Duality. - Yandere!Joe Sugg

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A/N- Song up top if you don't know it and you want to listen to it ^-^ It's good so I recommend it.. P.S I didn't find it because of Undertale, I hate that the Undertale people found it.. no offense to them of course!


"I can't quite contain, or explain my evil ways.. or explain why I'm not sane. All I can say, is this is your warning.."

Joe, to make it a long story short.. he has some romantic feelings for you.

It's not one of those short small crushes as well. It can be described as an obsession.

He knows everything about you. What color you like, what foods you hate, and even how many times you wore your favorite F/C shirt in the past month.

You name it, he knows it.

One thing he didn't know, was that you had a boyfriend. You still do, but he won't know that. OR will he?

Well, you used to know him as sweet, until you learned about the obsession.

"I have a confession, of a side that I hide, it's a cloak or disguise unleashed, gonna get it off"

You never liked him in this way. He was only a friend to you.

Joe couldn't accept this.

He found out where your boyfriend lived... and....

eliminated him.

You eventually found this out. How you found out? By a photo.

A photo of Joe beheading your boyfriend.

Where did you get the photo?

Joe sent it to you.

With your boyfriend's arm, and a note pinned to it.


I will do this many more times, if it will get you to accept our feelings for each other.

~ J.S"

"Can't count the list of things I know are wrong with me, no need to justify them."

- Three years later.-

You eventually got another boyfriend, and moved to America with him. You changed numbers, addresses, everything you could think of.

That didn't stop him.

He searched for you.

Joe soon found you, with your husband and kids.

Joe came for you.

He came for your family.

All because you weren't with him.



OKAY this is creepy I know I'm sorry that's just what happened with me and this song... I'll write a less creepy one eventually.

On a different note... I'm so so so so sorry that I've been inactive! I again got writers block, a D.C trip, and testing is messing me up! I'll try my very best to write when I have time, but no promises.. I got so many books.. XD

Anyways, I'll catch yall later :P

- Jessie ^-^

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