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I woke up after being I injected with that needle. I looked around the room. It seems as if I may be back inside the pack house. Sitting next to me was a note.


Note 1 of 25

Dear mate,

I loved you so much that I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill you, so I killed myself so you could live again. When I went to save you the first time from Jason, Selena seen your path and the one you would choose if you had a choice. She gave me a potion too switched our hearts. I loved you too much to let you suffer while living in that body so I took that burden away from you and that came with a price I was willing to pay. I leave the pack to you. Not once did they doubt you, they are more loyal to you than me. They will always love you. Is it selfish to ask for you to never move on? We never really had time to spend together after everything that happened. But I've always loved you, you always graced my mind every second of the day even when I didn't want too. I dreamed of you and when I was outside running trying to clear my head from the images of you the wind would pick up and I would catch your scent and I would follow it leading me to a bed of flowers but the process started all over again with me constantly thinking of you. And what we would be doing is you were with me then. Please forgive me and watch over our three beautiful children and tell them I love them.




Tears were falling from my eyes like waterfalls. Sitting next to the letter was the gold locket, the one I hidden for him. My door opened and a pack member came in a little old lady I love. Grandma Dee.

"I was going to ask how are you holding up but we could hear your crying from downstairs. I will tell you my grandson loved you more than the life itself. He would do anything for you. He just wanted you save and at home where you belonged. Not everyone here is happy with the decisions you made but they will forgive you in due time. I came up here to ask will you be coming down to see him once last time before we place him to rest for eternity."

I snapped my head up, their burying him already. He really is dead then. I broke down even more, I leaned on her shoulder and she wrapped me in a hug and patted my back.

"It's going to be ok, I know it hard now but it will get easier in the end. Come let's get you dressed."

I placed my mate's suicide note on the dresser next to a picture frame of us, we had just came home from the hospital after I woke up. I touched the frame and swiped the last tear from my eye. I stood up from the bed and we walked to the closet. He gave up everything and he will forever have my heart.


Forever yours


My Mate's Suicide NoteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora