Date Night

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We went upstairs, Rob went ahead of me and pulled something out of the suitcase and turned around

"I brought this for you." he smiled

"You had this planned, didn't you?" I ask him


I smiled as I went into the bathroom to change. When I came out Rob had changed into a suit, he came over and put his arm around me

"You ready to go?" He breathed into my ear


"Where are we going?" I asked Rob when we got in the car

"You will see," he said


We pulled onto the side of the street, Rob got out and came around to my side. Opening my door,

"Where are we?" I whispered

"Eye of London sweetheart!" He quipped with a smile.

He took my hand and led me around the block, leading me to a breathtaking view. There was a walkway filled with blue sparkly lights that lit up the pavement, Rob took my hand and led me into a coffee shop, ordering a couple cups of hot cocoa. We took them and went out to the walkway.

"This is beautiful" I breathed

"I knew you would like this. I got us a couple of tickets for the Ferris wheel."

"You didn't!"

"Yes. and we can stay on there as long as you like."

"Sounds goods."

We took some pictures among the lights and ran around like we were young again, I'm coming up on 24 and Rob is coming up on 27. Now I know everything thinks that were still kids and were still young but the truth of it all is that once you have kids, you're not young and free anymore. I haven't been since I was 21 and I wouldn't change a thing, your more grounded and it's helped me know the true meaning of life. Get my priorities straight and realize life is not all about working and to stop and enjoy the moments. When I had Peyton it opened my eyes in ways that without her, I would have still been my naive self. It is crazy, two years ago I would have never thought I would be strolling around London with my Fiance while his parents watched our 3 kids back home. Looking back on it I laugh, how things could be very different.

Rob took my hand and led me over to a bench that was in between the lighted trees, he pulled me onto his lap, skimming his hands down my sides as he planted his lips against mine. He slowly laid back on the bench, pulling me with him. Next thing I knew I was on top of him as we made out. His tongue making its way into my mouth as I attacked his, I started breathing heavy as my body reached the climax. I knew we couldn't do anything here, not on a bench in the middle of a walkway. I gently pulled myself off of him so we didn't take it too far. I was panting as I sat up

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