Making phone calls and throwing punches

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He went downstairs and I pulled my phone out and brought Christina's number onto the screen. This is a phone call I wasn't wanting to make. I clicked send and waited for her to answer

"Hello, Christina speaking"

"Hey Christina, it's Kristen"

"Kristen, how are you?"

"Um, not good actually. I was actually calling to ask if I could take the next few days off."

"Not a good idea Kristen, it will put the movie behind. Are you sick?"

"I don't know how to say this..."

"Kristen what's wrong, is everyone ok?"

"I had a miscarriage this morning, I lost one of my babies and I just need to be with my family right now."

"Kristen, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do help?"

"No, I got all the support I need right now, but if you could get me some time off I would appreciate it. I really don't think I would be much use on set right now. And plus I'm dealing with the physical after effects right now anyway."

"Ok hang in there him and I will call you back ok?..."

"Ok thank you so much."

"Your welcome, bye"


"I hung up and decide I had to make another hard phone call."

"Yes, hello. Could you put me through to Dr. Winger?"

"Sure, whom may I say is calling?"

"Kristen Stewart"

"Ok please hold."

I was on hold for a couple minutes..longest couple minutes.

"This is doctor Winger"

"Hello, it's Kristen"

"Kristen, how are you?"

"Well, it's over. I had the miscarriage this morning."

"I'm so sorry Kristen. Are you still having contractions?"

"They are starting to die down but yes, and I'm bleeding."

"Those are actually good signs. I want you to go to ER and get a ultrasound done to make sure that everything expelled and also to check on your other babies and make sure they are not in distress."

"Ok, sounds good. We buried him by the way."

"That's good you did that. How are you guys holding up?"

"As well as can be expected.. I'm trying to hold a lot of it in because I don't want to stress these babies out more than necessary"

"That's good Kristen.. don't be afraid to let some of your emotions out too."

"Ok thank you. Will you be in the Er or?"

"Yes I will meet you down there in say 30 min?"

"Ok that's perfect. See you later. Bye"

"Bye Kristen."

I hung up and texted Christina

Hey, talked to doctor, heading to emergency room please text me. Don't call. Thank you -Kristen

I put my phone in my pocket and went and changed out of my dress into a pair of leggings and a t shirt. I headed downstairs and found Rob, Peyton and my mom in the living room.

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