Telling him

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Previously in this series
Here i am sitting in the bathroom against the wall crying
In my hand i have the one thing that changes my Iife forever....and its postive
Im pregnant. Again. Oh god. Im terrified to tell Rob. What the hell am i going to do?
Please read The Start Of Forever first please

I grabbed the hand towel off the counter and wiped my tears as I stood up. I naturally placed my hand on my stomach. I will admit. It will be nice being pregnant again, I missed it when Peyton was inside of me but a part of me couldn't help but fear what Rob would say, how will he react to me being pregnant again and us having another child?. These thoughts swirled my mind as I left the bathroom and found Peyton playing in the livingroom. And Rob was making breakfast.

I went over and sat on the floor with Peyton and played blocks with her until Rob said that breakfast was done. I got her into her highchair and joined Rob for breakfast. A familiar sensation came up in my throat and I pushed it down as much as I could, Rob would know right away what's going on if I suddenly just threw up. I grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge and chugged that down as much as I could to get the sensation down. After a few minutes I couldn't hold it down anymore.

I'll be right back I said to rob as I made my way upstairs to the bathroom and relieved all my stomach contents into the the toilet. Trying to do it as quietly as possible. I slid back and sat against the wall, panting. This was deja vu all over again. I smiled. Knowing there was once again a life inside me. I slowly got up and went into our room. Looking at my little bump that was starting to form in the mirror. I took a picture and sent it to Nikki.

Kristen!!! Is this what i think it is? -Nikki

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Kristen!!! Is this what i think it is? -Nikki

Uh....maybe ;) -Kristen

Oh my god! Your pregnant aren't you? -Nikki

Yes!!!! -Kristen

Congratulations!! How is Rob taking this? -Nikki

Well, I haven't told him yet. I just found out like an hour ago and to be honest Nikki, I'm scared to tell him. -Kristen

I understand Kristen but you have too. He is the baby's father. -Nikki

I know I just don't want it to end up like last time. -Kristen

I know Kristen. Just tell him and see how it goes, we will all support you. -Nikki

Thank you. I guess now is the best time. -Kristen

Go for it tiger! Let me know how it goes. -Nikki

I will ;) -Kristen

I threw my sweatshirt back on and headed back downstairs. Rob was feeding Peyton. I went over to him.

"Hey Rob, can I talk to you in private?"

He looked at me concerned. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is ok..... I think."

He gave Peyton the plate of food and followed me up to the bathroom. He sat on the bed. I looked at him not sure how to tell him.

"Rob please don't freak out when I tell you this....I'm pregnant"

"You are?"

"Yeah," and then I handed him the pregnancy test.

"Kristen"....I looked at him for any sign of his reaction. All the sudden he jumped up and pulled me into him, kissing me. "So I take it your not mad?"  I said after we pulled apart.

"Why would I be?"

"I was just scared you would be."

"Kristen, I know last time didn't go at all well but I'm happy about this. I truly am."

"I'm glad" I said as tears came to my eyes, I brushed them away. "And so the hormones begin" I giggled

He giggled too." Yeah, how far along are you?"

"Well according to the test I took 8-9 weeks. Here." I took his hand sliding It under my sweatshirt and shirt. He felt my bump and immediately smiled. I took my sweatshirt off revealing my growing bump. He looked down placing his hand on my stomach. He looked into my eyes and I could see the devotion to his family already. We looked into each others eyes not saying a thing. Everything that was to be said was already being said as we looked at eachother

"I have an appointment for in a couple days."

"That's fantastic. Wow two kids eh?"

"Yeah that's what i was thinking."

"Dont worry, your an amazing mother to our daughter and you will be to this baby too and the both of them."

"Thank you...I needed to hear that." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him.

We made out for a few seconds until we heard crying downstairs.

"She must be done." I said as we pulled away.

"Yeah." We headed downstairs and I got Peyton out of the highchair, setting her on the floor as I cleaned her mess up and Rob cleaned her up. We make a pretty good team.

Together Forever is the best way! (sequel to The start of forever)Where stories live. Discover now