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Note 1 of 295

Hello Mate,

From this point on I will now write all my feelings, dreams, and situations in the forms of letters. I smelled you today for the first time. Mint chocolate and honey.

I was so happy I thought you were here for me. You were upstairs with those men who imprisoned me. I heard your voice it was strong, husky and deep.

I pictured you with blue eyes and brown hair and ripped with muscles. I could tell you were a Alpha. But why didn't you smell me? Was it the fact I was caked with dirt and sweat.

They barely let me bathe unless it's that time of the month then they give me all the supplies I needed. I had to become their perfect little assassin. For years I've been doing their dirty work.

You started to leave, and I panicked, I banged on the door that kept me locked in, but you didn't hear me. I heard the door open and heard you leave.

I raced to the window and watched you walk away from me. Tears slide down my eyes and I watched you walk away. I got one thing right you were ripped with muscle, but your hair was jet black.

I could only wonder what color your eyes were.

Love, Athena 


I was shocked to say the least. I was there the whole time. The whole freaking time. I knew I smelled something, but they had so many flowers there. I didn't know .... I didn't know.

I failed you mate and I'm so sorry.  I remember that day clearly. I went to visit the Anderson's. The random killing were getting closer to the border line and I tried to persuade them to come to the pack house for safety.

They declined my offer and said they would be perfectly fine. I mean they were my parents closest friends, so I didn't force them into moving. But that only made the betrayal must worse.

When I found out they were carrying my mate and they knew and still didn't let her free, I killed them all of them. My parents were disgusted by them, the packed hated them.

I have yet to recover from this blow, I still cry my eyes out from time to time. I miss you mate even though I never knew you.


The pain of losing a love one is real.

Never joke, never play, never wish someone dead.

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