First Night

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I headed over to my closet changing into some pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt, grabbing my purse.

"Ok, I'm off"

"Ok, I love you" Rob said as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, I pulled away and kissed Elias who was in Rob's arms. "Bye Elias, mommy will be back soon. I love you too" I looked at Rob

"Bottles in the fridge, I pumped two for him and while I was already pumping, I pumped 3 bags for Hadley"


"See you guys later," I headed out. When I got to the hospital, I headed to the nurse's station and dropped off the bags of milk and headed to Hadley's room. I spent the next 2 hours sitting by Hadley's side. Holding her hand and talking to her. we found out that she has severe Septic shock which is why things happened last week. they told us they are not waking her up anytime soon. when it got to be 8 pm I stood up and kissed her. "Goodnight baby, momma loves you" and headed out. when I got home, Rob was sitting on the couch with Elias asleep in his arms.

"Your turn" I whispered

He handed Elias over to me.

"How is she?" he asked me

"Same, where's Peyton?"

"Asleep, in our bed"


"See you later" he said as he kissed me

He left and I headed upstairs with Elias, heading into the bedroom. Peyton was sprawled out on our bed, I laughed and headed over to my side and slid in, holding Elias against my chest. I slid down under the covers, carefully laying Elias next to me. I turned over wrapping my arm around the both of them. Elias started fussing, trying to move. I gently scooted him closer to me, right against my chest and he nestled himself and fell back asleep. I closed my eyes trying to get at least a tiny bit of sleep. over the last week, I have gotten maybe 9-10 hours.

30 minutes later.

Elias started crying from next to me. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. "Hey, don't cry love, mommy's here." I picked him up cradling him in my arms. "Are you hungry bud? did you not eat when I was gone?" I scooted back a little and got him eating. Peyton was starting to wake up, she crawled over to my lap and curled up. I silently giggled and rubbed her back with my free hand.

10 minutes later

Elias got done eating and I moved him so his head was on my shoulder and burped him. I sat there taking in everything. My daughter sleeping peacefully in my lap, my son sleeping against my shoulder. the fact I was not going to be moving anytime soon. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and decided to call Nikki.

Hey Nikki

Hey, Kristen what's up? you have fallen off the face of the earth the past couple weeks. haven't heard from you

Yeah, I'm sorry about's been a stressful and crazy couple weeks

why? whats been going on?

I had the babies

Really??? you're not due for like how many weeks?

it would be 11 now and yeah, they were extremely early

How are they?

Elias is good, he came home today. he's actually asleep on me right now. Hadley, it's hard to talk about, she's not doing good. There were some complications after birth and she didn't wake up until the day after they were born and she seemed to be stable but then last week she went into septic shock and she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. she's been sedated ever since.

Oh, my god! how are you holding up?

Well, this is my first time home for more than a couple hours in a week, and I'm running off of 9-10 hours of sleep the last week. does that tell you anything?

Oh lordy Kristen. you shouldn't do that to yourself

I know...its just nerve wrecking and I'm scared that I'm going to lose Hadley.

I know Kristen, but you have to take care of yourself too and your other family members.

I know

Where's Rob?

"At the hospital with Hadley. I was there for a couple hours tonight so it's his turn." All the sudden I smelled something, I looked at Elias and at Peyton

"Ok, which one of you pooped?"

Nikki started laughing on the other end of the line. I felt Elias's bottom and quickly determined it was him.

"Hey, Nikki, I gotta go."

"ok sounds good, talk to you soon"

"Yep." I hung up and quickly realized I had a problem. I laid Elias on the bed next to me where he started crying. I moved Peyton off of me, placing her on the bed next to me. I got up off the bed and headed over to the drawer that was on the other side of the room. I quickly changed Elias and laid him in the bassinet that was next to our bed, making sure he was warm and settled, I climbed back into bed and slowly fell asleep.

40 minutes later

I felt arms wrap around me. At first, I thought It was Peyton. I slowly turned and opened my eyes squinting against the light.

"Go back to sleep love, it's just me." Rob said as he kissed me.

I moaned in response and closed my eyes, I quickly fell asleep.

2 hours later

I woke up to Elias's cries. I slowly sat up and reached into the bassinet picking him up. "Hey buddy, your ok" I said to him as I scooted back on the bed and lifted my shirt up. I laid my head back against the headboard as Elias ate from me. The lack of sleep was catching up with me, deep down I knew I had run myself down. I slowly got off the bed with Elias still eating and headed into the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror, wishing that I hadn't. My hair was a tangled mess, I had purple rings around my eyes, I didn't even look like myself and I knew I had only myself to blame. I stood there swaying side to side looking in the mirror and back down at Elias. I had really let myself go over the past week and some before that I guess you could say. I sighed and shut the light off, making my way back to bed. Elias had fallen back asleep in my arms, I slowly moved him up again my shoulder and burped him. when he finally burped I carefully laid him back in the bassinet. when I made sure he wasn't going to wake back up I slid down pulling the covers over me and laid my head on Rob's chest and fell asleep.

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