Please, hold on baby girl :(

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2 am


I was jolted awake to my phone ringing. Who would be calling me at this hour?

"Hello?" I said softly

"Hello is this miss Stewart?"

"Yes it is"

"This is doctor Tetris from the hospital."

"Oh hello, doctor. Is everything alright?" I asked as my voice cracked

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your daughter went into cardiac arrest and started having seizures". I put my hand over my mouth as I started to cry. "She's been put back on the ventilator, she's stable now but things could change at any moment."

"Ok im coming, I'll be there"

"Ok see you then Miss Stewart."

I threw my phone down and shook Rob awake while crying.

"Whats wrong Kris?" he asked me in his sleepy state

"We need to go to the hospital NOW!"

"What's wrong? its 2 am"

"Hadley went into cardiac arrest, they just called me." I broke down as Rob took me into his arms. "they said she is stable..for now. shes back on the ventilator. I need to see her Rob I just have to"

"Ok ill call your mom and see if she can come watch Peyton and we will go down there, ok?"

"Yeah, I stayed in bed while Rob went and called my mom"


I went out into the hallway and called Jules


"Hi jules, its Rob, im sorry to wake you"

"Its ok, whats going on?"

"Kristen and I have to go to the hospital, Hadley went into cardiac arrest and we were wondering if you would come and watch Peyton"

"Of course you guys, ill be right there!"

"Thank you"

I hung up and headed back into the bedroom, Kristen was sitting in bed with her legs up against her chest. I went over to her and put my arm around her. she turned and cried into my chest.


"Im scared Rob."

"its going to be ok Kris, shes going to be alright"

"How can you possibly be so sure?"

"Because she has a strong mother" he said as he kissed me.

My mom came about 10 minutes later, she came in and immediately hugged me

"Everything will be ok here, you guys should get going."

"Yeah," I said as I grabbed my purse.

The ride there was silent, there wasn't anything I could say without breaking down. I had so many emotions running through me. we got there and Rob put his arm around me as we headed in. since It was so late, we had to go through the ER. we finally got to the NICU, we went up to the desk and checked in. the doctor came over to us.

"Sorry to get you guys out of bed at this hour."

"How is she?" I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair. a habit I had picked up from Rob

"Shes stable for now, she was fine then all the sudden her monitors went off and she was seziuring and her heart was failing. She coded for a few seconds but we were able to bring her back."

"Can we see her?"

"Right this way."

They took us to the room they had her in, they had moved her out of the room she had shared with elias. Rob had his arm around me as we went in, I was not at all prepared for what I was about to see. Hadley looked worse than when I saw her the first time. She was pale white, multiple ivs coming out of arms, legs, head, neck. She had two huge tubes going into her chest full of blood, she was back on the vent except it was larger. They had her sedated. I turned around burying my head Into Rob's shirt, crying.

The doctor spoke up

"We have her sedated, she probably will be for a while."

"Why did this happen?"

we honestly don't know ma'am, we are running cultures down to the lab, but right now it looks like possible Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy which is a heart disease or it could also be sepsis, which could be caused by cross contamination of her lines. We wont know anything until the results come back.


I looked at Kristen, she was pale white. I wish I could read her mind. I wish she didn't have to see this, no mother should have to face this.

Hey babe, why don't you go and see elias for a few minutes while I talk to the doctor

she pulled away from me and looked up at me. her eyes were red and she was sniffling. ok..she managed to say. she walked out of the room.

so give it to me straight doc, whats her chances of survival?

25% and even if she survives she could have brain damage.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair.


I left the room and leaned against the wall and let everything I held back out. I couldn't break down in there, I had to be strong for Hadley. she needs me more than ever. it killed me seeing my baby like that, I know that they don't want to tell me the reality of it all but it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I slowly make my way down to Elias's room, I went in and went over to him. he was awake and looking around.

"Hey buddy," I whispered to him as I gave him my finger.

The nurse came in and was startled when she saw me

"Oh, sorry I didn't know you were here."

I smiled a little, "its ok..."

"I was just about to feed him, do you want to?"

"sure, thanks." she handed me the bottle and I sat in the chair. she carefully laid him in my arms and I sat there feeding my son, we both just stared into eachother eyes. he was helping me calm down a lot. I didn't even notice Rob come in

"Hey hun," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Jesus, you scared me!"

he giggled. "sorry"

"Its ok" I smiled.

"How are you holding up?" he asked me

"I'm hanging in there, Rob, I don't want you guys hiding stuff from me. I know this isn't good, I'm not stupid. her chances aren't good are they?" I asked as I slowly looked up at him

"About 25%. listen Kris, I wasn't planning on telling you that because you shouldn't have to worry about this and I know this is killing you."

"It is, we already lost one child, I cant lose another one Rob."

"I know Kris, I know. I cant either. we just have to be strong, strong for our family."

"Yeah,"  I breathed as I looked down at Elias who had fallen asleep in my arms.... "we have to be strong..."

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