Chapter 39

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Phoenix POV
We pushed our way to the front and waited for them to come on, I hugged Patrick and wished him luck, whereas when he got to Kat they both kind of just stood there and eventually he waved and rushed to meet the others.  I had a mix of both nerves and excitement, probability because I've never heard any of the songs on the album apart from my own.... I haven't even heard my own!

Suddenly a huge roar of cheers crashes over us and I look up to see Andy assuming his position on stage, joe close behind swinging his guitar onto his back and grinning at the crowd. I wave manically at him and he laughs and waves back, then the cheering gets louder as Patrick and Pete walk on, Patrick's pit his hat on over his eyes again, he does this when hes really nervous, Pete chucks on his bass and smirks at the crowd screaming for his band. We make eye contact and a large grin spreads across his face.

"Hey guys thanks for showing up! We're fall out boy and welcome to our record release party!" He pauses while the crowd cheer in unison, I can't help screaming myself while Kat throws her arms in the air!
"Ok this song is for all the car crash hearts out there" the crowed erupts as they begin the song, joe does his special move with his guitar, Andy smashes the drums, Patrick smiles his head off and sings so hard while Pete spins around and around with his bass. The performance is amazing and the crowd seem to be loving it! They made more noise than a full arena even though it wasn't a full room... I'm so proud!

When the song ends Pete holds his hands up,
"You'd better know the words to this damn song!" The band belt out the beginning chords of sugar we're going down and the entire crowd sing at the top of their lungs while dancing manically! When the song finally ended they all skipped back stage, I grab lays arm and run.
"What are you doing?!?" She asks as we speed walk towards backstage,
"We are going to see the people we love and are falling for in your case" I wink and she blushes but doesn't fight it. Besides... she knows I'm right!

Pete POV
We jump off the stage and round the corner behind the curtain and all scream with excitement and one exaggerated high fives,
"Dude... they liked it" Patrick was pretty much shaking me as he grabbed hold of my arms.
"Yeah! They did!" I shake him back to annoy him.
Joe and Andy are both dancing with each other singing songs and happily messing around! We join them in those conga. After a bit we all collapse onto the sofa heavily panting after all of the excitement and adrenaline exits our bodies, I flip my head to Patrick who seems to be still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.
"So... Kat huh?" He looks up as soon as I mention her, he shrugs and laughs.
"Yeah..." his cheeks begin to blush and I roll my eyes.
"So are you gunna tell her?" I ask forcing myself to stand up however much my legs where ready to fall off, I walk over to the Mini fridge and grab a beer. When I look back at him he's staring at me,
"Tell her what...?" He says re adjusting his hat, he does this when he's nervous.
"That you like her..." I say, he freezes and stares at the floor as if the answer would smash through and slap him.
"Is it that obvious?" He says going back to the beetroot colour in his cheeks,
"Yes... it's so weird... I've only known her for three hours and it feels like I've-"
"Known her your whole life" I finish his sentence and he looks at me guiltily,
"I'm so sorry...." he says after what feels like a few minuets of silence,
"I know... it's okay"
"No it's not I was a jerk" I laugh at his comment,
"You where. but you get it now and I'm happy you've finally found your match"

We stay staring and smiling at each other and before he could answer the door swings open and a very excited Phoenix bundles in, another girl comes in behind her, a little less on the mental side.
"PETE!" She screams and pounces into my arms, I spin her around as she continues to kiss my neck.
"The song... it's amazing! And everyone loves it!!" She squeals as I lower her back to the ground,
"They really do! I'm... im so happy!" I Kiss her then we both spin round to see both Patrick and Kat sitting on the sofa in a deep conversation, both looking equally as nervous as the other.

At that exact moment they both reminded me of when I first met Phee... she was wearing her new tshirt, that I ruined, and had her dark hair up in a perfect messy pony tail. I remember thinking that If i didn't make a move I would regret it for most of my life! I look over to her, her eyes fixed on the couple on the sofa, I put my hand around her waist and she leans into my chest.

Just then Patrick stops talking and looks up at both of us,
"Oh... hey guys..." he lets out an awkward laugh,
"Time has no effect on how you feel for someone... sometimes the person you met 3 hours ago can love you more than someone you met 3 years ago" I say, at first it's silent and then Patrick gets up and takes Kat by the hand and helps her up too.
"I completely agree with you.... for the first time I actually fully understand how you two have felt for the past couple of months...and I'm sorry I ever doubted your decisions" his hand was still holding Kats when he spoke,
"Why don't we all take a trip to the roof, the view is actually pretty good" Phoenix chimes in after engulfing Patrick in the most heartfelt hug, he beams.
"Yeah, I think that would be awesome!"

When we get to the roof the girls go off to one corner and stare at the view, Phoenix starts to lean over the edge to see more and I instantly feel my heart drop. I must've been staring with a concerned look on my face because Patrick yelled my shoulder and when I turned to look at him he mouthed, she will be fine!
I smile and walk with him,
"You two care so much for each other" he says adjusting his hat for the 100th time,
"Yeah...she means a lot" i shove my hands deep into my pockets as we walk to the edge and look over the sleeping city.

Most buildings are filled with business men sitting at a desk with their hands through their hair for countless hours, staring at that one piece of paper which could change a life. Or young couples who are bundled up in a tiny apartment barely able to pay for food, they are fighting, arguing about pointless subjects because they have nothing better to do. For most people that's just their daily lives but others would kill for a life as ordinary and simple, for example me. I would do anything for a normal day where it's just me and Phoenix cramped up in a tiny apartment struggling to afford anything, it sounds horrible but to me it sounds less complicated and just... comforting.

"Pete.." I pop back into reality, back staring at the one window in that one building on that one road.
"EARTH TO PETE" the sudden sharpness in Patrick's voice made me jump out of my skin,
"Shit Patrick! I'm back, I'm back!" He chuckles at me and joins me in leaning over the side, he lets out a big sigh and we both stare out at the sleeping city.
"You know..." he begins,
"I never thought I would have a successful band, have friends and some beautiful girl actually like me..." I carry on staring at the city skyline, I can feel his anticipation, waiting for my next words of wisdom.
"Well... you deserve it" I turn to smile at him and he does the same,
"Well I GUESS you're okay too... but Phoenix was just luck" he winks,
"Hah anyone would be lucky to have her.... for some reason she ended up with me"

Phoenix POV
"Ok so hands for feet or feet for hands?" Kat asks with a bright expression on her face, we've been playing this game for god knows how long and for some reason I'm loving it.
"Ok...uhhhh hands for feet!" I imagine myself being able to climb what ever tree I want or multi task even more,
"Ok.. tell me why?" She says,
"Well.. for starters how the hell are you going to do anything with feet for hands!" She lets out a huge roar of laughter and I can't help but join her, she has one of those contagious laughs.

Before I could add a new question the roof door swings open, Tyler and Josh storm out and head straight for me.
"YOU lil missy! are needed on the dance floor!" Tyler blurts out with his finger poking my nose. Kats face looked confused so I figured there was some explaining.
"Kat this is my best friend Tyler... he um...he likes to dance" I say removing his finger from my nose, she begins to laugh again, so do I,
"And...and um this is his band mate Josh who is apparently too cool to dance" I smile at him and he rolls his eyes.
"However cool I may be... I can sure throw down when it comes to dancing" he does a little dance and Tyler copies him, after about two minutes we are all dancing to the music in our minds!
"What the fuck is going on?!?" I spin round to to see pete staring at us all dancing, Patrick was close behind in fits of laughter while trying to copy Josh's little dance... and failing.
"Ok ok! Can we PLEASE go and dance now Phee!" Tyler pretended to beg while on his knees.
"Well... I suppose one dance won't hurt..." I wink at him and he squeals, we all link arms and skip back to the party.

It may be my last night in Chicago for a while but to be honest... it was one hell of a see you later... also I will never delete the video of Tyler and Josh dancing on my phone, it will be passed down into the Wolfe generations.

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