Caspar Lee x Reader

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Not Edited, just needed to get something out, forgive me, and some Dolan Twins MIGHT be coming sooooon ;)





One...." Caspar mumbled to his girlfriend before pressing the record button.

"Hi my name is Caspar Lee, and I have a girlfriend!" 

"Yay!" The girl beside him exclaimed while starting to laugh.

"Isn't she pretty?.. Well, don't just sit there, introduce yourself!" Caspar messed up her hair while saying to the camera, more specifically his girlfriend. 

"Hi! I'm Y/N, you probably know me from C/N, (channel name) and I am the person whole stole Caspar's heart from all of you!" She answered while sounding sarcastic at the last part.

Caspar snorted at what she said. 

"You flatter me, you really do.. but let's save this for another video! Make sure to stay tuned for next week, when Y/N, Joe, and I are going to call some of you on snapchat!" 

"I can't wait to talk to you guys!" she added.

"BYE!" Caspar squealed before hitting the record button again, to stop it.

"Do you think I did okay?" Y/N asked him while fixing her hair, pretty anxious.

Caspar messed up her hair again before speaking, making her groan.

"Don't worry babe, you did amazing. They're going to love you, or so help me."

Y/N laughed. "Wow, threatening fans? That's new, anyways, I gotta go, bye!" 

She left the room after blowing him a kiss, making Caspar jokingly catch it.

"Geez, how did I get so lucky?" he asked to himself while starting to edit, excited to inform his fans about his relationship.

YouTube One Shots and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora