NO! They're too early!

410 11 0

27 weeks

I was standing in the bathroom doing my hair when my water broke. warm liquid rushed out of me and onto the floor.

"Rob!!!" I screamed while holding onto the countertop. he ran in wide eyes when he saw me.

"Kristen what happened?"

"My water broke"I said as my eyes filled with tears. he came over pulling me into him as I broke down.

"Shh love its going to be alright."

"No its not. they are too early! they wont survive"

"Kristen, listen to me sweatheart. just because your in labor doesnt mean they will come today. they will most likely give you medication to try and keep them in longer. its going to be alright."

"I'm scared, I'm fucking scared Rob."

"it's going to be ok and even if they do come today they will just be early. now lets get to the hospital."


Rob picked me up carrying me downstairs to the car. he went back inside getting peyton from her crib. I leaned my head against the window panting. I held onto Robs hand the whole way there. we finally got to the hospital. Rob got a wheelchair and the nurse took us straight back to a room. they helped me into bed and hooked a fetal monitor to me

"Can you call doctor Winger please? shes my ob"

"Of course."

Nurses were bustling all around me. Rob came in with Peyton, setting her on a chair. he came over and kissed my head and held my hand. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I know your scared Kris. its all going to be alright."

"Are you sure?"

"whatever happens, happens Kristen. and we will get through this"

The nurse spoke

"Kristen, your babies are in distress. we cant wait for your doctor, we have to get them out now."

I panicked. holding onto to Robs hand stronger. he kissed me

"Ok, we need to move now" the nurse yelled at one of her assistants.

"I love you Kristen. I will try and be there."

"Please...I'm scared" I cried

"it will be ok."

Before I knew it I was being wheeled away from my family.


I was freaking out. I got my phone out and called Jules


"Jules I need you at the hospital. Kristens water broke and the babies are in distress and they are doing a emergency c-section and I cant be there, I have noone to watch peyton and kristen is scared."

"Ok im on my way"

"Ok thank you Jules bye,"

I put my phone in my pocket and cried into my hands. Peyton was asleep next to me. a nurse came in

"Do you want me to watch her so you can be with your wife?"


"Yes, I have 2 kids of my own."

"Thank you so much" I said as I got up. "Kristens mom is coming to watch her."


I ran down the hallway towards to OR. a nurse was standing outside the OR.

"Are you Robert Pattinson?" she asked me

"Yes, how are they?

"They just started, here put these scrubs on and scrub up."



I'm scared as hell, they just got the drape over me. I really need Rob here..

"Ok Kristen were going to get strated" one of the doctors said to me.

"ok" I squeaked


I got everything on and the nurse led me into the OR. Kristen was laying there and you could tell she had been crying, and was terrified. she looked over and saw me and you could see some of the relief come over her. I went over to her and took her hand into mine as the nurse brought a chair up,

"how you doing hun?"

"I'm ok, just scared and relieved your here. I'd hate for you to miss this birth too" she nervously giggled

"I wouldnt miss it for the world"

"who's with Peyton?"

"a nurse volentereed to watch her"

"Normally I would be pissed that you left our daughter with a stranger but right now I'm extremely relieved"

I giggled at that.

"Ok taking baby A out" the doctor announced

I looked at Kristen who had tightened her grip on my hand to the point it was shaking, closed her eyes and held her breathe. and as for me. I was holding my breath too. a few seconds later we heard a cry, that gradually got louder

"It's a boy" the doctor announced. I looked over at Kristen who had tears going down her face.

"One out one more to go" I whispered to her. she nodded her head.

"Were going to take him to the Nicu" the nurse said. he brought him over to us so Kristen could see him. "Hi Elias, I love you" Kristen said to our son with tears in her eyes. the nurse took Elias to the nicu and the doctors were working on getting our daughter out.

"Ok, getting baby B out" the doctor announced

Kristen held her breath again. a few seconds later we heard another cry. but this one was not like her brothers. It was very weak and labored like she was struggling to breathe. they immediatly took her to the Nicu.

"Go be with them Rob" please she begged me

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, there just going to stitch me up and get me to a room and I dont Elias and Hadley alone. please?"

"Of course I will." I kissed her. "I love you"

"I love you too."

I left the OR and headed down down to the NICU to find my children

Elias Mathew Pattinson
September 23rd 2013
3lb 4oz
17 inch

Hadley Hope Pattinson
September 23rd 2013
2lb 7oz
17 1/2 inch

Together Forever is the best way! (sequel to The start of forever)Where stories live. Discover now