears again.
"What? Are we hurting you!"
"No! It's all just happening... fast you know?"
"Well on the bright side you get to stay with us for a while!"
I roll my eyes,
"Oh joy"

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