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As his body hit the ground the crowd picked up their pace entering inside the portal.

They slowly jumped stepped over his body and inside. The blood from his system inches to the blood circle and filled it in.

Some sacrifices has to be made, now I fiat have to find a way to tell his family why he was sacrificed. Usually if someone was killed during the move they were either traitors, liars or spies. But the only things is how come the rest of his family was able to pass through. It's usually a family betrayal.

I look at my guards and they nod their head and enter the portal to quickly follow the family. The crib walked over to me, Alexandra was hungry. I picked her up and breast feed her. My people ignored me and continued to enter the portal.

Once everyone was safely inside, the crib followed in next. I did a quick look around and I waved my hands in front of me. The city of my homeland began to fall apart. From the castle you could see each floor being consumed by the next.

The houses turned to ash and the protection barrier was released. I did one more look around and they entered the tunnel.

One the other side was a nice rural area. Green grass and trees everywhere. The houses were German styled. Animals were already roaming the land and crops were fully grown. My people who I left behind the first time have taken care of this place every well.

A women came running at me. The guards quickly stepped in to block her. I touched my guard's shoulders and they let her pass.

"Athena!" Camila my dear sister. I opened my arms and embraced her. I let some tears slip from my eyes. I brushed my hand through her hair.

"Come sister I must show you my mate." She tugged me to one of the little houses. She never did accept the crown from mother and father. My elder sister but she didn't want to bear the responsibility of the kingdom and I don't blame her.

We approached a small quaint house. On the inside it was nicely decorated and gave off warmth with the nudes and browns in the background. A man came from the back. Hair as dark as night and eyes as green as the trees.

He bowed "Good morning My Queen." I bowed in return. "Oh please, just call me Athena your my brother in law no need for formals." He nodded his head and smiled. Camila came from the back hold a little boy a spitting image of his father. "Athena this is Tyler he is 2 years old." Oh I forgot they are both werewolves. Confusing right I'm half vampire half werewolf and she is full werewolf. Mother was a vampire and father was obviously a werewolf. Genetics are weird. But half the rime I forget and I believe I'm human.

The door opened at I was greeted with the walking crib. I turned and smiled. "Well Camila I would like you to meet my children. Caleb, Joshua and Alexandra." The three children popped their head from the crib and smiled.

Camila squealed and ran over to the children and picked up Joshua. "Well aren't you a cutie." She kissed him on the cheek. "Oh my goodness I'm an Aunt." she turned to the children "You can call me Aunt Cami. Yes you can, you all are so adorable." She placed Joshua back into the crib, "So wait, if you have children then where your mate is? Well I mean you male mate because obviously you and clementine can't have children. So that means he a werewolf because the amount that's radiating of Alexandra is pretty crazy for how young she is."

"Well let's just say that we aren't Seeing Eye to eye right now." She nodded her head and called Tom over to play with the children which is great because now I can sleep. I excused myself and went into one of the empty rooms she had.



The rogue teeth clipped my leg and I swipe my paw across his face. He let out a loud howl and back up shaking his head to clear his vision. I took this time to charge and knock him into a tree. Just then another wolf jumped from the trees and landed on my back.

I quickly turned my head and tried to snap at him with my teeth. I rolled over and continued to try to knock his off. He bit my ear and I howled and lifted my head back.

The other wolf regained conscious and ran into me knocking me and the other wolf into the tree. The wolf closed its grip and let go. I quickly spun and ripped its throat out. Every time I killed one another exited from the bushes.

Where the heck is my back up? I quickly dodge the attack and swiped my paw down, slicing up his back. It tripped and rolled on the earth. The two wolves started to double team, attacking right after each other if not at the same time. I was able to hold my own for a while. I lunged and aimed for the throat killing the wolf instantly.

The other wolf went for my hind leg breaking some of the bones. By then my back had arrived and knocked the wolf off of me the rest entered the forest to kill off the waiting rogues. Night had fallen before we were able to get back home and my mates scent was erased.

I walked to my office where the doctor was waiting for me. She bandaged my leg and then excused herself to take care of the others. I turned on my computer and on my screen was the file I asked my spy Leonard to take pictures and keep watch of my mate seeing that he lived in her territory.

I clicked on the file and I was greeted to pictures of my children playing on the ground with their toys and their mother sitting on here throne reading paper work.

I clicked the next few pictures of her and clementine. The next few make me upset. The pictures were of the people packing up as if they were moving but she can't just get up and move everyone like that so quickly. The next thing was a video, from his point of view. She was carrying Caleb and he bite her wrist. She poured her blood into a circle along with some green liquid and a portal opened up.

People with their bags walked through the portal didn't even look back. The like moved up and so did the camera man. But when it was his turn to walk through he couldn't. Leonard started yell out. "Please have mercy." The camera faced Athena and she spoke to him and then camera was falling sideways.

Athena watched the rest of the people walk inside but I was facing away from the crowd but staring back at the castle. It slowly started to collapses and the houses turned to ash. Fire ignited the land and everything was gone. And at the end of the video Athena walked up to the camera and blew me a kiss. "See you soon Mate." Her eyes shifted red and her fangs elongated.

My Mate's Suicide NoteWhere stories live. Discover now