Insta Bae - Dan Howell

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Okay, this honestly sucked.. But it's the best I can give right now with writer's block... Anyways, I had fun writing this... The song is literally the title so if you want that search it.. I probably won't do muser songs anymore but I felt like it today... 

The editing also sucks because, I can't bother...

Hope you enjoy either way. Please comment who you want Imagines for though, all I think of doing are Dan and Phil ones because they seem like the ones you guys like the most. 

Anyways, I gotta get listening to Hamilton. 

- Your friendly local trashcan writer <3

Dan Howell was sitting in his bed while on his phone one night. On this certain one, he noticed a certain girl that followed him. 

Girl, I knew when I seen you

The username was I/UN (Instagram username), and he looked at the person.

He ended up looking at her entire feed, and thought she was interesting.

All in my timeline

yeah, yeah

Quite the View, every angle.

He ended up seeing a few selfies at different angles and ended up thinking she was beautiful.

Baby, you're so fine

Yeah, Yeah

Ooh ooh

He ended up following her back, and that's when they met.

Follow me and I'll follow you,

uh huh

He wanted to meet her in real life, since he saw that she also lived in London, so he stalked her for a bit, logically.

Wherever you want me to


He started liking all of her pictures, and she noticed, since she messaed him, saying "Thank you."

"That's cause I'm likin you" He replied back to her.


I think it's time I let you know.. He said to himself after talking to her after 3 weeks.

ooooh ooooh baby

" You my insta insta bae - ae - ae - ae 

  You my insta insta bae - ae - ae - ae 

I knew it instant, instant, lay - ay - ay - ay

  You my insta insta bae - ae - ae - ae  "

Ten Years Later :)

"She agreed. After three years of dating, I proposed to her. She said yes."

Dan and his wife Y/N told their three year old son Jacob and five year old daughter Fae.

"Daddy, did you really ask Mommy to be her insta bae when you met her?" Fae asked while giggling. 

"Yes Fairy, I did. " Dan answered while smiling.

"Now, I'm taking little Jacob to bed, you tuck in Fae." Y/n said to Dan while picking up Jacob.

She walked over to Fae and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight sweetie." She said before leaving the room.

"Night Mommy!" Fae yelled after her mother.

Dan finished tucking her in, and was about to leave the room, when he heard a little voice ask after him.


"Yes Fairy?" Dan asked while turning and looking at the child.

"Can I get my own insta bae like you did someday?"

Dan laughed softly while shaking his head at the five year old's question. 

"Of course you can, Fairy. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Daddy!" she replied before going to sleep.

Dan walked out of the room and past Jacob's room. He saw Y/N tucking Jacob into bed, and sighed while thinking how thankful he was that he was on Instagram that day.

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