Gender reveal

428 12 1

22 weeks 5 months

Today is we find out the genders of our babies and then go over the rest of my care plans, limitations and work schedule. I get out of bed and jumped in the shower. Rob was down stairs with Peyton getting her ready to stay with my mom.

2 hours later 11am

Rob and I are sitting in the waiting room of the clinic, waiting for one of two things to happen. either the nurse is going to call us back or the paparazzi will beat them and turn this into some sick twisted shit that its not. as you can hormones are all over the place. everything that incident with the paps I have been trying to avoid them at all costs and stories have been coming out all over the place about random stuff and there still claiming these babies are not Robs. which is ludicrous, hes the only male I have EVER slept with.

"Miss Stewart?" the nurse called.

Rob and I stood up, hand in hand and followed her to a room. They took the routine blood tests and checked my vitals.

"How have you been feeling?"

"exhausted, irritable, normal pregnancy stuff"

"That's to be expected." she turned to Rob. "Anything different we should know about?"

He put his hands up, "I wouldn't know ma'am, this is my first time dealing with pregnancy stuff"

She looked at me confused. "I thought you had another daughter?"

"Yes we do"

"Is he the father?"

"Yes he is, it's a long story"

"Ah," she turned away and typed something into the computer. the doctor will be in shortly she said as she got up and left. I turned to Rob

"What the hell just happened?" I giggled

"Who knows anymore" he sighed.

We sat there for a few minutes until doctor Winger came in

"Good morning you two"

"Morning doc." I smiled

"Well everything looks good so far. climb onto the table."

I got up and took my shirt off this time and climbed onto the table. she get everything set up and got started. after a few minutes we heard our babies heartbeats and couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Are we finding out the genders today?"

I looked at rob. "Yes" I said. We had agreed that we wanted to know.

"Alrighty then...." she moved the probe around. "It looks like baby A is a ....boy!"

I broke down crying out of pure happiness.

"And baby B is a .....girl"

Rob and I hugged each other and didn't let go for what felt like a long time. the doctor handed me a towel and I cleaned up and headed back over to the chair.

"So what does your work schedule look like Kristen?" she asked me

"I just finished filming about 3 days ago and I don't have anything coming up except for promotional stuff but I talked to the director and he said if I need to miss some that's ok."

"I think it would be alright for you to do maybe 2 things a week as long as you feel good and its not too far away from here ok?"


"When you hit 30 weeks I will want you on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy, we need to do all that we can to ensure a safe delivery and healthy babies."

"Yes, that's what I was thinking and I don't think I want to take a chance doing anything, I think im going to take the rest of my pregnancy off of the stress of promotions. I want to keep these babies safe."

i"m leaving that decision up to you two."


"I want to see you back in say another 4 weeks when you hit 26 weeks to check on everyone and start planning the birth and go over what to expect and all that."

"Thank you that sounds good."

"No problem Kristen. see you then" the doctor said as she stepped out

I put my shirt back on and Rob and I headed out. we stopped by my moms to pick Peyton up.

"Hey you guys" my mom said while hugging me "how did it go?"

"Pretty good. im taking the rest of my pregnancy off of anything related to my job and here is the best part. " I handed her the ultrasound picture. "were having a boy and a girl"

She was shocked. "wow that's amazing you guys! congrats!"

"Thank you momma." I said as I hugged her.

I pulled away and went over to Peyton who was playing with her toys on the floor. I picked her up and went back over to Rob.

"Thank you for watching her" I said to my mom

"Anytime, shes really good."

Rob and I left and I got Peyton settled into the car. "did you have fun with grandma??" I asked her

"Yes!!!" she squealed. her vocabulary has dramatically increased within the last month. which im so happy about but also sad. it makes you realize how fast time goes. I was already half way through this pregnancy and Peyton was a year and 5 months. when we got home I sat Peyton on the floor as I went over and made something to eat. I was expecting to want to eat every minute of the day but that's not the case at all. I eat the normal 3 meals and sometimes just 2 and im often having to force myself to eat reminding myself im eating for 3 now. and with Peyton, I was eating constantly and craving all sort of weird shit. I joined my family in the living room and ate as Rob and Peyton played on the floor infront of me. I honestly wonder how I got this lucky and how things ended up working out in the end. a year and a half ago I would have never thought that I would be watching Rob play with his daughter or that I would be 22 weeks pregnant with his children. I finished up my plate and sat it on the table. I gently glided off the couch onto the floor and joined Peyton and Rob.

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