I'm a nerd - Phil Lester

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, I was waiting until I had a comfortable place to update, and now I do! I got a sweet computer for my birthday, -early present, my birthday's on the 15th- so now I can update more comfortably! They should be more frequent, (Hopefully a ton this weekend!)but my semester in school is ending really soon, so I will focus on locking in those straight A grades before updating. Anyways,  I hope you enjoy this little thing I came up for.. It was originally supposed to be for Conner, but you guys seem to like Dan and Phil imagines more so I changed it to fit him better. Also, it's not as edited as I would like, but whatever I'll be writing ahead so.. I'm gonna go now so, see ya - Jessie <3

You and Phil were sitting on your couch while doing nothing.

"Hey Phil?"

"Yeah y/n?"

"Guess what?"

"What Y/N..."

"I'M A NERD!!!" You yell while jumping on the couch and laying upside down.

"I'm aware of this Y/N." Phil said while laughing.

--Time skip--

You and Phil were watering Phil's houseplants together.

"Hey Phil?" Y/N asked

"Yes Y/n?" Phil responded while watering his plant.

"I'M A NERD!" Y/N said while dropping her mini watering can and laughing.

"I know.." Phil said normally while picking up the watering can and walking into the kitchen.

-- Time Skip -- 

You and Phil were sitting in his room while he was editing. You were laying on his bed on your phone while watching him.

"Hey Phil?" You asked him randomly.

"Yes Y/N?" He responds, a little stressed out from all these questions.

"I'M A NERD!" You yell triumphantly while falling off of his bed laughing your head off.

Phil doesn't respond while he just turns back to start editing again.

-- Time Skip -- 

You and Phil were getting ready for bed. Phil was about to fall asleep, but you were wide awake.

"Hey Phil?" 

"Let me guess. I'm a nerd?" Phil said while trying to hold back a groan.


"Then, what y/n..."

"I'm yours." You said while smiling at him.

Phil smiled while pulling you into his arms before you both fell into asleep.

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