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1 month later

Production was wrapping up for Camp-Xray, the past month and a half have been grueling since I am the main protagonist of this movie, I was often working 12-16 hour days and was often gone before the kids got up and home after they were in bed. I decided that after this I was taking a lot of time off. My kids were not the only ones suffering from this, I missed them beyond belief. Don't get me wrong, I love working, I love my job but there comes a time in your life that you need to put your family first and the past month. I really have not been doing that. Whenever I had a chance during the day I would call rob and talk to my kids. Peyton would always ask when I was coming home and I would have to choke back tears as I came up with some kind of answer, not wanting to lie to her.

Today is the last day of filming, the cast have become my second family this past month. They have been so supportive of me and have had incredible patience with me. I got out of bed and made my way over to the closet, throwing on a cute t-shirt and cut off jeans, brushed my teeth and headed out.


We got filming around 8:30 and I stuck around for the wrap party. I had a couple of drinks, totally not enough to get me even buzzed so I was safe to drive. When I got home, Rob was sitting on the couch and Peyton was playing on the floor, I gave Rob a very confused look

"Why isn't she in bed?" I asked

"Momma!!!" She squealed and ran over to me. I picked her up and held her against me. Taking in the moment. I had missed this so much, I hadn't really seen her in over a month

"She wouldn't go to bed, she wanted to stay up and see you. She's like you, once she has an idea, there is no talking her out of it."

I laughed at that. Yes she is very much like her momma

"I missed you," Peyton whined to me

I got down on my knees and hugged her, tears coming to my eyes. "I missed you too baby, so much"

"Are you going to go away again??" She innocently asked me

I sighed, "not for a while Peyton, momma's not going anywhere."

I picked her up and headed to the couch sitting by Rob. Peyton curled up against my chest and fell asleep.

"Do you want me to put her to bed?" Rob asked me

"No, I need this right now. I've missed them so much. I thought to be close was going to help but I guess not. I love my job Rob but, family is more important."

"I love you, and I know this was hard for you. It was hard on them too, Hadley keeps looking for you and so has Elias. I didn't tell you any of this because I didn't want you to quit the movie."

"I know I shouldn't but I really want to cuddle them right now,"

"You should,"


"You need this Kris, you really do. Trust me, they probably want to see you too,"

I sighed and got up, I headed upstairs to Peyton's room, laying her down.

"Goodnight sweetheart." She slowly opened her eyes and whimpered

"Momma, don't go!!!" She cried.

"I promise you, baby, I will be here in the morning, I'm not going anywhere," I said as I ran my hand through her hair. She closed her eyes and I wiped her tears. I slowly left and headed over to the nursery, the twins were now 7 months and they were getting so big. I went over to Hadley's crib where she was sound asleep.

"Hi, sweetheart," I whispered to her as I slowly picked her up. She whimpered and opened her eyes. She smiled and reached for my hair. "Let's go get your brother," I said to her as I turned around and went over to Elias. He was sprawled out in the crib, I reached down and slowly scooped him up into my other arm. He sighed but stayed asleep. I took them and headed back downstairs and headed over to where rob was on the couch. I sat down and leaned back resting both the twins on my chest. Hadley was awake and was coming, never taking her eyes off of me.

"Hi gorgeous" I whispered to her. She slapped her hand against my chest and squealed.

"I think someone is happy to see you" Rob giggled

I'd say so. You never know how much your children are affected until moments like these. We sat like that for a long time until I looked at the clock and saw it was already 1am and both the babies were asleep against my chest. I slowly got up and headed to the nursery, laying them down in their cribs. I turned the light off and headed to our room where rob was laying on the bed reading a book, I climbed in on my side and laid my head on his chest.

"So I was thinking, maybe we should go visit your parents. Get out of us for a little bit, as a family."

"Yeah, I like that idea. They haven't met the twins even over skype."

"Yep, that would be nice. We just need to get away for a little bit. It been a really hard month."

"I agree to love,"

"I love you, Rob, so much. Thank you for being my rock"

"Your welcome sweetheart." He said as he kissed me. "Thank you for being my everything!"

Together Forever is the best way! (sequel to The start of forever)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat