The boy who saved my life

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The bell finally rang to end yet another day of school. A place where everyone was miserable and depressed. Where everyone was drowning of homework, projects, oral presentations and exams. Where every single student was fed up with their teachers' attitude and annoying complaints. But it was all over, for today at least. It was time to go home and relax on my couch and watch an episode of Fairy Tail! I almost jump in excitement just thinking about it. I walk towards my locker to put everything in my backpack and wear my coat since it's a little chilly outside. I walk out the main entrance and place my earphones, scrolling through my song playlist. I decide to shuffle and kept walking the streets closing in on my house. I took a whiff of air and exhaled in relief. Damn it feels good to be out! I smile happily, listening to my music on high volume which blocks all the noise from outside. As soon as my house was in sight, my smile widens. As I step on my property, I spot a dog gazing at me, standing still and lifeless like a statue. Me being an animal lover, I wanted to go and pet the dog but I had a strange feeling that something wasn't right. I brushed my thoughts aside and entered my house. I greeted my mom with a "hey" and slumped on the sofa, taking off my heavy backpack.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" My mom asked without looking away from her pot filled with homemade tomato sauce.

"The usual, boring." I described my day while turning on the tv. She laughs at my comment.

"How does your scar feel? Does it hurt"

"It's fine, mom, it's a scar, it won't start hurting anytime soon."

She sighs in concern. Every day since probably my birth, my mom has been checking on me, on my scar. I ask her almost every day how and when I got this. I mean, it's technically impossible to be born with a scar, right? I always thought of it as a special birthmark but mom keeps on reminding me that's it's a scar. She makes its sound like it's a curse. I usually just shrug it off and pay no attention to it, but this time I want to get some answers.

"Mom, are you sure it's not just a birthmark?"

"Of course."

"Well, it's a weird looking scar if you ask me"

"Why, did it change? "She rushes to my side and gazes upon my scar on my left hand. A tear of sweat travels down her chin. She wipes it off with relief and lifts her head, facing me.

"You had me worried for a second!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." I excused myself, hugged her awkwardly and went to the kitchen. I was cleaning the dishes in the sink while looking through the window placed in front of me. I watched the cars pass by and the homeowners coming home from a long day of work. Then, I spot the same dog, sitting in the front yard, staring me down like it was some sort of competition. What is it still doing here? Is it a stray? Does it need help? Maybe I should go check on him.

"Mom, I'm gonna go take a walk for a bit." I call out to her.

"But it's almost dinner time!" She hollers back with insistance.

"I won't be out for long." I say before shutting the door behind me. I walk towards the dog now wagging its tail back and forth. I let him smell my hand to get permission from it. He smells me and even licks my hand. With that response, I decide to pet his head with caution. "Hey, boy. Are you lost? Do you need any help?" I ask in a baby voice. The dog becomes serious and points towards the direction I saw him the first time. We walk to the area point designated by the dog. I stop and he continues walking in the dark and scary alleyway leading further away from my house. He turns his head, giving me a glance of confusion. I don't know what he wants from me but there's something odd about this dog. I followed him with caution and we end up at a dead end. I gaze at the dog for answers but he simply sits and waits. Rain started pouring from the now grey sky.

"Ok boy, I don't know what you're trying to tell me but I've got to get back home before mom gets suspicious." I turn around to see a horde of black shadowed dogs growling and barking, blocking my only way out from this place. I tried to move forward but one of the dogs was about to bite my hand off.

"Leaving so soon?" I turn around in surprise from the sound of a deep voice I hear behind me. The sun was already set, I could barely see in front of me. I could see a faint shadow of a tall man wearing a robe hiding every inch of his face and body. He came closer, stretching out his arm towards me.

"You've grown into a fine woman, (Y/n)."

"Y-you know my n-name?" I back off slowly.

"Well of course, I've been keeping a close eye on you since you were born..." His voice was shallow and dark with a hint of amusement.

"W-Who the hell are you!?!" I stage whisper to the dark entity standing in front of me.

"Hold her down." He commands his puppets to do so and a few seconds later I'm pinned down on the ice cold cement on my knees, my arms behind my back and my face lifted to the sky. Where the hell did these guys come from??? Wasn't there dogs before? What's going on!!!! I've never been in a situation like this, panicking was the only option I had. I screamed with all my might, hoping that someone out there could hear my screams of terror. But no one came to my rescue, I was alone and scared of what's to come. Tears swell up in my eyes as I was unable to hold my fear any longer.

"Please don't hurt me, I haven't done anything wrong! Let me go, I beg you!" I cry out.

"Dont worry my little princess, everything will be over soon..." He snickers with greed and reaches out his hand to me. "Give me her hand." One of his men let my left arm free and the mysterious stranger grabs a hold of it. I try to pull away but he pulls me in closer. Now crouched down, he whispers in my ear with satisfaction and excitement written in his voice. "This will only hurt a little."

"What!?" I twitch at his cold touch. He brings my hand close to his face and gives it a gentle kiss followed by a nasty bite! He bites directly on top of my hand where my scar is. His teeth were as sharp as an animal that they pierce the surface of my skin with no problem. With all the pain surging through my body, I scream my heart out, waiting for it to stop. As he detaches his mouth from my hand, I wince in pain while tears spread across my face, mixing with the raindrops falling down. The man covers my mouth to stop the whining.

"I can't wait to meet you again. Have a safe trip... My little princess." He whispers in my ear. He soon after chants a weird incantation and places his index and middle finger on my forehead. Then... Everything went black.

It was a rainy day in town even though we were in the middle of summer. I was walking by in the streets looking for my friends. They said they'd meet me here but where are they? I searched around but it was hard to analyze anyone's face in this weather. I was about to lose hope when, from the corner of my eye, I saw a figure pressed against a wall. I walked over to see if everything was alright.

"Hey dude, are you ok?"

No answer.

"You shouldn't stay in the rain like this, you're going to catch a cold." I tell the unmoving figure but it didn't even flinch. I crouch down and turn the body around to realize it's a girl. She looked to be around the same age as me. Her long (h/c) hair was covering half her face. I move a strand of hair to see her eyes are closed shut. Is she sleeping? I move her around but she doesn't react. Don't tell me... She's not... I check the pulse on her neck. She's breathing but barely. Her body seemed lifeless and cold. I can't leave her here to die. I pick her up bridal style and direct her to the guild. Im not going to let her die, not on my watch.

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that this is my first fairy tail book so I'm trying really hard to make it the best. I hope you guys like it and I'm sorry that it's a bit short, I promise the next chapters will be longer and filled with excitement, passion and lust!!!! Hehehehe boobyyyyyye!

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