She's Happy

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(Picture above from my prom tonight)

Aquiver ~21

•Hayes Grier•

"Hey Hayes," someone says lightly and I open my eyes slightly feeling my heavy eyelids. I feel like I have a hangover. I am told that something is in my system. My vision clears up and I see Shawn and Andrew slowly walking up to the bed.

"Hi guys," I smile tiredly. Shawn puts down a basket of something and I try to look in curiously.

"These are for you. I stopped by a nice bakery place and bought a basket full of different muffins. Mainly blueberry and chocolate chip though."

"So nice of you Shawn," I chuckle. "Hi Andrew."

"How are you doing kid?" Andrew greets.

"I've been a lot better," I cough. "Feel like complete crap." They both chuckle and my brother rolls his eyes.

"Hopefully you'll be good in time to receive your diploma and your tournament the night before?" Shawn asks looking towards my fractured figure.

"Coach hasn't discussed with me if he will let me play."

"Hayes..." Nash says giving me a knowing look. "Your finger is fractured."

"I could still play with a fractured finger."

"You're not playing," Nash frowns slightly.

"And why not?"

"For starters, it's a fracture. You still need the okay from the doctor, the okay from me and lets not forget that I still have to discuss everything with your coach."

"I've fractured a finger before Nash. I'll be fine," I yawn. Feeling annoyed that Nash doesn't want me to be in my last high school club team championships. Shawn awkwardly stands watching us as Andrew told him he was going to the bathroom.

"Just fine? A fracture Hayes. Not to mention you're not just in a hospital just for that, but you're actually sick and need to be kept under watch. You're literally here up until the morning of championships as of right now." I sigh frustrated giving up and close my eyes.

"This is my last game before college Nash."

"We'll wait and see what mom and dad says."

"Fine." Shawn looks between the two of us and looks at his phone.

"By any chance, do you know what Chars favorite cookies are?" Shawn asks lightly and my mind immediately goes to her. I look at Shawn remembering that he flew down here early so he could surprise Char. Part of Jacob's plan.

"She prefers chocolate chip from scratch, but if you buy some she likes the Oreo thin mints."

"Thanks Hayes. I'm... sorry about the... break up."

"Um... yeah," I say gently looking down at my hands. Nash has a guilty look on his face, but I'm the one who should be guilty. I'm the one who deserves this. "I deserved it anyway."

"Hayes-" Nash starts.

"It's my fault. Completely my fault. I get it. I'm a jerk and I deserve all of this. Being here," I cough. "Fracturing my finger and losing her."

"You're being hard on yourself," Shawn says uneasily.

"No I'm not. I treated her to the point she was doubting our relationship and she was upset this whole time. I didn't even know she had surgery a few months ago or even knew she was capable of doing gymnastics again until the other day. I pushed her away. How the heck did I not even know about that?"

Aquiver (Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora