Dan Howell- Crazy Beautiful

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A/N Yes I did change my username, but now its more toward what I write, Youtubers and soon Harry Potter :) I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I'm writing a ton so I have some before the end of Winter Break, but since I changed my username I figured I'd post one :P P.s Please request or give me ideas, I'm almost out...


You love Dan. You love him more than anything, but he didn't know that. Not yet. He loves you, more than anything. But you don't know that, not yet. This is the story of the night where you both find this out.

"Come on Dan! We're going to be late!" You say over your shoulder to Dan, who is walking a few feet behind you. You both are heading to the karaoke club to meet up with Phil and Casper.
" I'm coming, slow your roll y/n!" He says while laughing. She's so beautiful.. He says to himself in his head, She'd never like me in the same way..
" You're so slow!"
"I'm not slow, you're just too fast!"
He's so adorable, you think to yourself, he'd never like me in the same way..
You both then enter the club and see Phil and Casper sitting at a table in front of the stage.
"Hey Phil, hi Casper!" You say while giving a nod to the guys sitting at the table.
"Hey y/n!" Phil says before whispering something you can't hear into dan's ear and giving him a bro hug.
" y/n!" Casper says while hugging you tightly. You and Casper are best friends, he is practically your brother, so he knows everything about you. Including your crush on Dan, you hope he hasn't told anyone yet, but it's Casper..So don't know who knows at this point.
"Phil said the plan is ready, for me to confess. Him and Casper seem positive that she will say yes, so I'm a bit less nervous.Dan thinks in his head. Casper then nodded at Dan telling him that everything is in place. By everything, he means that everything is set for Dan to sing y/n a song tonight.
"Welcome to karaoke night everybody!" The announcer says and then starts telling the rules and everything. (A/n I've never been to anything with karaoke so cut me some slack)
Various people preform throughout the night, and you guys all either clap or laugh as people sing. Finally, the last performer is called up. You don't hear who it is, so you shoot Dan a questioning look when he gets up and walks to the stage.
Phil quickly and quietly whispers in your ear, " he's preforming, and you should probably pay attention right now."
You uneasily whisper back, "okay" and wait for Dan's performance to start.
Dan taps on the mic and says, " Hello, before I start, I want to say a few words. This song is dedicated to a girl that is very important to me, y/n l/n. I hope you like it, she's also sitting in the front."
You quietly gasp as everyone -except for Casper and Phil- turns and glances at you for a second before the song starts.
" This song is called Crazy Beautiful." ( a/n I switched out the eye colors so you can imagine he's talking about you :3)
The music starts and Dan starts singing.
Ooooooooooh ooooooooooh
She got big e/c eyes and tangled hair
Voguing in her underwear
And nothing is better,
Than doing nothing together

Now she got a toothbrush as a microphone
  You quietly start laughing, as you remember the time that you did that with Dan when you were bored.
Belting out the The Rolling Stones
And I'm the last one to stop her,
Can't believe that I got her

We get so close
Kissing like Eskimos
It's a little bit much,
I know, I do

Isn't she cra- crazy beautiful
Isn't she strange, strange, and wonderful
I think I love her, more than, I even understand
You smile slightly at Dan, which makes him relax and start getting into it more.

She got a classic style that's all her own
A smile you can hear through the telephone.
And she says she's a rebel,
But she's way too sentimental
You roll your eyes at that comment.

And she's precious even when she's mad
Gets angry and I start to laugh
And I know that it's nothing
She's just pushing my buttons

She gets so close
We're kissing like Eskimos
It's a little bit much, I know, I do
Isn't she cra- crazy beautiful
Isn't she strange, strange and wonderful,
I think I love her, more than, I even understand
Dan starts getting into more and starts moonwalking back and forth like Michael Jackson. (A/n idk😂)

Isn't she cra- crazy beautiful
Isn't she strange, strange, and wonderful,
And I think I love her,more than, I even understand

She's a little bit wild,
A little bit mad,
A little bit uh oh,
You start blushing as Dan winks at you.

A little bit bad
A little bit uh oh,

And I, never could know her too well,
Still I never want anyone else
Isn't she cra- crazy beautiful
Isn't she strange- strange, and wonderful
I think I love her, more than I even understand

Isn't she cra- crazy beautiful
Isn't she strange- strange and wonderful
I think I LOVE her more than I understand

She's a little bit wild
A little bit mad
A little bit uh oh

A little bit mad
A little bit uh oh
I think i love her more than I even understand..

After Dan ends his song,  you race up onto the stage and engulf him into a huge hug. He whispers in your ear,
" be mine?" and you whisper back.." always." (A/n any fellow Harry Potter fans out there? ;-;)
That night you all walked out together, but there was a small difference, you and Dan were holding hands. You both promised that night that you would be together,
A/n I hope you enjoyed this imagine! Sigh, it took me all day but it was worth it.. who should I write one for next? I mainly have a horrible time starting these things.

YouTube One Shots and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora