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Thanks to @Blueangeldiamond I will name the Alpha, Tobias. So welcome Alpha Tobias to the family!

I sat down at my desk just filling out papers and filing them where they were supposed to go. I had three packs contact me with peace treaties. Which I gladly signed, there was upcoming balls that others Alphas wanted me to attend to. I had to call them and politely decline their offers.

Then I went to the pack finances and the companies that they pack runs to make sure we still enough money to run the pack.

There was a light knock on my office door. "Come in." My voice was deep and the power radiating through the room. A little curly brown headed girl can in and jumped in my lap.

She looked up at me and smiled, her freckles danced a tossed her face and her dimples shined through on each side of her face. "Yes?"

"Grandma Dee say it's time for you to come downstairs, the barbecue is about to start." She then jumped down and ran to the door giggling as she went. Her small arms hanging on to the door knob, standing on her tippy toes she motioned me to follow her.

I laughed and followed her. The backyard was laced with white lights and tables that had candles placed in the middle. On the side there was a long table graced with different types of food.

Some pack members were placed at the grills, trying to finish up the last of the food. I looked up at the sky and seen the sun was already setting. I didn't realize how late it really was until now.

The crowd cheered as I came into view. They clapped and whistled as I walk up on the stairs. I motioned my hands for them to quiet down.

I started talking. "Thank you to all the women and men who cooked this good looking food in the back. Thank you for giving me another chance to be the right Alpha for y'all. But tonight I especially want to thank my Beta John. He has been there for me since I was just a pup and with everything that has happened. He had y'all best interest at heart. So I just want to thank my wonderful partner in crime, my right hand man John." I turned to him and started clapping, the rest of the member follower my lead and clapped as well.

John yelled "Now don't be getting all soft on me now." The crowd laughed. He hand his arm around his mate Selena. They are a perfect couple, as I turned around to continue a scream pierced through the crowd.

Everyone turned to the trees behind us. And there stood the little girl that can into my office and holding her captive with a knife to her throat was a man and behind that man was a women.

I was shocked to say the least.

"Hello Alpha Tobias thought you could get rid of us that easily huh?"

There stood the Anderson's not a hair out of place but across their necks was a line that wrapped around. Even though we had them beheaded it is shocking to see them alive and well.


Woah woah woah I know. Aren't they supposed to be dead?

Yeah pretty crazy right.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

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