Ch. 31

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I opened the door wider to walk in, Tobias got up and closed the book that was propped open on the desk. I turned to see what he was looking at but he blocked my view. He faced me with his arms crossed his chest and just stared at me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, he let out a sigh and opened his arms which I happily through myself into.

I rubbed my face into his chest, "I like the pack they are so nice to me." He let out a small chuckle and pushed me out of his chest and held my face so I can look him in the eyes. "Well their supposed to be nice to you, you are their Luna." "I know but I'm a complete stranger to them like wow our pack is awesome."

I like the word our, it means I am no longer lonely, that I finally have someone to share my life with and that I won't have to go through that type of pain again. And you know not to toot my own horn but my mate is strong as heck like oh my goodness. I bet he can fight off anyone, he will be the perfect father for our pups, especially if we have girls. Oh goodness he might try and kill anyone boy who even looks at them.

Speaking of pups. "Um Tobias when are we finishing mating?" He went stiff for a moment and I looked in his eyes. And something was there telling me something, fear, disappointment, shame...shame? What did I do? I slowly started to back away from him shaking my head. I wrapped my arms around me and raced for the door swinging it open, with loud bang it hit the wall and I escaped from the office and ran through the house and out the back door.

"Athena!!!! I heard him yell but I didn't look back, I didn't want to not after what I just seen. He's ashamed of me. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I should have stayed guarded I just thought that for a moment someone would accept me for who I am, and not my past. But I see he can never get over that. The look in his eyes, well maybe there is a reasonably explanation for this I should go back and ask right? I sank down to the ground a rested on the tree roots.

From the deepest, blackest part of my mind a voice echoed through my head. "NO don't go back, you seen the way he was looking at you. He is ashamed of you, he doesn't want to mate with someone who is killer. Let alone have pups by you. He doesn't love you he is planning on betraying you and locking you up and keeping you away from everyone. You saw that girl he was kissing, he already has your replacement. "

"But that was a long time ago." But he still loves her, just because you don't spend time with them doesn't mean you stop loving them. He was going to marry her! You don't need him, hardened your heart, love no one. Get hurt by no one. You have me and I will never betray you.

I quickly picked myself up and headed for the forest. "Ok I will trust you, what must I do?" "You must return home and awaken your people. Revive them, train them and be ready for any attack. We must hurry your mate is coming for you. He will lock you away for every. Remember the promise you made to your people that you would return. We must go now and hurry he is getting closer."

I shifted into my wolf and headed deeper in the forest. I don't need to be in the front lines my wolf knows how to get home. I sunk back into my mind and let her take over. "Athena?" she called to me. "Yes Arabella?" "I wouldn't trust that voice if I were you." "Why?" "Because...."

She was cut off by the voice in my head. "Don't worry wolf, I'll take good care of your human." Arabella then went quite. "Don't worry you are safe with me. Look, just up ahead is our home. "

We were coming up on a hill and there was our kingdom covered in red, only I can see them, due to the fact I was the one that placed the spell on them. When I reached the border, I shifted back fully clothed. I bit into my hand and let my blood pour out on to the ground. The dome slowly started to recede and my people starting to awake from it long sleep. I walked through the town, in my natural form, and my people stared at me in awe as their Queen was returning to her throne.


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