Wedding Day

325 9 1

2 months later

June 1st 2014


Today is the day that I have been waiting so long for. Today I will officially be Mrs. Kristen Pattinson, well actually Mrs. Kristen Stewart-Pattinson. I'm still using my Maiden name for work. It's 9 am and I'm sitting in my room as Nikki is doing my hair

"Are you nervous?" Nikki asked me as I was shaking in my seat

"Is it that obvious? I mean I shouldn't be."

"just relax, everything will be alright"


Today is the day I finally make Kristen Jaymes Stewart mine and I couldn't be happier. My parents are flying in from London. I've been held hostage by Tom in the living room so I do not see Kris. Thier idea, not ours

"Is it normal to be scared?" I asked Tom

"Yes, but dude this is Kristen"

"I know."

"And if I know her, she's freaking out too. This is the biggest thing either one of you have ever done. Well besides having kids. Speaking of...where are they?"

"With Kristen's dad until the ceremony"



"Time for the dress!" Ashley announced

"Let's see how bad I fail at this, I just hope I don't fall walking down the aisle"

"You will be fine" Ashley rolled her eyes

"I wonder where Peyton is, she still needs to get into her dress"

"Don't worry, she is with your dad. They are rehearsing her part of the ceremony"

"You look amazing Kristen, I wouldn't be surprised if Rob forgets his vows when he sees you," Nikki said


"Yes really! All we have to do is the jewelry and you will be done"

"Kristen!!!!! Oh my god! You look gorgeous" my mom cried

"Thanks, momma," I said as I carefully hugged her

"I've dreamt about this day ever since you were little. Even more, after I saw you in the gown for Bella's wedding. But I do have to say, you are way more gorgeous than Bella was"

I giggled. "thanks. it's nice that were actually getting married and it is not a movie. And I also have a little bit of an announcement that everyone will find out at the ceremony. Rob doesn't even know"

"Momma!!" Peyton squealed

"Peyton, you look adorable baby"

"Thank you, mommy!"

"Are you excited hun?"

"Yes!! Are you momma?"

"Yes and nervous, but very excited."

"What is married? Nikki said you and daddy are getting married"

"It means mommy is taking daddy's last name and we will be together forever"

"Will that happen to me?"

I smiled. "Hopefully baby girl, I hope you find someone just like your daddy"

She looked at me confused

"Can't, I just marry daddy?"

Everyone in the room including me started laughing

"No, sorry hun. He's mine"

"Kristen, Peyton seems to be very advanced for her age"

"I know, her doctor said that too, she's more like 4 than 2. He doesn't have an explanation and was surprised considering I really didn't have much prenatal care when I was pregnant with her. I had some but not like I should have."

"Fine you can have daddy" Peyton suddenly said

My mom started laughing

"Well at least you have her blessing" my mom laughed


I was done getting ready. Peyton was upstairs with Kris and Elias and Hadley was downstairs with me. Elias was in his suit and Hadley was in her dress. John was keeping them entertained in the meantime. I was dying to see Kristen, I hated that whole not seeing each other before the ceremony shit. I knew she was being looked after but I wanted to have her in my arms. Nikki came down the stairs

"Rob, your daughter wants to marry you instead" she laughed


"She asked Kristen what marriage was and Kristen explained it to her and they Peyton asked if she would do the same thing someday and Kristen said she wanted her to find someone just like you Rob and that's when Peyton asked kris if she could marry you"

"What did Kristen say?"

"Nope, you are yours"

Together Forever is the best way! (sequel to The start of forever)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें