We just need faith....

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I got moved into the maternity ward. Grimacing slightly when I put the head of the bed up. The nurse came in and checked my stitches and asked me some questions. All I could think about were my children.

"Can i ask you something?"


"Is my other daughter still in the waiting room down there..a nurse was watching her and my mother was suppose to come and take over but I don't know know what ended up happening."

"I'll find out and send them up. Names?"

"Peyton Pattinson and Jules Stewart"

"Ok I'll be right back."

"Ok" I said as I grabbed my phone off the table.


I got down to the NICU. I watched through the window as they hooked intimidating machines Into and onto my children. After what felt like forever, a doctor came out and talked to me.

"Are you the father?" He asked me


"Ok, let's go to my office."

I looked back at my children and followed him to his office, he shut the door and had me sit down and I knew this wasn't good.

"I thought this would be better to do here. Let's start with your son. He doesn't need as much oxygen as your daughter so he does not have a breathing tube, actually besides some minor breathing problems and possible heart issues he seems to be doing good and most likely will make a full recovery. Your daughter on the other hand is very sick, collapse lung and severe breathing difficulties that require her to be on a ventilator. We have sedated her in hopes it wil help her recover. Also right before we sedated her we notice that she is blind, we don't know yet what extent it's at but it's severe. Robert, I want you and your fiance to realize, your daughter might not make it."

Those words came crashing down on me. I knew I had to tell Kristen but I wasn't sure how too...

"I understand" I said,

"I'll take you to see your children".

"Ok." He took me Into the room. You could hear Elias little soft cry. Everything had to be scary to him. I went next to him trying not to cry myself. "Hey buddy, daddy's here." I stood there running my hand through his hair. He slowly calmed down and fell asleep. I turned to look at Hadley, she was pale white, in fact she could pass as a vampire. If it wasn't for her chest going up and down. You would have thought she was already dead. My phone buzzed. I pulled my phone out it was a text from Kristen

They are bringing Peyton up to me, how are the babies??? -Kristen

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I texted her back

Ok and I need to talk to you in person about the babies. -Rob

I put my phone back in my pocket and said goodbye to my children and let the nurse know I was going to see Kristen


When I got that text from Rob I panicked. I know this wasn't going to be good. A few seconds later the door opened and my mom came in with Peyton

"Is it alright if I set her next to you?" I had plenty of space.

"Yeah, she just can't climb on my stomach."

My mom sat Peyton next to me and then sat on the edge of my bed.

"So how did everything go?" My mom asked.

"Well babies are in NICU and Rob texted me back saying he needed to talk to me in person. So I'm kinda freaking out."

"It will be ok, your kids are fighters."

"Thank you." A few minutes later Rob came in and the look on his face and I knew instantly something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Kris...I need you to not freak out and hurt yourself ok?"

"Rob your scaring me. Just tell me."

"I'll step out" my mom said reaching for Peyton

"No stay." I went to the chair that was next to Kristen's bed and took her hand into mine "Ok Kristen I'm not going to lie to you, Hadley might not make it."

"W-what's wrong?" She asked shaking

"She has a collapsed lung. They have her sedated and she can't breathe on her own at all so she is on a ventilator and she is also blind"

"Oh my god! What about Elias?"

"He has minor breathing problems. He is not sedated and not on a vent. Honestly he's doing good. He was crying when I went in there. He fell asleep as I talked to him."

"That's good"...she shook her head. "I can't lose Hadley."

"If she's like you, she will be ok."

Kristen half smiled

"Can I see them?"

"I'll ask the nurse ok?"

She nodded

A few minutes later a nurse came in with Rob

"You won't be able to see them until tomorrow." I looked at her like she was crazy. "You lost a lot of blood and if we try and move you now we could set off internal bleeding"

I turned to Rob

"Will you"....He finished my thought

"Yes I'll stay with them"

"Thank you"


I left the room and headed back down to the NICU. Elias was asleep. I went and took a picture of the babies and sent them to Jules.


My phone buzzed. I opened my messages and saw that Rob had sent pictures of the babies.


I handed her my phone. She looked at it and smiled..tears coming to her eyes


My mom handed me her phone. Rob had sent pictures of our children. They are beautiful. Seeing Hadley made me want to be with them more. I felt the tears coming to my eyes. My mom came over and sat by me. Peyton was asleep next to me.

"Everything will be ok Kristen"

"I know but still....this is scary"

"Yes it is. Why don't you take a nap. You look tired"

"Yes I am" I said as I put the head of the bed down. Peyton stirred and cuddled more into me. I closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

Together Forever is the best way! (sequel to The start of forever)Where stories live. Discover now