Meet the parents

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3 Days later
17 weeks


"Rob have you talked to your parents lately?" Kristen asked me

"No I haven't, last time I talked to them was when we were broken up."

she turned to me looking stunned

"So over a year ago?"

"Yeah and I never told them you were pregnant"

"They don't know about Peyton????"

"Nope, or that we got back together, or that your pregnant again or that were engaged or anything else"

"Are you trying to kill them"

I looked at her confused

"Think about it Rob, when you do finally tell them, they are going to be in shock and not to mention a little pissed to find out that they have a almost 1 1/2 year old grandchild they have never met."

"You do have a point. When do you think we should tell them?"

"Are they asleep right now"

"No they shouldn't be"

"Well then, what are you waiting for?" she laughed.

"I'll get them on and I will get you and Peyton after I shock them.."

"Good idea. I'll be in Peyton's room."

"Ok." I went over too the computer and rung my mom. She picked up after a few minutes and both my parents came onto the screen

"Hey mom and dad"

"Rob, long time, no chat!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. There has been a lot happening lately"

"Update us! Do you have a women now?"

"Well.....yeah....there is something I need to tell you"

"And what's that dear"

"I didn't tell you the real reason I left Kristen"

"Oh, whats the real reason?"

"She was pregnant..."

"And you left her Robert?! I thought we raised you better?"

"Yes but there's more"


"Brace yourself"


"So about 9-10 months later I talked to her after an interview she did about our daughter and I met my child and she was almost a month old at that time.. well fast forward to now. We are engaged, have a almost 1 1/2 year old daughter Peyton Jaymes Stewart and we have two more on the way. Kristen is currently 17 weeks pregnant with twins, originally triplets but she miscarried one. Ashton Delrousa at 12 weeks."

My parents just blinked. My mom was the first to speak

"So you have three children?"

I rolled my eyes. "Technically 4 mom..don't say 3 in front of Kristen please"

"Oh yeah sorry...just shocked"

"Knew you would be. Hang on, I'm going to get Kristen and Peyton I'll be right back"

I went to the nursery where Kristen was sitting in the rocking chair with Peyton reading her a book.

"Hey girls" I smiled.

"Hey how did they take everything?"

"They are still processing it all. But come on." I went and took Peyton from Kristen and put my arm around Kristen. We headed into our room.

"Hey Mr and Mrs Pattinson." Kristen said as she sat down.

"Hey honey how are you?"

"Tired but I'm ok. We want you to meet someone hang on."

Kristen stood up and I passed Peyton to her.

She sat back down.

"oh wow you guys she is adorable!"

"thank you" Kristen said. Peyton stared at the screen trying to figure out what was on it

"this is your other grandma and grandpa Peyton" I said to her. she looked at me confused

"she will get it eventually" Kristen said.

she sat Peyton on the floor, and pulled her shirt up revealing her bump.

"oh wow Kristen you look amazing" my mom said

"thank you. i feel ok for the most part, usual pregnancy stuff. at least this time I know what kind of to expect but somethings are new with carrying twins now"

"yes, its an amazing experience isn't it?"

"yes it truly is."

Peyton started coughing from where she was on the floor.

"Excuse me" Kristen said as she got up and picked Peyton up.

"Rob i'm going to give her a treatment, its been a few hours since she had one." she said to me as she left the room with Peyton

"everything alright Rob?" my mom asked me

"yeah, Peyton has pneumonia right now and so we have to do breathing treatments every 4 hours and Peyton will only let Kristen do them otherwise she would have let me take her."

"oh that makes sense. shes a mommy's girl"

"very much so" I laughed. "its actually really cute."

"I bet."

"listen i'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this earlier, we have just been enjoying each other and the first few months have been working on rebuilding our relationship. I feel bad that I missed her last pregnancy, because she has all the knowledge now and I have to ask her if stuff is normal"

"how much of her pregnancy did you miss?"

"pretty much all of it. she was 12 weeks when we found out and I left her 2 days later.
after I left she was scared and considered adoption for Peyton. I thought that it might be for the best which is one of the reasons I didn't come back and then she couldn't abandon our baby like I already had so she kept her. the whole situation was pretty fucked up and she can explain all that better than I can"

"Robert, you should not have put her through that hell"

"I know. there hasn't been a day I haven't felt like shit for doing that. I wasn't there when she needed me the most and it killed her."

"you learned your lesson and that's good. just don't do that again"

"not planning on it mom. not making the same mistake twice..i'm not losing my family."

"good, you have a special girl who took you back, even after all the shit that happened. you don't find many of those"

"no you don't, well i'm going to get going and spend some time with my family"

"OK love you Robert"

"love you guys too"

I shut the laptop and headed into the nursery where Kristen was cleaning the equipment and Peyton was playing with her toys on the floor. I went over to Kristen wrapping my arms around her, placing my hands on her bump. she turned and looked up at me smiling.

"I love you" I breathed into her ear

"I love you too."

"Ill take over here."

"are you sure?"

"yes, go take a bubble bath or something"

"that sounds good. I think Peyton is slowly getting better."

"I think so too. ill start the water for you"


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