Ch. 33

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I pushed open the gate had stood in front of my home. The vines that have grown over the years started to rip apart as the gates open. I want down the pathway leading to my home. The doors opened wide before I reached the threshold. As I entered the house my outfit begin to change into my long black gown that had a train that glided across the floor as I walked. And on top of my head appeared my six-pointed golden crown. My black heels cut across the floor. I did a quick spin with my arms open wide. I yelled. "I'm home."

The candles throughout my home lit with a flame. The people that were put to sleep throughout the castle awoke and welcoming me home meeting me at the top of the stairs with a smile on their face and their arms opened wide.

"Welcome home Queen Athena." They announced in unison. "It feels good to be back."

I turned back to the open doors and with the flick of a finger they slammed shut. I turned slowly to face the mirror, in there was a girl staring back at me. A girl smiling evilly with her eyes flickering from Blue to red.

"That's right my dear. Thrive in the darkness. You belong here, you were born here."

"Athena this isn't..." "Shut it mutt." She was quickly suppressed with my brain. I flipped my hair over my shoulders. I watched my fangs break free from my gums, and from the scalp down to the middle of my hair turned black.

The hunger ripped from inside of me. I turned from the mirror and walked into the throne room. "I'm hungry." The servants ran up to me with their wrist and necks bared. I pointer to the boy with dark hair and grey eyes. He walked up to my throne and sat on my lap. I tilted his head and my tongue snaked out and licked his neck. The throne room was quite. All that was heard was the tearing of his skin as I bite down. The boys moan was heard throughout the room. For the only being feed on, it has been said to be very pleasurable but to the one feeding they don't feral anything unless it is their mate.

You could hear the thick liquid running down my throat with each gulp. His pulse started to grow weak, I withdrew my fangs set the boy down. One of the medical teams came in and took the boy. A girl about my age was staring at me. Her heart quicken and we met each other eyes. I would hate to break it to her that we could never be. Not anymore, my dear lover Clementine. I motioned her to follow me. I lead her to one of my many bed chambers.

Once inside I closed and locked the door behind her. She went to sit on the bed. "My dear Clementine." I paused not too sure how to tell her this. "I-I have some-..." "Shh, I know, I know I can smell him on you." Tear was sliding down her face.

"I'm sorry my love. You know I couldn't help it. It was fate." This made her tears come faster. "I know." I pulled her to my chest and she cried some more. After a few minutes she had stopped crying. She was still holding on to me.

Then I feel something wet slide across the opening of my chest where my breast was practically falling out. I looked down and seen Clementine's tongue enter the valley of my breast. I quickly grabbed her face and looked her in my eyes. We stared at one another.

If you really don't like girl on girl action I advise you to skip this section until you see those lines again


I slowly tilted my head down and she stood on her toes. Our lips met but there was no spark, but I didn't care. I continued to kiss her. She put her hand in my hair tugged me lower. I let out a low growl as she presser her body up against me. Trapping me between the wall and her body. She tried to reach under my dress but I smacked her hands away and pushed her back.

She looked at me with her eyes wide. She knows what she just did was bad. "Now kitten would you like to tell me what you did wrong?" She gulped. "I-I reached first." She stumbled. I nodded my head. "You know what to do.

All the emotion fell from her face but I wasn't fooled I could smell her from miles away. If only she was my mate. She is beautiful. "Go on now." She started to strip. "Now go lay on the bed with your hands over your head and legs spread apart. Her nipples standing proud and at attention. I turned and walked over to the wall and clicked a hidden button.

The walls of the room went from green to a deep red. The dressers was replaced with my favorite toys. The closet opened up to my wipes, chains and hand cuffs. I walked over to the closet and picked out a pink furry handcuffs. I walked over to the bed and strapped her hands to the bed post. I walked away with my hand trailing down her breast giving them a light squeeze before travel to her stomach and did a very light flick of her clit with my finger. She arched her back at contact and let out a small moan. I looked back at her again. "Oh we are breaking rules again I see." She bites her lip as she looks away. "You know what this means right?" She nods her head. I walked over to the dress and grabbed the gag and flogger. I lifted her head and strapped in on adjusting the red ball in her mouth. I then walked over to the fridge on the side of the bed. I opened it and pulled out a bowl of ice. I placed two ice cubes on her nipple one for each. She stiffened but tried not to move because she knew what would come next if the ice fell. Once her nipples were hard enough I took to ice off and let to ends of the flogger touch her. Her body shivered in pleasure. I pulled my hand back so the flogger was over my shoulders then quickly brought it down making sure it hit both nipples. I did this a couple more times until I moved back to the dresser and pulled out an egg shaped vibrator. I walked over to get legs and turned it on.

I placed the vibrator on get clit and she tried to close get legs together. I forced them on, and stuck the egg inside her. The vibrations weakening her power to fight back.


I slowly climbed on top and I brushed her hair to the side.

I licked where I was going to bite her. I breathed in her scent before I sunk my teeth in to her. I could feel every emotion emitting from her body. Love....Lust...Happiness...but mostly Sadness. I continued to drink my fill. She was a vampire so she couldn't die but drinking too much blood could make her sickly ill.

After a few more gulps, I released her from her bondage and tossed her, her clothes. She got dressed with tears in her eyes. I could read her thoughts as clear as day.

"Clementine, you knew I wouldn't change my mind. He's my mate-"

"I know but I had to at least try."

She swiped away the tears and exited the room. I felt her presence leave the kingdom and run off into the woods.


Awkward but you didn't see that one coming. Or did you?

So I believe this is coming along quite interesting. Don't you think?

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