⚠️Dan Howell x Reader x Phil Lester "The way it should've been"

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-Warnings- attempted/ mentions of Rape, and alcohol use and mentions.. don't read if you're sensitive to these..-
(L/N - Last name)
(Word count : 1320)
Your POV -
"Dan Howell."
"Y/n L/N."
I try my hardest not to return the look he is giving me with a dirty look before walking out of the classroom to my next class. Oh wait, you're wondering why he's giving me a certain look? Well, let me explain a few things here. You see, Dan is my ex, and what he did, makes me never to be able to forgive him.
We dated in the 7th grade, he cheated on me with another girl, so I've hated him ever since. If you ever think I'm going to forgive him, we are freshman now, so nothing's changing soon. I don't know what I did to him, but he's been randomly flirting with me and trying to 'win me back' since the first day of school. I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I'm smarter than Dan, and I've proved this many times before, so I use smarts to get out of situations with him.
Anyways, I walked out of the classroom as fast as I can, taking the fastest route from there to my locker, than to my locker, trying to do all of this before Dan finds me. Quote, trying.
"You're bad at avoiding people, you know that?"
"You're bad at taking hints, Howell. Aren't you?"
"Come on L/N, I know you want me." He says in this really different voice, that made me think he was drunk.
My prediction is right when he somehow quickly flings me against a wall, pressing his lips to mine, and all I can taste is the alcohol on his lips while I'm trying hard to push him off of me with all my strength. Why didn't I take my dads offer to take wrestling?? Ugh stupid past me.
Anyways, tears are running down my face as I'm trying to push him off of me, and now I realize that it's useless, and just give up, closing my eyes and awaiting the worst. Getting raped, and possibly being pregnant.
"My life is over now, I guess living with my parents doesn't sound that bad." I think to myself. While I'm trying to prepare myself for the worse, I hear a voice very loudly yell, "Get off her" before I feel his weight get lifted off of me, so I slide on the floor, and start letting out all of my tears.
🦁Phil's POV🦁
I was just walking out of the band room and into the band hallway, after getting my drum bag and my best friend y/n's flute case, (a/n, roll with it) and I'm greeted with a very gross sight, my best friend and crush for 3 years, and Dan in an intense make out session. I was about to get jealous, when I notice 2 things, one, y/n's crying uncontrollably squirming, and two, Dan isn't letting her move at all while grabbing at her shirt... "This isn't making out.. This is rape!"
I say in my head while I drop my stuff and race over to the couple. I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't control myself, and run in and....
-Your POV-
While I'm crying, I hear a loud Crack, and someone falling on the floor. Then I hear that same voice say to the body, "Serves you right, stay away from her, scumbag."
I wipe my eyes and look to see my best friend, Phil Lester, sit down next to me to comfort me while putting an arm around my shoulders. I decide to glance around the scene, and see an unconscious Dan laying on the floor while his nose is bleeding badly, and blood on the knuckles of Phil's other hand.
"Phil, you saved me?" I say with a raspy voice from crying.
"Yeah, you looked like you needed a hand, and besides, no one messes with my best friend." Phil nervously says while pulling me into a hug, and then lets go a minute later.
I don't know why, but when Phil pulled me into that hug, I started blushing and getting butterflies. I honestly started thinking about it, and the more I did, the more I realized I've kinda had a crush on him.
     Phil was always there for me, more than Dan was, EVEN what I was dating Dan. Phil helped me get over Dan in the first place. If someone cheated on me, Dan wouldn't have given a shit, while Phil would. I feel like I can be myself around Phil. With Dan, I have to act like someone else. Phil likes me the way I am, but when I met Dan, he tried to change my looks.
The list goes on and on, in every (clean) way I can think of, Phil would care about me more than Dan. "I now just realized this, but I have a crush on Phil, I have for probably years. But I just didn't realize it."
"I have a crush on you too." Phil says and then pulls me into a hug.
" Did I say that out loud?.."
"If you were thinking a huge paragraph, then only the last part." Phil replies.
"Oh." I reply, sorta feeling mad for letting it slip.
Phil then moves to be sitting in front of me. "Y/n, I know this is an awkward time to say it.. But I've liked you too. Ever since you helped me pick up my drums in the 4th grade."
I look at him in shock and lean slightly closer to him. "For that long? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I could tell you didn't like me in that way, besides, you started dating Dan. I knew he wasn't very good for you, but I knew you wouldn't listen to me anyways, so I didn't say anything. And looking back, I wish I did." He says while leaning a little closer to me, us being 2 inches away from each other.
"It doesn't matter that you didn't say anything back then, you said something now, and that's all that matters." I say while leaning a little bit closer.
"In that case, Y/N, will you be with me? Forever?" Phil asks while looking into my eyes.
"Yes" I say while Phil finally closes the gap between us, with him putting his arms on my waist, and I put my arms around his neck. As I'm kissing him, I'm fangirling while noticing that Dan and Phil kissed different. Dan kissed rough not really caring if he hurts me, while Phil is soft and gentle, trying not to hurt me. Even in kissing, Phil is better than Dan.
       Anyways, We stay like this for what feels like forever, when it's actually just 20 seconds. The best 20 seconds of my life. I should probably add. We pull apart and get up, grabbing our instruments -that Phil dropped before saving me- along with our backpacks, and start walking outside of the school, hand in hand, finally together.
Like how it should've been.
A/N - I really hope you enjoyed this, it means a lot to me to type this.. You have no idea.. Anyways, I'm going to work on writing more, it's just hard, and now I have to balance this app and plotagon... (If you have that and you want to follow me it's the same as this username) anyways, if you enjoyed, feel free to vote and comment if you wish.. Means a lot :) I'm too lazy to edit this, so if it's choppy I probably won't fix it..
I'll see you in the next imagine :)))
- Jessie 💚
Ps. I have a good idea for an imagine, I think I'll use it for Joe? Next, so be on the look out :)

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