Surgery day

342 11 1

5 days later January 23rd 2014



Our alarm clock went off. we had to be at the hospital by 6:30. I get out of bed and go to the closet to change into a sweater with jeans and a cute pair of boots.

 I get out of bed and go to the closet to change into a sweater with jeans and a cute pair of boots

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my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and saw it

I'm here -Mom

my mom was here, she was going to watch Elias and Peyton while Rob and I were at the hospital most of the day with Hadley. I headed downstairs to let her in while Rob was in the shower

"Hey, mom," I said as I opened the door

she hugged me. "hey, baby..."

"I gotta go get Hadley ready, trying to keep her asleep since she can't have anything to eat or drink."

"yeah that's not going to be fun"

"no, not with a 6-month-old." I headed back upstairs and to the nursery. Hadley was still asleep. I stood there not sure how to do this without waking her until absolutely necessary. I leaned down into the crib and carefully scooped her up into my arms. she stirred and whimpered.

"Shh, baby go back to sleep" I whispered in her ear. I went over the other side of the nursery and changed her diaper and made sure the diaper bag was packed. Rob came in as I slung the bag over my shoulder and picked Hadley up.

"Are you ready?" he asked me

"As ready as I will ever be" I sighed

We headed downstairs, my mom came up and kissed Hadley

"Good luck you guys"

"Thank you," I smiled nervously

Rob grabbed my purse off the coffee table and we headed out. we arrived at the hospital, I took the bags while Rob grabbed Hadley who thankfully was still asleep. I went up the reception desk

"How may I help you?" the way too cheerful lady asked me

"Here to check my daughter in for surgery the name is Hadley Pattinson"

"She typed it into the computer"

"Date of birth?"


"Alright, have a seat and you will be called shortly"

"Thank you," I went back to my family. I laid my head on Rob's shoulder as he passed Hadley to me. we were called back a few minutes later, Rob put his arm around me sensing my distress as we were taken to a pre-op room.

"Please get her into the gown that's on the bed and I will be right back"

"OK," I said. I laid Hadley on the bed and slowly got her undressed careful to try and not wake her. I got her out of her sleeper and into the gown.

"I can't believe she is sleeping through this" Rob said

"Yeah same here, but I'm glad because I know if she was awake. she would probably be crying"


I climbed onto the bed and laid back with Hadley against my chest. A few minutes later a nurse came in and did vitals on her and asked us some general questions about allergies, last time she ate, more questions like that. She finally left and Hadley started to wake up.

"Hey, sweetie," I whispered to her as she looked around and whimpered

She leaned back into me and grabbed her gown, bringing it to her mouth and started chewing on it

"I'm just going to let her if it helps" I giggled

Rob shook his head in agreement

The Anesthesiologist came in and talked to us about different options

"Let's do the not putting her through the torture of being held down."

"Very well, the nurse will be in." she left and I looked at Rob tears coming to my eyes. He came over and put his arm around me

"Is it bad to say I'm kinda scared?"

"No Kris, I'm scared too. But she has made it this far so far hasn't she? I know she will be ok"

"Yeah," Hadley began crying. "Shit," I muttered under my breath because I knew exactly why she was crying.

"Hadley, I know baby...I'm sorry you can't eat anything love. And so it begins" I said to Rob

"Yeah," he took Hadley from me and walked around the room with her. The nurse came in and Rob laid Hadley back on the bed. I went up to rob, I'm going to go to the bathroom I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and nodded, knowing exactly why I was saying that. I left and headed down to the bathroom.

5 minutes later.

I shut my phone off and headed back to the room, Rob was holding Hadley calming her down. I went and brushed my hand against her cheek. "Hey, baby," I whispered to her. I went over to the chair and put my phone in my pocket as I sat down, I looked at Rob

"Thank you," I said

"I knew you weren't sticking around to see that"

"Nope. I feel bad that I'm leaving you to deal with needles but let's face it, I can't handle it. I remember when Hadley was in the NICU I almost would pass out and I would break down crying,"

"I know hun, I know you can't handle them even when you're the one getting them so I don't mind, I was surprised you stayed for Hadley's last time."

"I forced myself but after that, I was done." I giggled.

"yeah." Hadley had fallen back asleep against robs shoulder.

45 minutes later.

Hadley was still asleep on the bed when the surgeon came in, Doctor Allen Loophole he calls himself. He went over what to expect during and after surgery and then stepped out. A nurse came in a few minutes later

We are giving her this to relax her she said, she went over and inserted the syringe into Hadley's Iv. Hadley stirred and whimpered, the nurse stepped out and I went over to the bed and took Hadley into my arms, I had to hold my baby. I laid back on the bed with her, and I could feel her body relax. Maybe a little too much. Her monitor started beeping.

"What's going on?"I asked Rob

"Nothing serious love, her heart rates a little low but that's probably from the medication."

The nurse came in and clicked a few buttons and then left. I relaxed and almost fell asleep with our little girl against me

20 minutes later

The nurse came in, I had taken my position back in the chair as Hadley was asleep in the bed

"It's time," she said, my breathing hinged.

"We need her to be awake for this," she said. She came over and shook Hadley awake. Hadley immediately cried. I got up and went over to her taking her into my arms

"Hey, sweetheart, it's ok mommy, and daddy are right here love."

"Ok, this is the anesthesia that will put her under" the nurse said. Rob got up and came and sat with us. He put his arm around my shoulders. She inserted the needle and counted down right before she put the stuff in. we love you baby was the last thing I said to her before her body went limp in my arms and her noises stopped. I stood up and handed my baby over to the nurse. Rob and I both kissed our daughter

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