Prom? - Alfie Deyes

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I really hope you liked this, I edited it a little bit, but it didn't do much as far as fixing the cringe level. Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoy this? By the way, I'm on a roll with updating today, be proud of me :)

3rd POV-
Y/n, will you go to prom with me? Another annoying git asked y/n as her and her friend Tanya were trying get to Alfie in the huge cafeteria.
"For the last time, no." She says loudly before She plopped into her seat next to Alfie at their usual lunch room table, while Tanya sat next to Jim. Along with y/n and Tanya at the lunch table is their usual lunch group, Zoe, her brother Joe, Alfie,, Jim, and Jim's friend Casper. The group silently laughs at the outburst before Alfie starts up a conversation again.
"Y/n what was that?" He asks while laughing at the memory.

Before y/n can answer, Tanya replies, " just another git trying to ask y/n to prom, you think they would ever learn? She's said no to all 5 guys who have asked her."
Alfie scoffs while y/n replies,
" 5 guys have NOT asked me.. It's only been 4.."
"Close enough.." Tanya says while leaning back and smirking, after drinking a bottle of tea.
Zoe then joins in by asking, "y/n, why do you keep saying no to them anyways? You could get anyone you want.."
Y/n thinks for a second after drinking her milk, and says.. " Exactly. I could get anyone I wanted, that's the problem. I don't want any random jerk who asks me, I want someone kind, and nice to me, if that makes any sense."

After a few seconds of the girl's silence of thinking, Zoe breaks the silence.
" That's good, you want someone who will treat you right." While Tanya nods in agreement.
The boys, who were listening into the conversation, turn silently and wink and smirk and Alfie, while he shakes his head while blushing. Joe, not getting the message that much, excuses himself and Alfie quickly, and they go out in the hallway to talk.

Joe's POV
I lead Alfie out in the hallway to knock the message in his head, y/n likes him! It's obvious, we all can tell, and he obviously likes her, so match made. I'm trying to convince him to ask y/n to prom, but he won't listen.
He claims that she would never like someone like him. I'm being honest here, but that's not the case.
She practically described him when Zoe once asked her about her dream date. He still won't listen, so I just tell him that if he won't ask her to prom, I will.
Honestly, I probably wouldn't, plus I have plans to ask my other friend Sam. Also, I just want to make him squirm. Anyways, I lead him back to the lunch table and we get back into a conversation with the guys again.

3rd person POV-
When Joe and Alfie got back from their "talk" it was awkward. Mainly because the group was interrogating y/n to see if she likes Alfie, and they managed to get the answer from her right before they sat down. Now it's anyone's game to get them together, and everyone in the group, (besides y/n) knew that it was fair game to get them together.
- time skip to after school.-

Alfie's  POV
I want to ask y/n out to prom, I'm just waiting for the right time, and it's troubling.. Mainly because my and y/n's friends are pressuring me. I just hope whatever they are planning works?

Joe, Jim, and Casper are coming over to help me plan to ask her, so I hope they don't be stupid and make me jump out of an airplane or something.. Actually, it's Joe, so he would. Anyways, they came over and we started brainstorming ideas.

Joe wanted me to jump out of an airplane..-why did I see that coming?-, Jim thought I should do a picnic, and Casper said I should just straight up ask her with a poster. Honestly, the idea I like the best is Casper, I may not know him the best yet, but he's smarter than baboon #1 and baboon #2.

They help me make the poster, since she likes f/Fs, (favorite flowers) we agree to throw those petals on the floor. We then agree on that plan and tell the girls. They agree to keep her distracted while we're all setting up.

No one's POV-
The day is here. The day Alfie is asking y/n to prom. The boys and Alfie decorate the scene while the girls are distracting y/n by taking her to the mall. After that they take y/n to Joe and Zoe's house, to the tree where Alfie will ask her under. Alfie stands in position under the tree, with his poster and bouquet of flowers that he's using to ask her.

He can hear y/n asking where they are going as they approach the tree. Y/n then walks over, sees Alfie with the poster, and before she can question too much, he says,
" I've seen a ton of flowers, but non of them are as beautiful as you. I'll cut straight to the chase, but will you go to prom with me?"

Y/n doesn't even know how to react, but before he can take it as a no, she runs forward into his embrace while screaming, "Are you serious, yes, I will go with you!"

Joe, Tanya, Zoe,Casper,and Jim all stand in front of them, each starting to clap.
"They're an interesting couple, aren't they?" Zoe asks Tanya.
"Sure are."
"You owe me 10 pounds Joe!"
"Fine Casper.."
Alfie and y/n choose to ignore their interesting group of friends, while walking inside to relax together.

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