⚠️Don't let me down- Casper Lee

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  Word count : 1968 💚
Warnings - bullying, depression, insane asylum mentions, etc.. If you're sensitive to these, please don't read.. I don't want to scar anyone's minds.. Also I'm sorry I've only been writing depressing stuff.. It's the only topic I'm really expressive in right now.. I guess like my soul :)
Also.. I didn't like making them all mean and stuff... I actually cringed at it because I know they aren't like that.. Sorry :(
Song is - don't let me down by the chain smokers.. Hope you enjoy..

       You're running. Running from your biggest fear. All of your bullies facing you at once.  You aren't known to have  many friends, so you've been bullied for your whole time at middle school. Who are your bullies exactly? They're a group, nicknamed the fearsome foursome. They are known to be the most popular kids at the school, but they aren't exactly known to be the nicest.

The members of this group are, Zoe Sugg, her brother Joe Sugg, Tanya Burr, and Casper Lee, who unfortunately happens to be your crush. You don't know how that happened, but he's always been nice to you since kindergarten, so it's unfortunate that he turned into this type of person. 
(Start playing song, lyrics will be in italics.)

Your thoughts get interrupted by someone shoving you into another person, that person then shoving you into the brick wall a feet feet to the right of you, causing you to lay on the ground in agony, clutching your right side.
Hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle.

You look up to see a familiar duo walking in your direction. Zoe and Joe Sugg. They have always beaten you by far the worst, more than the others. You start shaking slightly when you notice what they have in their hands, rocks. Last week it was sticks, this week they decide to beat you with rocks. You see them start coming faster than they were a minute before.
Hurry up now I need a miracle.

Right as you know it, Joe suddenly sets down his rock. Before you can guess why he did, he picks you up roughly and positions you in front of Zoe, ignoring your squirming while smirking at the fact that he's stronger than you.
Stranded, reaching out

Zoe grabs you roughly from Joe before sitting on your stomach on the ground, and while ignoring your screams and pleas to stop, starts beating you as hard as she can with her rock. While trying hard to ignore the pain, you try to find something to use to defend yourself. Only finding nothing.
I call your name but you're not around.

You start calling for help. Help from anyone in general who aren't these people. Joe covers your mouth with his own while saying, "No one would want to help your pathetic self. You have no friends." This goes on for about 20 minutes before they get up and leave. Leaving you to bleed to death slowly.
I say your name but your not around.

You can feel yourself starting to black out. So, naturally you start saying names of the people you can consider your 'friends' no one comes after about 10 minutes, and you feel yourself finally give in and slip into darkness.
I need ya
I need ya
I need ya right now.
Caspers POV-
I'm walking around the school, looking for my two friends, Zoe and Joe. I finally got them to make a promise not to hurt anyone for the week, so we can keep SOME of our group's reputation good. Honestly, I hate what my group does to people. It isn't right. I don't care what my friends say. Speaking of, I see them coming towards me carrying, wait a second.. BLOOD STAINED ROCKS!? That's not a part of the agreement at all!! So I ask them,
"Okay, what the actual heck are you two doing with those rocks??"
"Oh nothing serious, just beat up our favorite victim with them, nothing too bad." Joe casually says.
"WHAT NOW?!" I say angrily. "THIS WASN'T IN THE DEAL!"
"You bloody idiot Joe! We said we weren't going to tell him. Remember?!" Zoe says while slapping him.
"Look. Where did you beat her up?!" I ask.
"Why should you care-" Joe starts to say before getting interrupted by Tanya.
"It's obvious, can't you tell Joe?Casper here is going soft." Tanya says.
"I'm not going soft!! I just think what you're doing is wrong." I fire back.
"Definitely soft."
"Absolutely. And it's disgusting."
"Mate, I may not be the smartest person, but I can tell you like her, I may get a beating, but I don't care. She's in the south hallway. Go get her, she might be dead soon..." Joe says slowly and nervously.
"ALMOST DEAD?!" I yell before turning to run off in that direction. "Thanks mate!"
Yeah I need you right now..
So don't let me
Don't let me don't let me down

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